I suggest removing the Atlas Park AE building





1. Traffic on the beach road takes me hours to drive home.. yet hardly anyone travels the 1 block back road. Perhaps if they move the tourist atractions ab lock off the beach I can drive the beacvh road with less traffic. ... Hmm sounds to me like you should either enjoy th eslow ride or, I dunno take the other road maybe?

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there is a difference between changing an attraction ion real life versus a virtual one where you can just flip a few switches.


2.Many people do not have set up that can handle the lag. Yet still choose one of the 2 most populated servers to play on. O.O
Favorite line: But there is no one on the other servers.. this has been said to me by group of friends (10 of them standing around atlas, note that 8 is max limit for a team) all complaining of lag, but no one on other server to play with...hmmmmm.

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some people enjoy the quietness of the other less populated servers but most prefer to play with friends and where there is more of a social presence. whats my proof you may ask? well for 1 this is an MMO in case you forgot and 2 there are servers that are more popular than others because players LIKE to be around others or there would not be any server more popular than another.


3. Trust me. Of all the game content it does not "encourage" farming the most. For me that would be say desire to by IOs. Or to have purple sets (unobtainable without farming,well unless your char is on the 5-10 year plan for slotting)...badges..etc. In fact altho the new players are mostly unaware.. the MA xp nerfs has once again made the most profitable farm in Atlas the sewer run again.
And main reason for placement in first zone is it was meant as alternative to the regular game for those who have experienced the lower lvl content 100s-1000s of times.

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I'm sorry but the access to make your mission any way you like and be able to do it over and over with out losing the mission being placed right where your new character spawns after creation is inviting farming with wide open arms intentional or not. Don't believe me? go to Atlas Park on Freedom. broadcast chatter has more farm talk by high levels than lowbie chatter. I am also willing to bet that there are more high level characters in Atlas than lowbies who are in Atlas lvl range.


4. shifting the problem..hmm that could work.. kinda like when you put all the dirty dishes in the next room... just as good as cleaning them, right?

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your analogy is completely off base and has no relevance to the topic. First of all there are 2 starter zones. Atlas the popular one and Galaxy City which is usually a ghost town (at least on Freedom). Galaxy has an AE building but its seeing little use. All I am suggesting is shift the high player traffic from an already busy starter zone to the ghost town of Galaxy to balance things out and in the process bring some life back to Galaxy.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Farming needs to be addressed somehow. I think what people don't understand is exactly why AE farms are so much more damaging to the game.

AE farms create a clog in the broadcasts that make normal teams and normal players get swamped. In Atlas new players may very well not even be aware of other options besides farming.

Farms are also cloging the AE story lists. Allowing them to continue is also placing a negative stigma on the AE in general. I've seen plenty of players that didn't even know it was for something besides fast leveling.

These problems don't exist with non-ae farms. Non-ae farms are rare enough normally and don't clog up multiple zones and distort the experiences of new players by existing. And thats why AE farms need to be stopped.



Farming needs to be addressed somehow. I think what people don't understand is exactly why AE farms are so much more damaging to the game.

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And I think what the OP doesn't understand is that removing an AE building will do nothing to address that problem, aside from remove the broadcast chatter from his favored zone.

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Farming needs to be addressed somehow. I think what people don't understand is exactly why AE farms are so much more damaging to the game.

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And I think what the OP doesn't understand is that removing an AE building will do nothing to address that problem, aside from remove the broadcast chatter from his favored zone.

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That's simple. Remove 'Broadcast' from your chat channels.



Farming needs to be addressed somehow. I think what people don't understand is exactly why AE farms are so much more damaging to the game.

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And I think what the OP doesn't understand is that removing an AE building will do nothing to address that problem, aside from remove the broadcast chatter from his favored zone.

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The simplest solution would be to make AE a zone in and of itself. Keep it nice and separate.



Agreed for more reasons than the op listed.

*Clears up Atlas
*Keeps new players from being introduced to farming and keeps the game from getting a bad rep.

Get rid of the AE buildings from Atlas, Galaxy City and Kingsrow. So the low level zones are clear for noobs to see a game thats not plagued with farming. Make a base teleporter item that we can place in our bases that teleports you to Any AE building so those of you that want to go from 1 - 50 using AE can just safely teleport to the building straight from atlas park.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



This is not ment to start heated discussions. It is only to see if enough people agree with me and show the Devs that Atlas Park is being harmed by the existence of the AE building. Thank you.

