Building a New PC




So I've finally decided to get around to building a new PC. My first one ever.

Heres what I've picked.



Graphics Card




Hard Drive


CD DVD Burner

I also have Arctic Thermal Compound and a 92mm case fan.

I talked to my boss who builds gaming PC all the time. He said that the PSU should be OK with the GeForce GTX 260, but it's pushing it. What do you guys think?

Also, I was thinking about swapping out XP Pro for Home Edition. Is there any difference for gaming? I wont be doing any networking. Only playing games and surfing teh Interwebs.



That motherboard is severely limiting should you want or need to upgrade in the future.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



To Noyjitat:

Limiting only if you want RAID, dual video cards or higher overclocking. Of course if you don't care about those things and price is important then it's a great little motherboard.

This Gigabyte MB gets around the RAID and any extreme overclocking issues. This one handles all three if you want Crossfire (ATI) cards. Gigabyte, at least at NewEgg, doesn't offer nVidia SLi motherboards.

To the OP:

Why the IDE DVD burner and not a SATA one (other than the LG model is sold out)?

Also why get the 192SP (streaming processors) version of the GTX 260 when the 216SP version isn't really that much more (and actually cheaper after rebate)?

And BTW, with 4GB of main memory and a 896MB video card with a 32-bit OS, don't expect the OS to see more than maybe 2.5GB of that 4GB.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



I'm not planing on having RAID nor any dual video cards, and I doubt I'll be doing any serious OCing. Maybe only a little bit.

IDE and not SATA DVD burner... I wasn't thinking. I'll find a SATA one soon. There was another DVD burner that I had in there, but it got sold out soon after I put in my wish list.

The graphics card, I picked it because of CoD: World at War. But now that I think about it I might not really play it that much. But who knows, I've heard a lot of good things about it. Hmmm... >.< Other then the higher processor cores and the mail in rebate what else is better about that card?

The 4 gigs is just in case I upgrade to a 64 bit OS.



If you notice Greenykins, the MB you picked is in my $600 parts list so I don't need to be sold on it.

Well, the 4GB warning was if you didn't know and freak out once you get it assembled and start playing with it. I remember a number of posts here back when people started upgrading to 3 and 4 GB and wondered where the memory went.

As for the difference between a GTX260/192 and a GTX260/216, depends on your preferred resolution and game settings. Here is a comparison of the two across multiple games and resolutions from a review at X-bit Labs running with a 3.0GHz Q9650 Core 2 overclocked to 4.0GHz to minimize CPU impact. Both cards were clocked at the same speed so what you are seeing is what the extra 16 SPs bring to the mix.

Lastly, it seems that NewEgg is having a problem keeping SATA DVD burners in stock. TigerDirect seems to have LG SATA drives in stock.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Heh, I used your $600 wishlist as a starting point for mine. ^_^

I've read quite a few of those very threads about the RAM.

Thanks for the chart.

I decided to get the graphics card you recommended, and instead of going to TigerDirect I just found another burner on newegg. Oh, and I switched out XP Pro for Home.



FatherXmas - Is there a concern with the RAM Voltage? That motherboard (which I recently purchased btw) is looking for 1.8v RAM where as Greenykins' selected memory is 2.0v. Any issues there?

-Wolf sends



I would not get that power supply - for the money I would look at pc power and cooling or corsair or antec. 650 Watt min. The power supply is nothing to skimp on.



just a quick shout out to the Father for all the assistance they have provided over the years to alot of people.

thanks man. it's one of the reasons why i enjoy this community so much.

have fun out there.

Kittens give Morbo gas.



Its not just that. It doesn't even support DDR3 ram.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Wolf_Shadow: Nearly all DDR2 memory that is operating with faster timings than JEDEC standard (CAS 5 for DDR2-800), require a voltage boost to make those faster timings stable. At the standard 1.8 volts, the memory should default to the standard CAS 5 timings and then you should be able to go into the BIOS and bump the DRAM voltage up to 2.0 V. The DRAM may even have it's faster timings as an alternate setting in it's SPD (just looked, it does). In the BIOS the memory timings (basic) and voltage settings are found on the "M.I.T. (Motherboard Intelligent Tweaker) page.

JImmay: Seasonic is an excellent power supply. The SS-550HT has 492 watts of power available at +12 volts. Yes it's more expensive than others in that class but you can't really go wrong with it. Only drawback is it has only 2, 6-pin PCIe power connectors and not a 6+2-pin for those uber video cards that require one.

Noyjiat: Big whoop. While DDR3 does have higher bandwidth, it does little for latency (time between asking for and getting the first chunk of data). Combine that with the increase cost (yes the prices are coming down), the fact the limiting factor in a Core 2 setup is the FSB speed and that most DDR3 motherboards are enthusiast class (read tricked out and expensive), it's not an reasonable alternative for someone on a smallish budget. You get more bang for the buck from a better class of video card or one higher rung on the CPU ladder.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Thanks for all for all the help. I'm going to order these parts later tonight. ^_^

So for the RAM, I should go into the BIOS, find the M.I.T. page, and change the voltage to the RAM to 2.0 V?



