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  1. I earned my purchased glory, dang it!

  2. NuclearToast

    Pieces of Win

    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    All of the costume/aura/emote unlocks (save for Ascension armor if you want to save that as Incarnate-only) in the Empyrian Merit and Astral Merit stores.
    It'd be nice if we could access these on a new character in the costume creator. Right now, I have to create the character, then log in, then Claim All in my email, wait for the message spam to complete, then switch characters and email myself some influence, then switch back and go to Ms Liberty to change my costume to what I wanted using the components I already "own".

  3. I remember when you couldn't change your costume at all! You kids and your trainers-with-tailors, I tell you what.

  4. NuclearToast

    So I tried...

    Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
    Oh, must be because of my quad-SLI setup. When I use the normal in-game screen shot option I end up capturing an image that was cached on one of my video cards from moments before.
    You are the 1%! Occupy SLI!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Hegemon View Post
    Also, the LFG tool needs to work. I haven't been able to use this to get on an Incarnate trial with any success since the week the system was first released. I don't know what the deal is, but that thing lies to me - it often claims to take less than five minutes to start an event, but I've sat in the queue for over an hour with no nibbles.
    YES YES YES. I've tried several times just to join things on my own, and the window says how many minutes I can expect to wait, but I have NEVER gotten into a LFG-window-event without already being on a team/league. The thing is STUPID.

    Then there's the whole confusion over locking leagues and teams. We had someone get DCed last night while loading, and then couldn't rejoin. AT ALL. The mechanics of the LFG window need some help.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    I'm no fan of the current trend towards overly-ornate armor.
    One reason I've not bothered to get the Ascendent armor pieces. Moar tights!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    NPC chatter and "cutscene captions"; they are two separate channels.
    Yes, I add both these tabs to all my characters. Then I can see what I missed during the event/mission pandemonium.

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Instead, it's going to be Darth Vader versus Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, Billy Dee Williams, C3P0, R2D2, Porkins, Admiral Ackbar, Jar Jar Binks, Kirk, Spock and half the the Rebel Alliance forces all crammed into one room, running from colored patches on the ground and obeying the red text.
    I LOLed. Running from patches like an Incarnate.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
    Of course, people were willing to pay $50 because of their rarity and the ability to wow your team-mates with a semi-unique ability. Now that everyone and their dog can have the costume, that aspect goes out the window.
    Fair enough. Once they were unique and indicated you'd been to a con/meet (or could buy them from someone who had), now they're common.

    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    I turned on a Hellion ToT costume that dropped on my Beam Rifle Blaster. The rifle was invisible, even when firing, while that costume was running.
    Interesting. I originally typed here that all my temp costume powers showed weapons, but I decided to log on quickly and check. My characters' weapons show on 2 of the 6 male temps: IDF Ranger, Clockwork, but not PPD Hardsuit, Praetorian Police, Rikti, or Freakshow Tank. Weird. (I don't have the female temps on my male characters, and was too lazy to do an exhaustive comparison.)

    Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
    So I couldn't use Hide? (I main a Stalker)

    The ToT temp costumes allowed me to stealth
    I don't have a stalker. All I know is, turning on Stealth, Steamy Mist, Shadow Fall, Superior Invisibility all cause the temp costume power to shut off and the character's power to come on. If you try to turn on the temp costumer power while one of those is running, you get a message in chat that you can shape shift while stealthed.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
    So yeah, it's not *really* sending you to Croatoa; it just wants you to talk to the Field Analyst that is in Croatoa. He is the same one that's in Steel Canyon though. It does need to be fixed to point to the correct location though; it'd be nice if they fixed the Ms. Liberty one too.
    Yes, it would be nice to fix that, since Steel Canyon is a lot less deathy than Croatoa at that level.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    Praetorians are not and should not be the only Incarnate content. I understand the devs want to tell a story, but the Incarnate trials should be balanced. For every one Praetorian-oriented trial, there should be one of something else - some other world-shattering threat. Army of Rikti poised to land an invasion force on our Earth? Epic. Rularuu the Ravager preparing to devour our world? Hequat preparing to return to our dimension and wipe out the bloodline of Mu? Crey's latest Code Merlin is REALLY BAD? These are situations that call for Earth's mightiest superpowered beings.
    Want SO badly!

    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    -The mechanics of the Incarnate Trials are decent enough. The window dressing sucks. And there need to be a few 8-person trials to counterbalance the horrendously bloated 24-person trials.
    So I completed my first successful Underground Trial last night. And you know what sucked? With 24 versions of AT and Incarnate powers firing off, I could barely see this beautiful map, often having to trail behind the mob to sightsee. And we were more than halfway through the iTrial before I realized the Greater Devoureds I'd been targeting were different from the ones I'm use to in standard DE missions. Then, the Avatar went down so fast (seriously, less than a minute) that the only look at it was from the cutscene.

