Relax the requirements for Portable Workbench




Seriously, this is a nice accolade. Craft enhancements anywhere? Nice! But the requirements are INSANE. It requires something like 40 invention badges, and at minimum 1000 crafts, not to mention a substantial investment of inf. And of those 40-something badges, 36 of them have esoteric requirements that the game doesn't show you progress on properly, so unless you're keeping track by hand you're flying blind. Hardly anyone has this accolade - only the hardcore badgers do.

The requirements need to be scaled back, and HARD. It should be something like 10 Invention badges - any 10. The badges for crafting certain categories of common IOs should no longer require both levels ending in 0 and 5 for credit; either should count, and the needs for those actual badges should be reduced. Furthermore, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare IOs should count for the categorical badges. A level 29 Acc/Dam/Rech enhancement should count towards the badge for each the Accuracy, Damage, and Recharge badges for level 20-29.

Failing that, make all the invention badges and the progress tracking account-wide.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



OMG! I didn't even know there was such a thing as a portable workbench. And I was happy in my ignorance. Now there is just one more thing in my life that I can pine over and will never have.

No doubt next you'll be telling me that there's an unlockable 'make nude' feature!

I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep

My Roster



I don't mind higher requirements for this - but I do think this is a little extreme, yes. I have characters that pretty much do *all* the IO crafting of commons for the SG that don't have this.

I think 10 badges might be a little low for it - there are a LOT of IOs out there - but, say, Craftsman (500 inventions) might have this tied to it.

I disagree with having the set IOs count for the category IOs, though. That's just cheesy to me.



No doubt next you'll be telling me that there's an unlockable 'make nude' feature!

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean you don't know about it?! You poor, poor man! I can only marvel over what you're missing out!



An effect of the high requirement you may not have considered is that it tends to keep a supply of certain common IOs on the market at relatively low prices. Lower the requirements, and that supply would dry up.

Leave it alone. It's nice to have a challenging goal that isn't tied to some kind of combat.



OMG! I didn't even know there was such a thing as a portable workbench. And I was happy in my ignorance. Now there is just one more thing in my life that I can pine over and will never have.

No doubt next you'll be telling me that there's an unlockable 'make nude' feature!

[/ QUOTE ]

match 'tops (bottoms) w/skin' color to your toons skin color; wear a trench, cape or bolero... then go jump in a lake; literally.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Never had a problem with the requirements myself but I never understood why it has such a long recharge time and why it only lasts for 5 mins. Crafting really isn't game breaking after all.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Never had a problem with the requirements myself but I never understood why it has such a long recharge time and why it only lasts for 5 mins. Crafting really isn't game breaking after all.

[/ QUOTE ]Agreed. It seems rather odd in the face of things like O-Portals and the like.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I could understand the higher requirements if it did more for you.

Say if it included a portable access to Wenthworths/Black Market and/or also allowed you to craft Empowerment Station buffs.

But as it exists right now the requirements should be lowered somewhat.



I'd just like the recharge/duration adjusted.



Maybe have a bare minimum of level IO's crafted (maybe the first two badges of each grouping), plus some other fluff (A History Badge, some Explorations and/or an Achievement/Accomplishment badge or two) to have the Accolade awarded, but ONLY allow the player to craft IO's that are unlocked by the individual level/type crafting badges (ie: you need the Retrograde badge in order to craft level 45 and 50: Defense DeBuff, To Hit DeBuff, Taunt and Confuse IOs on your Portable WorkBench). Of course Set IOs and such would be immune from these things as you already need to own the recipe to craft them. Add regular recipes that you already own or pickup in missions to the 'allowed without the badge list'.

Just a thought.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



ONLY allow the player to craft IO's that are unlocked by the individual level/type crafting badges... Of course Set IOs and such would be immune from these things as you already need to own the recipe to craft them. Add regular recipes that you already own or pickup in missions to the 'allowed without the badge list'.

[/ QUOTE ]So... only allow people to make IOs on the workbench if they've memorized the recipe, or if they have the recipe on-hand? Which is exactly what we have right now for every workbench?



ONLY allow the player to craft IO's that are unlocked by the individual level/type crafting badges... Of course Set IOs and such would be immune from these things as you already need to own the recipe to craft them. Add regular recipes that you already own or pickup in missions to the 'allowed without the badge list'.

[/ QUOTE ]So... only allow people to make IOs on the workbench if they've memorized the recipe, or if they have the recipe on-hand? Which is exactly what we have right now for every workbench?

[/ QUOTE ]

True, but this would relax the availability of the Portable Bench, and allow some folks to work on the rest of the memorized recipe badges on the fly in missions, etc. I didnt say it was an earth shattering idea, but maybe one that would be acceptable to the powers that be. The time and Inf put into this accolade makes it darn near the toughest to get in the game. If the Devs want people to experience more of the Inventions System; this might make it a bit easier to do.