Wolf_Shadow: Nearly all DDR2 memory that is operating with faster timings than JEDEC standard (CAS 5 for DDR2-800), require a voltage boost to make those faster timings stable. At the standard 1.8 volts, the memory should default to the standard CAS 5 timings and then you should be able to go into the BIOS and bump the DRAM voltage up to 2.0 V. The DRAM may even have it's faster timings as an alternate setting in it's SPD (just looked, it does). In the BIOS the memory timings (basic) and voltage settings are found on the "M.I.T. (Motherboard Intelligent Tweaker) page.

JImmay: Seasonic is an excellent power supply. The SS-550HT has 492 watts of power available at +12 volts. Yes it's more expensive than others in that class but you can't really go wrong with it. Only drawback is it has only 2, 6-pin PCIe power connectors and not a 6+2-pin for those uber video cards that require one.

Noyjiat: Big whoop. While DDR3 does have higher bandwidth, it does little for latency (time between asking for and getting the first chunk of data). Combine that with the increase cost (yes the prices are coming down), the fact the limiting factor in a Core 2 setup is the FSB speed and that most DDR3 motherboards are enthusiast class (read tricked out and expensive), it's not an reasonable alternative for someone on a smallish budget. You get more bang for the buck from a better class of video card or one higher rung on the CPU ladder.

[/ QUOTE ]

why not go with the corsair 650 then? made my seasonic and the same price.



I agree spend the most money on your video card(s) - You can save a lot of money going amd and if you check out most sights - the I7 needs something like quad SLI before you see benefits.

If I had to build my system today I would get the amd phenom II quad core - and sink as much money as I could afford into a great graphix card.




To the OP:

Why the IDE DVD burner and not a SATA one (other than the LG model is sold out)?

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Personally I prefer using IDE based burners. The fact is you really don't see that much of performance boost. Sure loading from a disc can be slightly faster but how many games need constant access to the CD/DVD these days? And when installing a program will a few extra seconds really be noticeable when using an IDE optical drive. I have both in my rig & in real world trials there really isn't a difference.

So my point to all this is this, use the IDE version & this will keep 1 of your MoBo's SATA ports available. Depending on the MoBo, SATA ports can be blocked when installing large size Video cards. SATA ports can quickly be eaten up by adding additional hard drives or hooking up the eSATA ports on your PC case. If your worried about cabling, grab some rounded cables to aid in airflow. Anyway thats my $.02



Well for me it's about cable management and not obstructing airflow and nothing to do with performance.

Plus the fact that PATA support is now considered a legacy feature. Intel's Southbridge chipsets stopped supporting PATA with the ICH8 in 2006. We are on the ICH10 right now. Motherboards built with Intel chipsets need to include a separate PATA interface chip simply to provide the single channel of IDE that most motherboards still offer.

Still waiting for the day of SATA/PCIe be the only internal MB connectors and USB, Firewire and Ethernet) only on the back panel for ports (no more PS/2 keyboard and mouse).

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet




Still waiting for the day of SATA/PCIe be the only internal MB connectors and USB, Firewire and Ethernet) only on the back panel for ports (no more PS/2 keyboard and mouse).

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope they keep to the current trend of offering one ps/2 port. I am not sure what I would do if I had to give up my IBM Model M keyboard. I am aware of usb converters, but the ones I have tried randomly need to be reset (simply unplugged and plugged back in) which is a huge PIA when gaming. I am also aware unicomp offers a fine buckling spring usb keyboard, but I have had a 21 year relationship with my keyboard ...

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



just a quick shout out to the Father for all the assistance they have provided over the years to alot of people.

thanks man. it's one of the reasons why i enjoy this community so much.

have fun out there.

[/ QUOTE ]

As someone who built quite a monster of a machine on a $1000 budget with the advice of Father and other regulars here some months ago, I'd just like to pop in and second that The $600 build is a great starting point to build up from



Nevermind me, just passing through. Saw memory timings, voltages and FSB talk and got momentarily excited. =)

Yes, yes, FatherX and WolfShadow full of win and awesome...blah blah blah. =P

(Probably get reamed from those who have no idea who I am...and understandably)

((Good luck on the new system, whatever is finnaly decided))

(((Bye byes again)))



Whoops, forgot:

Well for me it's about cable management and not obstructing airflow and nothing to do with performance.

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Well, one could say proper cable management and airflow would have a little to do with performance. =)

(ok, ok, I'm leaving! Yeesh!)

\m/ \m/



Hi/bye Mid.


Miss you kid.

[/ QUOTE ]

*hug'zez for teh old man*

(...well, you called me "kid"! )

((be back in another 6 months...maybe less ...but, in the meantime, there's always teh channel that's just sittin' around gathering dust... ))

(((You can haz ur thread baks now, OP )))



I wuz in that channel, but nobodies was theres... maybe next times.

*waves at the regulars*

/and now you can haz back OP.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012