    One reason the Halloween trial is so fun is that you can see the set pieces. (And I love Sparky McAV's "pound pound pound" attack.)

    I agree with Smerch. Smaller trials.

  11. Is this new music available on the site somewhere? I know I have a copy of the old old stuff...

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I, frankly, agree that it's silly we now get godlike powers... but have nothing to do with them on our own. We have two choices - be overpowered and run a 5 minute ITF, or be underpowered and need 20 others to run a trial.
    It's ironical. The more powerful we get, the weaker we seem to be...

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The good news: Second Measure told Black Scorpion to implement Shape-shifting.

    The bad news: Second Measure doesn't enunciate well, and we're getting Sheep-shifting in I22.
    Capslock is cruise control for SHEEP.

  14. While I'm not a fan of this change, since I like the blank slate starting position, it's easy to clear, as mentioned above.

    But I think it was done for two reasons:

    1. To help spur new players to discover good costume combinations (as Sam said above).
    2. To make it harder to spot goldfarmer/spambot characters.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canadian_Medbot View Post
    I believe these are the convention costumes, not the ToT available ones. Only downside is weapons are invisible when in costume, oddly the nem staff , blackwand and ghost axe are not.
    Weapons are NOT invisible. As I own all the costume codes, I've used them many times over the years on all my characters, especially those that don't use Stealth-type powers (which cancel out the costumes and turn them off).

    Originally Posted by HardRider View Post mean temp powers we get at halloween?
    These are actually "temp" powers that you keep forever and can use on every character in your account.

    The Rikti's blue accents light up in the dark.

    The PPD Hardsuit is great if you have the Flight pool, as his rocket boots fire thrust in both Hover and Fly. Also, the yellow accents light up in the dark.

    The Harlequin is kinda meh, but I got it at HeroCon, so who was I to say no?

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    At this point, I feel like I can take or leave the Incarnate system as a whole and never look back if I don't want to.
    I want to call out this little gem. This idea is crack that I think could really divide the player base.

    Did I grind BAF and Lambda? Yes, because I wanted the costume bits. Did I stop once I'd earned enough Empyreans to buy them? Yes. I've run dozens and dozens. And in all that time, I have one +1 Alpha character, and my badger is +3 (Tier 3 enough for level shift).

    Why might this divide the players? With the requirement for higher-tier iPowers in the higher-tier iTrials, and the requirement to grind incessantly to GET those iPowers, is it any wonder that many people like myself are throwing up their hands? Especially when we can just go run an ITF or Katie Hannon and have fun?

    I won't try to justify the Incarnate Trials or process; to each there own, and I know lots of people love to trick out their characters. More power to you. But don't expect us all to follow you. And if the league requirements continue as they have, I don't envy you trying to get them together. You KNOW what a pain it is to get people now.

  17. For all the things I don't like about the current Beta implementation, I have to look at one positive: The development team has finally caught on to the idea of not creating another new currency.

  18. I noticed over the weekend I've received mine too. Although, with nothing new to buy at this point, it doesn't much matter to me. At this point.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    They are punishing us for running too many BAFs and Lams and not enough new content. Whether they follow through with the punishment or not, they have already threatened to punish us for our actions.
    You keep using that word. /Inigo

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    If I read it right he is saying he is cancelling his sub and moving from VIP to Premium and implying the majority will follow him. I could be wrong but that's how I read it.
    Does that mean these people won't be able to post on the forums any more?

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Then there's the people in between, the ones who have run the entry Trials enough to unlock the Lore and Destiny slots, but do not have enough Salvage to slot them with Rares for the cruical +2 Incarnate Shift, or those who are not interested in more difficult Trials but still want some of the Empyrean-only unlocks.
    That's me. I only ran iTrials for the costume bits (emotes, pieces, auras) that were available only with E-merits. After I got those, I stopped running the trials.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Its absolutely possible to diminish returns to the point where people quit caring. Words to the wise, and all that.
    I'm quoting this because (and for people that know me, their jaws have dropped), when =I= stop running content on my badger because it's just too hard or unfun, that's saying something. But it's to the point now that I don't need the badge that badly any more. No more Keyes, and one failed Underground and I'm done.

    To each their own.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    VIP's can get everything for free by exercising patience. The only people that end up paying money are the ones that desire instant gratification.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You see most of the world views being able to do more faster as being more powerful, and as a coincidence being more powerful is considered convenient.
    I say, Mimsy, the commoners are rabble rousing again. <sip>

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm not, but a lot of times when I say "there's a way to work around X" someone will come along and say "so are you saying the devs are perfect and everything is fine and blah blah blah" and then I have to waste time finding something shiny for them to play with.
    From this point on, when someone questions Arcanaville flippantly (without actually discussing her actual post/points), I will see the "you... my point" graph she linked to.
