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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I think it doesn't really matter what the set is called.

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    It apparently does since they nerfed the hell out of moment of glory. Because it wasn't a moment...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'd rather get Thermal and Fire Blast, but I suppose AR/Traps will have to do for now.

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    Tarps/AR, actually

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    fixed as I know many people will be saying "It's a tarp!"
  3. Noyjitat

    Heal farms

    I can't think of any places with lava other than unique maps usually near the end of a tf or story arc. Striga volcano and the save Statesman from Tyrant are all that come to mind.

    And I guess I can't setup the arena thing since you need the other longbow warden. The one I have is just ss/inv.
  4. Noyjitat

    Heal farms

    Been reading a bit about these. Does anyone ever set these up anymore? I have a emp that needs the last 2 heal badges and my sg still needs most of them hehe. My emp is on liberty and I'd like to finally get these badges as I don't see how its possible without some sort of farm.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    the recipe slots are nice...but uh fog of war? i suppose to be familar with this term?

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    Its a term that goes all the way back to the good ole days of command and conquer and other games that have minimaps.

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    It's actually attributed to Carl von Clausewitz, back in the early 1800s.

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    Really now? Well that was the first place I know I ever heard it hehe.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe that the dropships give no reward if defeated. Also, they do not slow down ever it seems, while you as a player will if you attack. Very difficult to defeat with no reward.

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    I'm one that often prefers fun over reward. Which is another reason why I quit every AE team that was farming Hami mitos ( thanks for nerfing that btw) I like the fun and thrill of fighting not just trying to get the best rewards with very little effort. While it sucks that they don't give a reward it would still be fun.

    Rewards for the dropships should however be added someday maybe even another badge for doing so. I mean they are constantly dropping nuclear bombs on the city why aren't we destroying them anyway? lol
  7. First time I've ever run into this before lol. I barely had enough time to screenshot when I noticed it the chat bubble was disappearing.
  8. Its more enjoyable if you take your team out away from the zerg of heroes. Also getting together with said zerg and taking out the dropships looks as if it would be fun.
  9. Noyjitat

    Hami Raid

    Should establish a sign up sheet here on the forums like we did in the past. *Recalls when budokai attempted to organize a hamiraid in the thread title "gone hami raiding"

    With a sign up sheet we can atleast know who is coming and who is bringing what.

    Tanker team

    Scrapper team / melee team 1
    Scrapper team / melee team 2
    Controller/blasters/khelds team 1
    Controller/blasters/khelds team 2
    Controller/blasters/khelds team 3

    I'm suggesting 3 ranged/control teams to get those greens burned down really fast while the tanker and scrapper/melee teams focus on the yellows. Should be able to have most of the yellows and hami taunted at all times.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    the recipe slots are nice...but uh fog of war? i suppose to be familar with this term?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its a term that goes all the way back to the good ole days of command and conquer and other games that have minimaps.
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    Then add in a half dozen or so cats who like to pounce on your keyboard while you try to surf the web, and you've got a pretty accurate picture of how our system decides what animation to play and why it's so damn tricky to keep everything working.

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    Actually your cat may trigger a cpu flaw and you'll turn into this guy.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

    110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

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    I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

    What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

    I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

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    It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

    They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

    I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

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    Its pretty simple to replicate actually. Just go visit the WW or BM and type in a bid while in the middle of a conversation with someone in chat. When you goto type in your next message some of the numbers you just entered into the bid window should be in your chatwindow as well.

    You can also be hitting your attack buttons while also chatting and then have this bug appear.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Where is the super tailor or "cosmetic surgeon" as it says in the ncstore. I can't find him on villains and haven't even tried yet on heroes.

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    The Icon/ Facemaker interface is different if you get the Science booster pack. You can go to any tailor for the new features.

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    Does it not work on SOAS then? I was wanting to turn my male crabspider into a huge crabspider.
  14. Where is the super tailor or "cosmetic surgeon" as it says in the ncstore. I can't find him on villains and haven't even tried yet on heroes.
  15. It wont work in AE just like patrol xp doesn't work in AE. Thankfully. Maybe it will start up people doing official content again. I can't recall the last time I was able to get a 8 man team for anything outfit of AE.
  16. If you goto kingsrow and do some scanners followed by a safeguard you can get contacts in kingsrow and eventually skyway/steel. And then there is always faultline at level 15 - 25.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Just saying. We were told more info for I16 in July, now it's July.


    Er umm... More Issue 16 info please?

    Edit: Just for fun.