Again just a thought.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Seriously, this is a nice accolade. Craft enhancements anywhere? Nice! But the requirements are INSANE. It requires something like 40 invention badges, and at minimum 1000 crafts, not to mention a substantial investment of inf. And of those 40-something badges, 36 of them have esoteric requirements that the game doesn't show you progress on properly, so unless you're keeping track by hand you're flying blind. Hardly anyone has this accolade - only the hardcore badgers do.

The requirements need to be scaled back, and HARD. It should be something like 10 Invention badges - any 10. The badges for crafting certain categories of common IOs should no longer require both levels ending in 0 and 5 for credit; either should count, and the needs for those actual badges should be reduced. Furthermore, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare IOs should count for the categorical badges. A level 29 Acc/Dam/Rech enhancement should count towards the badge for each the Accuracy, Damage, and Recharge badges for level 20-29.

Failing that, make all the invention badges and the progress tracking account-wide.

[/ QUOTE ]

If getting field crafter COSTS you inf, you are basically doing it wrong. (or doing it purely for getting it quickly in which case you have chosen the most costly route)
My last field crafter was about 200 million plus when she got it.

based on your faulty premise, I dont see the need for any of your suggestions.

and don't forget that the 25-30 teir badges come with their very own nifty bonus.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I picked it up for the first time this week. When I started out I didn't realise that the 1000 Ios crafted badge was a requirement, so I hit a bit of a false horizon there - memorised all the recipes and still had 500 to go just for that badge.

I can't say I minded really - its been fun to log in twice a day with two "assistants" on my other account to help out with bidding and selling and Ive made around 15-20 million on each of those three characters selling common IOs.

The funny thing is, getting the table ahsnt been that great.
I'd already figured out that if I parked in Wentworths, then used my 24 month vet power to TP to the supergroup base to use the table, I could then leave the SG base exit and reappear right back in Wentworths where I'd left!
And thats without using the teleport to Wentworths temp power I've picked up, thats there as backup.

So the tables kind of saved me zoning twice per market session, and thats about it.

So I'd say leave the journey on this one long. It was more fun than arriving.



Seriously, this is a nice accolade. Craft enhancements anywhere? Nice! But the requirements are INSANE. It requires something like 40 invention badges, and at minimum 1000 crafts, not to mention a substantial investment of inf. And of those 40-something badges, 36 of them have esoteric requirements that the game doesn't show you progress on properly, so unless you're keeping track by hand you're flying blind. Hardly anyone has this accolade - only the hardcore badgers do.

The requirements need to be scaled back, and HARD. It should be something like 10 Invention badges - any 10. The badges for crafting certain categories of common IOs should no longer require both levels ending in 0 and 5 for credit; either should count, and the needs for those actual badges should be reduced. Furthermore, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare IOs should count for the categorical badges. A level 29 Acc/Dam/Rech enhancement should count towards the badge for each the Accuracy, Damage, and Recharge badges for level 20-29.

Failing that, make all the invention badges and the progress tracking account-wide.

[/ QUOTE ]

If getting field crafter COSTS you inf, you are basically doing it wrong. (or doing it purely for getting it quickly in which case you have chosen the most costly route)
My last field crafter was about 200 million plus when she got it.

based on your faulty premise, I dont see the need for any of your suggestions.

and don't forget that the 25-30 teir badges come with their very own nifty bonus.

[/ QUOTE ] What Catwhoorg said. This is fine as is. I don't understand why people want everything to be easier.



And I don't understand people who are fine with fluff taking as much or more effort to earn than things that have a tangible effect on gameplay.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



/signed, the requirements for this thing are just dumb.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



And I don't understand people who are fine with fluff taking as much or more effort to earn than things that have a tangible effect on gameplay.

[/ QUOTE ] The thing is your suggestion is just plain ridiculous. You're not asking for it to be made somewhat easier. You are asking for it to be practically given away.



/signed, the requirements for this thing are just dumb.

[/ QUOTE ] No they're not.



/signed, the requirements for this thing are just dumb.

[/ QUOTE ] No they're not.

[/ QUOTE ]Honestly, they did seem pretty crazy back when they were first added. But since I've actually started working toward them (not originally for the Accolade, since it sucks), it's actually pretty easy... and extremely profitable (80 million so far!).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



And I don't understand people who are fine with fluff taking as much or more effort to earn than things that have a tangible effect on gameplay.

[/ QUOTE ]
The thing is your suggestion is just plain ridiculous. You're not asking for it to be made somewhat easier. You are asking for it to be practically given away.

[/ QUOTE ]
A ten badge requirement is not "practically given away," not by a long shot. I haven't seen any characters that don't actively go after invention badges with more than 4.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Pretty much how my experience went. Except I hoarded all the high level enhancements and sold for 1 influence or deleted all the ones I didn't want. I lost a ton of influence. But that's ok because I just wanted to get it and I also did the level 45 and 50.