VEAT: Arachnobot or Tarantula




This came up in another thread, and I thought about it a while ago- a villainous Epic Archetype, similar to SoA, where you play an Arachnobot or a Tarantula.

Hear me out here. Kheldians already get non-standard forms to shapeshift into, why not have a powerset where we can be something weird full time? The spider skeleton is one of the few exotic bodytypes we have in the game, and I feel it isn't taken advantage of often enough.

The devs don't want to make another 'unlocked at 50' EAT, and I agree. Instead, it could be tied into a Strike Force, involving a renegade faction of Tarantulas, and/or Arachnobots gaining sentience.

The powers could be along the lines of SoA with branching. It's an idea anyway, a fun one I think. I wanna be a spider.



I think that is a terrific idea, I have been thinking the same thing about an Arachnos Mu EAT as well. I think that the next epic archetype should even be an "iconic" archetype that has multiple powersets with each being related to a different ingame villain group. The devs have proven that they can have a special uniform slot with the SoA, so they should do that for major villain factions. I would love to play a Freakshow AT or Vahzilok even. Unique forms like the Tarantula would just be awesome and have been a long time dream of mine.




1) Which model do you use? There are at least three different models for each. Toxic Tarantulas are on the side of "too dang big".

2) How do you come up with enough powers for an EAT when there's about 6 existing powers for each, taking into account all three versions?

3) Costumes? VEATs are humans, and get an early costume slot so if you don't like the Arachnos uniform you can skip out of it. I honestly don't see these being particularly popular considering they're not humanoid at all.

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Its not a bad idea but I always wanted a VEAT Mastermind that could summon the many different arachnobots. With the arachnobot blasters being your "Protector bots" and the Toxic Tarantula being your "Assault bot" 2 Tarantulas as your first "Battle drone" and then 1 fire tarantula for each additional battle drone as your level.

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Its not a bad idea but I always wanted a VEAT Mastermind that could summon the many different arachnobots. With the arachnobot blasters being your "Protector bots" and the Toxic Tarantula being your "Assault bot" 2 Tarantulas as your first "Battle drone" and then 1 fire tarantula for each additional battle drone as your level.

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Crab Spider + Black Scorpion PPP. They're not permanently out, but oh well.

Never surrender! Never give up!
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