I suggest removing the Atlas Park AE building




First I would like to point out that in test there originally was an AE building in Croatoa because it didnt fit the zone esthetically. With this in mind I would like to start a petition for removing the Architect Entertainment building from Atlas Park for the fallowing reasons:

1. Atlas Park is the most popular place for new characters to start their career. As such it is automatically a highly populated zone and is prone to lag for this very reason.

2. During double XP weekends there is almost always two or more Atlas Parks. on a normal basis there is only two. Since the addition of the AE building the two instances of Atlas Parks is a constant. What will happen when we get another double XP weekend with two instances of Atlas Parks already? Many people do not have a computer set up to handle the kind of lag due to graphics and population as the next person.

3. The placement of the AE building in Atlas Park makes farming allot easier and in unintentional design it encourages it. Level one characters now are able to start getting power leveled immediately instead of having to take the trek to Paragon Island. Through my personal play experience it seems like Paragon Island has dropped in popularity dramatically and Atlas park farming related Broadcasts has overridden the new character chatter.

4. There is an AE building in Galaxy City already and its not being used because the zone is usually a ghost town in the popularity department. If the AE in Atlas Park is removed see if there are enough people out there who feel the way I dothe ability for level one characters to go all the way to level 50 using just the AE system is still doable. If the farming community goes to galaxy City instead of Atlas Park all the more power to them.

This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



/signed as well



This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Forum Rule #5.3: "Do not create threads/posts to “petition” or “Lobby” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues. You may post suggestions and/or ideas to the boards, but you may not create a ‘petition’ for others to sign."



/unsigned. I quite like having it close by with easy access for whatever new character I create. Since I've taken to leveling new characters mostly on MA, it's quite convenient.

I'd rather not have to wander around more than I have to in the pre-travel power levels.



1. Atlas Park is the most popular place for new characters to start their career. As such it is automatically a highly populated zone and is prone to lag for this very reason.

2. During double XP weekends there is almost always two or more Atlas Parks. on a normal basis there is only two. Since the addition of the AE building the two instances of Atlas Parks is a constant. What will happen when we get another double XP weekend with two instances of Atlas Parks already? Many people do not have a computer set up to handle the kind of lag due to graphics and population as the next person.

[/ QUOTE ]

And? Should we also remove the AE buildings from Talos Island and Cap Au Diable? They see similar crowding, and similar levels of lag. Not to mention that I get much, much more lag from Wentworth's. Maybe we should remove that first.

And you seem to not understand why there are multiple Atlas Parks in the first place. The whole point of spawning fresh instances is to keep the lag down by keeping everyone spread across them, rather than in one zone. That's a good thing!

3. The placement of the AE building in Atlas Park makes farming allot easier and in unintentional design it encourages it. Level one characters now are able to start getting power leveled immediately instead of having to take the trek to Paragon Island. Through my personal play experience it seems like Paragon Island has dropped in popularity dramatically and Atlas park farming related Broadcasts has overridden the new character chatter.

4. There is an AE building in Galaxy City already and its not being used because the zone is usually a ghost town in the popularity department. If the AE in Atlas Park is removed see if there are enough people out there who feel the way I dothe ability for level one characters to go all the way to level 50 using just the AE system is still doable. If the farming community goes to galaxy City instead of Atlas Park all the more power to them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Out of sight, out of mind, huh? Forcing the farmers to move to Galaxy City is not a solution. It's just as accessible as Atlas Park, to new and old players alike, and you're basically asking the devs to just move the crowds from one zone to another, rather than address the root of the problem. As some who happens to like Galaxy City, I don't want your trash.

This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me

[/ QUOTE ]

Soooo not the right place for that, I'm afraid.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Forum Rule #5.3: "Do not create threads/posts to “petition” or “Lobby” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues. You may post suggestions and/or ideas to the boards, but you may not create a ‘petition’ for others to sign."

[/ QUOTE ]




This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Forum Rule #5.3: "Do not create threads/posts to “petition” or “Lobby” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues. You may post suggestions and/or ideas to the boards, but you may not create a ‘petition’ for others to sign."

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]




/unsigned. I quite like having it close by with easy access for whatever new character I create. Since I've taken to leveling new characters mostly on MA, it's quite convenient.

I'd rather not have to wander around more than I have to in the pre-travel power levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

Having it in Galaxy City since that zone is largely dead makes total sense. Players who plan on largely using the MA would choose that as their starting zone, those who don't could choose Atlas park as they always have.






/signed (Remove from both AP and GC)

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



/unsigned. I quite like having it close by with easy access for whatever new character I create. Since I've taken to leveling new characters mostly on MA, it's quite convenient.

I'd rather not have to wander around more than I have to in the pre-travel power levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

Having it in Galaxy City since that zone is largely dead makes total sense. Players who plan on largely using the MA would choose that as their starting zone, those who don't could choose Atlas park as they always have.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except, many people choose to go to Galaxy City because it is quieter. So, hoisting the 'noise' over on to them isn't exactly fair either. You'd just be moving the noise around.

