Relax the requirements for Portable Workbench




Honestly, I think pretty much all the badges are too easy to get (with a few exceptions like Empathy which is just silly)... I don't think that everyone should be automatically guaranteed to be able to get every badge- I thought the Winter Event's race badges were pretty good, since they actually took some effort and practice to get!

Like-wise, after starting crafting in earnest, the Accolade doesn't really look to be that hard to get... not to mention get the memorization badge for every single common IO in the game which has huge benefits, as well as 2 other pseudo-accolades.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



/signed, the requirements for this thing are just dumb.

[/ QUOTE ] I know!

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See? He agrees.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



And I don't understand people who are fine with fluff taking as much or more effort to earn than things that have a tangible effect on gameplay.

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Better solution: Give it better up time.

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Agreed. 5 Minutes up, 1 hour down?

Bah. I'd rather it be like the AE accolade. Make it worth working to get.

edit: This is so I can spawn and dismiss it for the boom!



See now that right there is a good reason NOT to decrease the recharge.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Seriously, this is a nice accolade. Craft enhancements anywhere? Nice! But the requirements are INSANE. It requires something like 40 invention badges, and at minimum 1000 crafts, not to mention a substantial investment of inf. And of those 40-something badges, 36 of them have esoteric requirements that the game doesn't show you progress on properly, so unless you're keeping track by hand you're flying blind. Hardly anyone has this accolade - only the hardcore badgers do.

The requirements need to be scaled back, and HARD. It should be something like 10 Invention badges - any 10. The badges for crafting certain categories of common IOs should no longer require both levels ending in 0 and 5 for credit; either should count, and the needs for those actual badges should be reduced. Furthermore, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra-Rare IOs should count for the categorical badges. A level 29 Acc/Dam/Rech enhancement should count towards the badge for each the Accuracy, Damage, and Recharge badges for level 20-29.

Failing that, make all the invention badges and the progress tracking account-wide.

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If getting field crafter COSTS you inf, you are basically doing it wrong. (or doing it purely for getting it quickly in which case you have chosen the most costly route)
My last field crafter was about 200 million plus when she got it.

based on your faulty premise, I dont see the need for any of your suggestions.

and don't forget that the 25-30 teir badges come with their very own nifty bonus.

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My last one (I have 22 of them) made 90 million in the process.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



There's absolutely nothing wrong with the requirements for the Portable Workbench accolade. You mention that "hardly anyone but the hardcore badgers" have this accolade. So what? Why shouldn't there be at least a -few- badges in this game that actually take a little bit of organized long-term effort to get? And the idea that invention badges should be account-based as a compromise? *sigh*

Empath was the only badge in this game that was set far too high for ANYONE to get naturally and that was finally addressed last year. Once you get past the handful of other top epic badges such as Immortal and Leader there are roughly only 20-30 badges that are "moderately" challenging (as in require several weeks or months each) to get. Beyond those as KitsuneKnight implied 95% of the rest of the badges in this game are effectively trivial to get (taking less than a few hours total each) by comparison.

It's suggestions like these to "carebear nerf" various pseudo-hard badges that are probably motivating the Devs to offer us a bunch of "do X once to get a badge" badges like the Issue 15 Arena badges. I fear we are doomed to a future where all new badges will be obtained almost as instantly as they are released and there will no longer be any badges to offer us challenges to earn.

Please stop giving our Devs the idea that we generally want -easier- badges to earn.
Too many of them are already far too easy to begin with.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



And I don't understand people who are fine with fluff taking as much or more effort to earn than things that have a tangible effect on gameplay.

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The thing is your suggestion is just plain ridiculous. You're not asking for it to be made somewhat easier. You are asking for it to be practically given away.

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A ten badge requirement is not "practically given away," not by a long shot. I haven't seen any characters that don't actively go after invention badges with more than 4.

[/ QUOTE ] An accolade you can get in less than thirty minutes is practically giving it away.



There's absolutely nothing wrong with the requirements for the Portable Workbench accolade. You mention that "hardly anyone but the hardcore badgers" have this accolade. So what? Why shouldn't there be at least a -few- badges in this game that actually take a little bit of organized long-term effort to get?

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We're not talking about a badge, we're talking about a power. Put simply, the portable workbench is simply not good enough to be worth the investment of effort. Now, the Archmage accolade, with the tier-9-like Eye of the Magus that anyone can get? Which requires the incredibly tedious Illusionist badge? That's a power that's worth the effort! Illusionist is one of the most annoying badges to get, but I think many would agree that if any accolade is worth it, it's Eye of the Magus. Portable Workbench, not so much.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Put simply, the portable workbench is simply not good enough to be worth the investment of effort.

[/ QUOTE ]Which is why it should get better uptime. 5 minutes duration with 10 recharge isn't something that'd be potentially abusable (like the chain-explode thing as already mentioned), but it'd actually be better than the base teleporter trick that was already mentioned in this thread!

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!