temp power for science themed pack.





You mix together some chemicals trying to boost the powers of your character or targeted friendly. (friendly must click accept on the popup window before you can do so)

The following can occur:
Buff self/friendly
Debuff self/friendly
Nothing happened...
You randomly go Boom either instantly dying or taking a large amount of damage. (No debt just like Self destruct)

What are the buffs / debuffs? Well you decide. Will they be similar to mystic fortune buffs?

I was just thinking of how funny it would be for a science themed character, (A Mad scientist comes to mind) to have an experiment go wrong and cause a big boom!

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I would say that it might be better, since the Magic Booster did the same thing as you propose, to have the Science one affect the enemy:

You brew a concoction, throw it at the enemy, and it creates a random buff or debuff. So, you might weaken a spawn, or you might buff it greatly.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



So, you might weaken a spawn, or you might buff it greatly.

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I doubt it would actually buff it "greatly". If anything, I can see it providing a small +regen, +recovery, or some other largely unnoticeable boost, but, as evidenced by the fortune buffs (which are pretty much all buff except for a very small debuff alongside the Fool), I doubt there will be any effect that has a substantial negative effect on taking out the group or everyone surviving the encounter.



I would say that it might be better, since the Magic Booster did the same thing as you propose, to have the Science one affect the enemy:

You brew a concoction, throw it at the enemy, and it creates a random buff or debuff. So, you might weaken a spawn, or you might buff it greatly.

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe have it morph the enemy into a different type randomly with a rare chance for upgrade/downgrade in status (e.g., Minion could turn into Lieutenant, Lieutenant drop to Minion). The different types might be folks that are heavily Energy based, but massively vulnerable to Negative, or Super Brains with glass jaws (pro-Psychic/Smash vulnerable). The new type would supercede their previous powers, but would only last for so long before reverting to their old form. Balance the positive and negative aspects of the new form to be a slight-to-moderate debuff overall, with the upgrade/downgrade giving it a more random feel. As long as the recharge is decent, it could be a fun little power without being imbalanced.

@NC Thunderbird, @Last Kid Picked
HELP! I can't stop making Alts! Up to 175 now, including: Lutadora, Tess LaCoille, Not Of This World, Lies Behind Stars, Redshift Monk.
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Unfortunately, Science information was just released. Perhaps you can think of a way to tweak it to fit Mutation, which hasn't been done yet.


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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Unfortunately, Science information was just released. Perhaps you can think of a way to tweak it to fit Mutation, which hasn't been done yet.


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Last night, in the Beta Testers global channel, Ghost Falcon said that the booster was more or less set in stone, barring bug fixes and such.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Mutation? Or superscience? Cos that's what I said, that superscience is released (done). Maybe the OP's suggestion could be tweaked for mutation, though, unless GF said that mutation is done.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.