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Forum Rule #5.3: "Do not create threads/posts to “petition” or “Lobby” for game features, additions, changes, or other issues. You may post suggestions and/or ideas to the boards, but you may not create a ‘petition’ for others to sign."

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So you bringing up perhaps the most ignored rule ever does.... what?!

At any rate, I agree with an above poster that moving the glut of AE Folks from AP --> Galaxy would accomplish little, and would leave the cause of the problem unchanged. However, Galaxy is a ghost town for the most part, and could use some action in it, if only unwanted annoying action.

So, dump the AE in AP and Mercy, and then work on solving the problem's root. Perhaps throw an AE room off of Pocket D as well.



Everyone against this probably farms.



Everyone for this is probably too stupid to look at the big picture and realize it aint gonna happen.



I know it won't happen, farmer.



Farming needs to be addressed somehow. I think what people don't understand is exactly why AE farms are so much more damaging to the game.

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And I think what the OP doesn't understand is that removing an AE building will do nothing to address that problem, aside from remove the broadcast chatter from his favored zone.

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That's simple. Remove 'Broadcast' from your chat channels.

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Why should we be forced to do that? Theres an AE channel why can't the Farmers use that instead of clogging up a channel used by legitimate players? What gives farmers the right to kick people out of an entire channel? Nothing at all. In fact they have less right to it since they're abusing a game system and we're not.



I hope you are wearing your flame-retardent pants.




That's simple. Remove 'Broadcast' from your chat channels.

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Why should we be forced to do that? Theres an AE channel why can't the Farmers use that instead of clogging up a channel used by legitimate players? What gives farmers the right to kick people out of an entire channel? Nothing at all. In fact they have less right to it since they're abusing a game system and we're not.

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*re-reads post*

Hmm, nope, still didn't see anything about forcing people to do anything.

I merely offered a simple solution. Because it is much simpler for one person to remove 'Broadcast' from their chat channel, then to try to get 200 spammers to use another channel.

But if you actually enjoy standing in AP, getting all affronted at the incessant drone of "lf AE team" while your blood pressure rises, be my guest.

EDIT: As for the AE buildings, leave them where they are, because removing/relocating them does not solve the problem. The AE building in Croatoa was moved for aesthetics reason only.

<--- Not a farmer.



I know it won't happen, farmer.

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OMG someone called me the F word. How can I go on living? Guess I'll go farm some more and sell everything that drops at 1 inf to help the market keep prices low and not costantly broacast that I am LFM because I am too busy making money. Oh wait, I am already doing that.

Not all farmers are bad. The ignorant love to put everyone that farms into one category.




Make the interior of the AE building its own zone - like Pocket D. That would clean up the broadcast spam and eliminates the lag.



Removing the AE buildings from GC, AP, and KR, would essentially make it so you couldn't start leveling in the AE until roughly level 12 or so, at least not safely. That would detract from the devs idea of "The AE is an alternate leveling path from 1 to 50".

Also, removing it would do NOTHING but move the whole shebang to another zone. If you don't like the AE chatter, deal with it yourself, and stop trying to foist your problems off on other people.

Let's think about a hypothetical situation. If Talos Island had become the hub for AE farming activity instead of Atlas Park, how would you respond to the threads that suggested removing the building from Talos? If the answer is anything but "I would support them" you're just being selfish.

Then consider this. If we DO remove the building from atlas, within a week, all the farming activity will have moved somewhere else (probably talos). What will you do then, when people come and suggest removing the building from talos? Eventually, there'd be no AE buildings left if the devs listened to every crackpot thread wanting a building removed from someone's favorite zone.



Removing the AE buildings from GC, AP, and KR, would essentially make it so you couldn't start leveling in the AE until roughly level 12 or so, at least not safely. That would detract from the devs idea of "The AE is an alternate leveling path from 1 to 50".

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This sounds amazingly like the old stand-by, "If the devs didn't want farming in the AE, they wouldn't have made it ultra-farmable like they did."

The quote says "leveling path", not "farming-until-you-want-to-puke path", or "PL Central".

Also, removing it would do NOTHING but move the whole shebang to another zone. If you don't like the AE chatter, deal with it yourself, and stop trying to foist your problems off on other people.

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Do you mean the people who are presumably so busy farming and getting levels and tickets that they don't give a rat's [censored] about the impression they're making on the new people coming in thinking that this game we love is nothing but farms, farms and more farms? Or do you mean the 4 people over in Galaxy City?