Even if you got rid of both the AP and GC AE buildings, it would just move it to King's Row, which isn't that hard for a level 1 character to get to anyways.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



/unsigned. I quite like having it close by with easy access for whatever new character I create. Since I've taken to leveling new characters mostly on MA, it's quite convenient.

I'd rather not have to wander around more than I have to in the pre-travel power levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

God forbid new players learn to use the train and discover that there are more zones than just Atlas Park.

Since I14 I've been running across more and more players with high level characters that didn't know they could leave Atlas.




[/ QUOTE ]



2. During double XP weekends there is almost always two or more Atlas Parks. on a normal basis there is only two. Since the addition of the AE building the two instances of Atlas Parks is a constant. What will happen when we get another double XP weekend with two instances of Atlas Parks already? Many people do not have a computer set up to handle the kind of lag due to graphics and population as the next person.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, first off, I don't think this would really solve anything.

And as to what I quoted, my guess is that any XP gained in MA will not be doubled during 2x XP weekends; so that issue is likely moot.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Move all the AE buildings to Boomtown......

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



/unsigned. I quite like having it close by with easy access for whatever new character I create. Since I've taken to leveling new characters mostly on MA, it's quite convenient.

I'd rather not have to wander around more than I have to in the pre-travel power levels.

[/ QUOTE ]

God forbid new players learn to use the train and discover that there are more zones than just Atlas Park.

Since I14 I've been running across more and more players with high level characters that didn't know they could leave Atlas.

[/ QUOTE ]

the only real reason I bring up the Atlas Park issue is because its the highest populated starting zone. I have had characters start in Galaxy before and its very hard to find other players to team with because so few use it. Also after the initial contacts I am usualy redirected to the hallows or another zone any way. as far as not having a travel power, you can easily get temp travel powers as early as lvl 5 in KR.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Move all the AE buildings to Boomtown......

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking one on the far side of Grendal's Gulch.

One in the Shadow Shard.

And how about peering through the cover of trees in Eden.

And just for the low levels, a secret door in the sewers.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Move all the AE buildings to Boomtown......

[/ QUOTE ]



Move all the AE buildings to Boomtown......

[/ QUOTE ]

I was thinking one on the far side of Grendal's Gulch.

One in the Shadow Shard.

And how about peering through the cover of trees in Eden.

And just for the low levels, a secret door in the sewers.

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean the Abandoned Sewers, don't you?

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



First I would like to point out that in test there originally was an AE building in Croatoa because it didnt fit the zone esthetically. With this in mind I would like to start a petition for removing the Architect Entertainment building from Atlas Park for the fallowing reasons:

1. Atlas Park is the most popular place for new characters to start their career. As such it is automatically a highly populated zone and is prone to lag for this very reason.

2. During double XP weekends there is almost always two or more Atlas Parks. on a normal basis there is only two. Since the addition of the AE building the two instances of Atlas Parks is a constant. What will happen when we get another double XP weekend with two instances of Atlas Parks already? Many people do not have a computer set up to handle the kind of lag due to graphics and population as the next person.

3. The placement of the AE building in Atlas Park makes farming allot easier and in unintentional design it encourages it. Level one characters now are able to start getting power leveled immediately instead of having to take the trek to Paragon Island. Through my personal play experience it seems like Paragon Island has dropped in popularity dramatically and Atlas park farming related Broadcasts has overridden the new character chatter.

4. There is an AE building in Galaxy City already and its not being used because the zone is usually a ghost town in the popularity department. If the AE in Atlas Park is removed see if there are enough people out there who feel the way I dothe ability for level one characters to go all the way to level 50 using just the AE system is still doable. If the farming community goes to galaxy City instead of Atlas Park all the more power to them.

This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

1. Traffic on the beach road takes me hours to drive home.. yet hardly anyone travels the 1 block back road. Perhaps if they move the tourist atractions ab lock off the beach I can drive the beacvh road with less traffic. ... Hmm sounds to me like you should either enjoy th eslow ride or, I dunno take the other road maybe?

2.Many people do not have set up that can handle the lag. Yet still choose one of the 2 most populated servers to play on. O.O
Favorite line: But there is no one on the other servers.. this has been said to me by group of friends (10 of them standing around atlas, note that 8 is max limit for a team) all complaining of lag, but no one on other server to play with...hmmmmm.

3. Trust me. Of all the game content it does not "encourage" farming the most. For me that would be say desire to by IOs. Or to have purple sets (unobtainable without farming,well unless your char is on the 5-10 year plan for slotting)...badges..etc. In fact altho the new players are mostly unaware.. the MA xp nerfs has once again made the most profitable farm in Atlas the sewer run again.
And main reason for placement in first zone is it was meant as alternative to the regular game for those who have experienced the lower lvl content 100s-1000s of times.

4. shifting the problem..hmm that could work.. kinda like when you put all the dirty dishes in the next room... just as good as cleaning them, right?



This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Forum Rule #5.3: "Do not create threads/posts to “petition” or “Lobby” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues. You may post suggestions and/or ideas to the boards, but you may not create a ‘petition’ for others to sign."

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I disagree with your suggestion, I like the atlas AE building where it is.