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  1. Anyone else notice that the doors and footstep sounds in the AE building are different now?

    edit: its not just AE building. But it seems footsteps and other sounds in general have been improved.
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    No VEAT costume change emote? Hhmmm....

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    Nope... sux to be a bug-soldier of Arachnos, doesn't it?

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    I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

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    How about just making a big spinning Arachnos logo or something simple like a Red Mu Lightning blast.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I want one of those old fashioned deep sea diver helmuts and a gorilla suit.

    Yeah I've been watching really bad sci-fi movies.

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    Now that sir would be sexy. Combine that with a stop sign if they ever give us "Lost" costume pieces.
  4. "Experiment"

    You mix together some chemicals trying to boost the powers of your character or targeted friendly. (friendly must click accept on the popup window before you can do so)

    The following can occur:
    Buff self/friendly
    Debuff self/friendly
    Nothing happened...
    You randomly go Boom either instantly dying or taking a large amount of damage. (No debt just like Self destruct)

    What are the buffs / debuffs? Well you decide. Will they be similar to mystic fortune buffs?

    I was just thinking of how funny it would be for a science themed character, (A Mad scientist comes to mind) to have an experiment go wrong and cause a big boom!
  5. Its not a bad idea but I always wanted a VEAT Mastermind that could summon the many different arachnobots. With the arachnobot blasters being your "Protector bots" and the Toxic Tarantula being your "Assault bot" 2 Tarantulas as your first "Battle drone" and then 1 fire tarantula for each additional battle drone as your level.
  6. I'd like to see Apartments honestly. You pick the zone and just pick a random door in kingsrow for example. Your apartment would just be like a door mission. "Oh I like this area! It's not far from where the clockwork paladin usually hangs out. So I'll buy an apartment across the street from it"

    It would be a permanent mission in your active tasks and if you wanted to enter your apartment with or without friends, just set it as the active mission.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why is everyone ragging on was just a question.

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    Because our community members feel the need to roleplay forum moderators. Or to get that invisible badge that only they can see.

    Also to increase post counts and make people feel like idiots and not wanted on the forums.

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    And yet here you are padding your own post count while pretending to frown on everyone else.

    Pot meet kettle.

    I also like bacon.

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    Nope I was answering the question.

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    I disagree. Neither you, I, nor Defender answered the OP's question. All three of us are merely padding our post counts while talking to each other. None of us have attempted to answer the OP.

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    Just want to know when the double xp weekend is coming up so I can take some time off work...couldn't find it on the site....I think they usually do it in mid July....anybody know?

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    We are all guilty of doing the same thing.

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    You misunderstood. I was answering the question: "Why is everyone ragging on was just a question. "
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why is everyone ragging on was just a question.

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    Because our community members feel the need to roleplay forum moderators. Or to get that invisible badge that only they can see.

    Also to increase post counts and make people feel like idiots and not wanted on the forums.

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    sounds about right.

    So when is it, anyway?

    Seems a little foolish to puch a thread to 3 pages with posts that refuse to answer the OP's question. Regardless of how many times it's been asked, this is the most current and most accesible thread for people seeking info, and ignoring the thread might be more effective than bumping it with complaints about redundancy.

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    Oh believe me I'm not attacking the op like the others are. I'm pointing out that our community has too many jackasses in it that like to bully people on the forums and make them feel unwanted.

    I too would like to know if a double xp weekend is coming up and I hope it only works in official content so people will stop MA farming for awhile and do something a bit different.

    Why did I just post this? To again point out the jackasses and to show that I wasn't one of them incase my above post looked that way. I was just answering the quoted question lol

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    Why is everyone ragging on was just a question.

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    Because our community members feel the need to roleplay forum moderators. Or to get that invisible badge that only they can see.

    Also to increase post counts and make people feel like idiots and not wanted on the forums.

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    And yet here you are padding your own post count while pretending to frown on everyone else.

    Pot meet kettle.

    I also like bacon.

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    Nope I was answering the question.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Why is everyone ragging on was just a question.

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    Because our community members feel the need to roleplay forum moderators. Or to get that invisible badge that only they can see.