    Back Alley Brawler, BaBs


    Hero 1




    War Witch

    *Wonders if that will somehow summon any red names.*

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    You forgot to wiggle your ears. First your left one and then your right one, then stick out your tongue to summon a random red name.
  18. Noyjitat

    Hami Raid

    Well I could always logon my tanker next run. I was playing a scrapper originally and then switched to my controller. Which lol helped us get to hami stage 2.
  19. Noyjitat

    Hami Raid

    Well today certainly didn't turn out as well as last nights attempt. Teams were not coordinated as well and I don't think enough people were really paying attention to request chat. There is also the little matter of that request chat drama and arguing that should of stopped much earlier....

    I think the next attempt we should should have the team leaders in a special channel with the raid leader so they can better coordinate our efforts. Team leaders will need to tell people when to move when the raid leader has announced it, so for those that dont look at request chat when they should will ave a little bit of extra insurance.

    As for strategy I don't fully understand what else may have been going wrong if it was just part of the tanker team not moving fast enough or the assault teams I dont know. But something I could tell is that everyone was dying from extreme AOE due to everyone being to close to the yellow that was being attacked. I'd suggest having the scrapper and melee teams focus on the south west Yellow and going clockwise around hami as they kill each yellow one by one and the blaster/controller/range team starting with the south east green and going counter clockwise. I think things may be easier that way so that not everyone is being bombarded with all that yellow damage in one spot.

    Hell maybe even have a tanker per yellow and 1 tanker on hami and see how that goes.
  20. Never had a problem with the requirements myself but I never understood why it has such a long recharge time and why it only lasts for 5 mins. Crafting really isn't game breaking after all.
  21. I think you should be able to deploy the stuff fast like traps. Things like the gundrone and Time bomb just take way too long. Those are my only complaints.
  22. Noyjitat

    Hami Raid

    Was quite interesting. Things were looking kinda grim when we finally made it to the blues, things got stale. Apparently we were just lacking control power so I switched to my controller and started stacking holds and things quickly changed for the better.

    I also made sure to broadcast one time in atlas park before heading to the raid and I know of atleast 1 extra hero to show up shortly after that broadcast

    Hami is at stage 2 now (75%) and I joined a EoE farm later that night. Hopefully Sunday will result in a dead Hami and more hami-os on the market to lower the ridiculous sky rocketing prices of hami-os; due the lack of hami raids and statesman tfs.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think increasing the xp/inf/prestige from normal content would probably be the best way to go along with a slight increase to mission completion xp. Especially the xp from bosses and lieutenants. Oh and remove hami mitos from AE.

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    Increasing these things is a bad idea from a design point of view. The more items you increase the harder is to take away later, especially in regards to static things like xp caps. Where there is exceedingly high caps in place, like influence, and these are relationary to the player-base (ie. economy) these inter-ralationary models will become broken in time.

    It's far better to lower (or do nothing) the parts that are having the earliest negative effect than changing things which are outside the scope of the issue.

    In short, bad idea for numerous reasons.

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    Well its either nerf AE rewards or buff normal content. Which do you prefer? A buff is usually more favorable because a nerf would have to be pretty massive to actually make people think of doing normal content. Unless they want to make it so you can't do boss farms anymore and have a balanced minions, lieutenants and bosses. And that would probably do more harm than good.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    MY SG is about the only reason I haven't transferred my heroes to a more active server. Across all of my characters I have earned over 8 mil prestige. Its just too much work and effort to throw away...

    I do hope one of these days this will be an option. Especially for the smaller sgs. Because my members would like to transfer as well. My server just isn't as active as it was 2 years ago and we often rely on pugs to team with. Would really like to move to virtue or some place more active and alive.

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    Sounds more like your SG is inactive rather than your server to me. After all you do find PuG members to team with, don't you?

    Hehehe.. [sarcasm]Yeah, my SG mates are all a bunch of lazy slugs, so it must be the server.[/sarcasm]

    I play all servers and have no problems finding teams when I want them on any of them. And many of my characters don't even belong to SGs. You're either not trying hard enough or you're insisting on the maximum amount of team members before you even decide to play. You realize you can do missions with less than 8 players, right? It may not get you the max amount of XP/hour but it can still be fun.

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    Yes my SG is pretty inactive. We are a multigaming group and most of the nubs either returned to that cursed game World of warcraft or have moved on to other things. But most of the prestige has been earned by me and the few that still play.

    As for me not trying hard enough to find a team. I've sometimes broadcasted for a straight 2 hours without finding a team. And don't even get me started on how hard it is to put together a well built team nowdays. Its even hard to find a farm teams sometimes in AE.

    Yes I realize you can do a mission without 8 players. 5 + is ok with me but anything below that is too boring. I don't want to spend all day killing a single spawn... This is a mmo after all and If I have to solo I simply won't play. I log and try again later usually.
  25. I think increasing the xp/inf/prestige from normal content would probably be the best way to go along with a slight increase to mission completion xp. Especially the xp from bosses and lieutenants. Oh and remove hami mitos from AE.