Let's think about a hypothetical situation. If Talos Island had become the hub for AE farming activity instead of Atlas Park, how would you respond to the threads that suggested removing the building from Talos? If the answer is anything but "I would support them" you're just being selfish.

Then consider this. If we DO remove the building from atlas, within a week, all the farming activity will have moved somewhere else (probably talos). What will you do then, when people come and suggest removing the building from talos? Eventually, there'd be no AE buildings left if the devs listened to every crackpot thread wanting a building removed from someone's favorite zone.

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Selfish? Who's really being selfish here? The person who does want the AE building removed from Atlas Park so that the new players coming in don't get the idea that this is City of Farms, and have to end up later grouping with someone who doesn't know where anything is beyond Atlas Park, or the person who does not want the AE building removed simply because they don't want the (ZOMG) hassle of going to a different zone when bringing their newest level 1 farm baby into their "favorite zone"?

Yeah, I thought so.



Removing the AE buildings from GC, AP, and KR, would essentially make it so you couldn't start leveling in the AE until roughly level 12 or so, at least not safely. That would detract from the devs idea of "The AE is an alternate leveling path from 1 to 50".

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This is the best you can do? It appears that in your haste to make a kneejerk response you forgot that the OP didn't suggest removing the AE from Galaxy or Kings Row.

4. There is an AE building in Galaxy City already and its not being used because the zone is usually a ghost town in the popularity department. If the AE in Atlas Park is removed see if there are enough people out there who feel the way I dothe ability for level one characters to go all the way to level 50 using just the AE system is still doable. If the farming community goes to galaxy City instead of Atlas Park all the more power to them.

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That crashing sound was your argument collapsing in on itself.

removing it would do NOTHING but move the whole shebang to another zone.

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Which is exactly the point of the suggestion. Galaxy is a seldom used zone. Using the AE there will have the benefit of bringing life to a seldom used zone, and decrease the overpopulation in a highly used zone.

If we DO remove the building from atlas, within a week, all the farming activity will have moved somewhere else (probably talos). . . Eventually, there'd be no AE buildings left if the devs listened to every crackpot thread wanting a building removed from someone's favorite zone.

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Why would low level characters go all the way to Talos to use the AE when they can simply use the one in Galaxy? If anyone is using crackpot logic it's you.



I know it won't happen, farmer.

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OMG someone called me the F word. How can I go on living? Guess I'll go farm some more and sell everything that drops at 1 inf to help the market keep prices low and not costantly broacast that I am LFM because I am too busy making money. Oh wait, I am already doing that.

Not all farmers are bad. The ignorant love to put everyone that farms into one category.

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I know the farmers aren't the ones making me avoid/hate MA...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I know it won't happen, farmer.

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OMG someone called me the F word. How can I go on living? Guess I'll go farm some more and sell everything that drops at 1 inf to help the market keep prices low and not costantly broacast that I am LFM because I am too busy making money. Oh wait, I am already doing that.

Not all farmers are bad. The ignorant love to put everyone that farms into one category.

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I know the farmers aren't the ones making me avoid/hate MA...

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This +1



Everyone against this probably farms.

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You know what they say about assumptions? You're proving it quite well.



hehe...you're right Memphis...I stand corrected.

I will sign the removal of AE from Atlas though. I can't stand the zone now, and I still go there to fellowship and do my WW/SG thing.

The spammed broadcast is aweful though. I would remove it from my chat window, but with my luck I'd forget the readd it later.



hehe...you're right Memphis...I stand corrected.

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Thank you for taking it as intended.

I will sign the removal of AE from Atlas though. I can't stand the zone now, and I still go there to fellowship and do my WW/SG thing.

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I'm iffy about removing it from atlas - but definitely against the other post which suggested pulling it from galaxy and KR. At the very least, it should be kept in KR - some of us *do* try to work on lowbie arcs, after all, and don't want them getting killed getting to the AE if they're not in an SG. (Would like to see an SG terminal, though.)



(Would like to see an SG terminal, though.)

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Only problem with an SG terminal is only the people in the SG can use it to form teams.

Now this would be great if you want t o use it as a Danger Room, however you couldn't use it to form teams with people in other zones.



(Would like to see an SG terminal, though.)

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Only problem with an SG terminal is only the people in the SG can use it to form teams.

Now this would be great if you want t o use it as a Danger Room, however you couldn't use it to form teams with people in other zones.

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Honestly? I don't care. I've got at least one SG-specific arc out there - and besides, you can't team with people in other zones iwth the regular AE buildings last I tried.