    Also to increase post counts and make people feel like idiots and not wanted on the forums.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Removing money from the game helps keep inflation down.

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    I lol'd. This must explain why the market is balancing itself.
  11. I know at start anyone could have it as a shoulder option even without the 21 month vetreward. I got my 21 month last night and was going to use a shoulder version of this cape and its not there. Intentional? Bug? If intentional, why was it completely removed?
  12. PCI or pciexpress? lol I wouldnt be surprised to meet someone using a pci video card in coh. I run into alot of people that take minutes to even load a mission.
  13. As long as I get to have the stop sign or yield sign on my chest and have a TV helmet thats all I care about. They should release those as costume pieces now anyway.
  14. When heroes can buy a raptor in Pi sure.
  15. I agree with what you're saying but aside from that, you really don't need an amazing computer to play coh on medium to high settings. Just bite the bullet like I did and upgrade that 10 year old technology you have sitting in your basement hehe.

    Nvidia is rushing so many new graphics cards that the card that was the best card a couple of months ago is now under 250 - 300$. DDR3 ram is also getting dirt cheap along with dual cores as you really still don't need to even think of buying a quadcore for any of todays games.
  16. I'd be happy for this or they could increase the duration of knockback protection in controllers aoe immobilize powers. Something that should be done anyway.

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    Unfortunately they already can and do frequently. Many holds and immobilizes provide effective immunity to KBs to their targets. (Ice and Stone are the two that come immediately to mind).

    I've frequently had issues with my Martial Arts scrappers when a controller throws down an AoE immobilize on the targets I'm fighting which provides me no mitigation, yet takes away all the mitigation dragon's tail provides. Irks me to no end, and doesn't really make sense anyhow since the immunity runs out before the power usually does, so you still end up kicking people encased in stone across the room. Which is hardly immersion breaking, and was a terrible reason for them to add this "feature" to some controls in the first place.

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    Combos like plant/storm would suffer without knockback protection as people would get pissed every time you use tornado or lightning storm.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    When the team leader chooses what he is going to allow and not allow

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    The game becomes a dictatorship, run by a child.

    In this game, the only things a team leader has the responsibility or authority to decide is who to invite and which mission the team is doing, and if there is a problem, that problem is discussion amongst the players as adults, not by some rampaging jackass forcing the entire team to conform to his egotistical and unilateral decisions.


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    Then you simply leave the team if you don't like how the team leader is acting just like I leave the team now if someone complains about X power doing x thing.
  18. If you're talking about my suggestion about the SG item. I meant like a special transporter to transport you directly from your base to any AE building of your choice. So you can safely get your low level characters to the other zones to do AE from 1 - 50 as normal.

    Would work just like the blackmarket or wentworths transporter power but you'd have to click on a terminal in your base instead.
  19. Noyjitat

    /em throwmoney

    hmm just reading this suggestion makes me think of the good ole days of Duke Nukem 3d. "Hey baby, you wanna dance?"
  20. Should just put a system in place that allows the team leader to change the secondary effects of his team mates powers. Meaning he could make energy blast powers either do knockback or knockdown.

    When the team leader chooses what he is going to allow and not allow all party members will receive a pop up warning informing them that the team leader has made has made changes to team mates powers and it will promp them to stay or leave the team.

    A solo player should also have this choice on his own.
  21. Agreed for more reasons than the op listed.

    *Clears up Atlas
    *Keeps new players from being introduced to farming and keeps the game from getting a bad rep.

    Get rid of the AE buildings from Atlas, Galaxy City and Kingsrow. So the low level zones are clear for noobs to see a game thats not plagued with farming. Make a base teleporter item that we can place in our bases that teleports you to Any AE building so those of you that want to go from 1 - 50 using AE can just safely teleport to the building straight from atlas park.
  22. Maybe they are just bugged at that level. Because the ones in Faultline and Boomtown still blow up.
  23. Its not just that. It doesn't even support DDR3 ram.
  24. That motherboard is severely limiting should you want or need to upgrade in the future.
  25. Ok I'd like to add that I'm only have this issue on Liberty hero side.