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  1. I never have understood why they don't allow you to simply buy as many slots as you want.

    Costumes, character slots, AE slots. It's more money for them and things like character slots are more incentives to keep playing and making alts. Some people have 36 slots and want to make more characters but don't want to goto other servers. Why goto other servers when your friends are all on one server?
  2. Yeah ambushes do happen from papers and tips but its a bit rare. One of the many many missions where you get to beat up flamebeaux spawns freakshow ambushes.
  3. Can't say that I'd ever agree to giving them aoe immunity. But they could make all your pets the exact same level as you but keep the health and damage the same as the currently have at -2 -1 and 1. that way they aren't getting hit as much but they still have the same hit points and health.

    When you're fighting +4s and your pets are already -2 or even -1 it makes them pretty vulnerable to anything.
  4. Make it another thing to spend vanguard merits on. Because once the vanguard packs comes out people won't really need to run msrs for anything but badges and a grai matter. I run them for fun myself but not everyone shares that.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    Wait, whoa, hang on a sec! Exactly one week from I20 launch and you already have a tier 4 ability in Judgment?!
    I had all my t4s on saturday but changed my mind on my lore slot so I had to get another very rare on sunday to finish it. Got lucky on reward windows.

    There were other people that were finished in like 3 days though.
  6. I guess to some extent they can say oh here you had to deal with some really hard content so once you unlock these new level shifts it will be easier again.

    I guess I'd be ok with them adding high level npcs again as long as they also add additional level shifts at the rare slot.
  7. I like the trials but I want to see incarnate tfs in the future and other content that allows use of all level shifts outside of the trials. I'd really like to see some sort of incarnate zone event that spawns much like rikti invasions that would enable all incarnate level shifts, thread drops, etc for the duration of the event.

    Going forward for future trials I'd like to see a 32 or 40 player trial but NOT until they do some work on clientside network lag and server network lag that. It seems that all the shiny incarnate powers have contributed to this already big problem.
  8. Just curious to those that have the master badge. What was your team make up and did you use ultimate inspirations to make you +4? Tried a few lately with multiple debuffers and ignoring the ambushes and we never have enough time to kill him.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    I think the idea is to convert the Empyrean merits (when they don't randomly vanish from your inventory) to get the rare stuff rather than paying to craft it.
    Thanks for confirming that I'm not the only one that Lost emp merits over night. I petitioned it days ago and still haven't got a GM response.
  10. Level shifts don't make very much sense if they are gonna keep raising the level of npcs. Unless future levels shifts on the way. Which is still counter productive to even giving us level shifts.
  11. I'm wanting to think Omega is simply the alpha slot with a better variety in stat choices and a level shift that also works outside of trials. Don't know why that's stuck in my mind, I just have that feeling.
  12. Finished my last t4 about 6pm on sunday. Now I'm working on t4s for other builds before I start working on alts.
  13. Had a tough time getting set up to lead the msr on sunday as we moved from one zone to another. Some people started asking trialists to goto pocket d instead and in the end more people were able to join us.

    We need to get people into the habit of doing trials in pocket d as it's already annoying enough when the weekly tf is one of the 3 tfs in rwz.
  14. Noyjitat

    Hami Raid

    League system was great for hami. Very fun raid
  15. Lets not give them a reason to nerf judgement.
  16. If its a gaming mouse like a razer or logitech and you didn't install the manufacturer drivers then it might not work in full screen programs like coh. It could also for some odd reason not be bound to the camera ingame.
  17. The shadow shard tfs need to be reworked entirely. 90% of the missions are the same objectives in the same cave or science lab. And the eyeballs need to rebalanced for players playing defense characters or bringing force field defenders to the team.

    Right now they could remove over half of the missions in quarterfield because they are all exactly the same map and objectives. Boring tf
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
    For the upcoming issue, what if you were the head honcho calling the shots on what got done? What would you include in it?

    For me:
    1. Power customization for all powers. *Priority Number One. The Must-Have/Issue Theme.*
    2. Two complete new costumes from head to toe. Also additional miscellaneous stuff for various body parts that wouldn't normally get a full costume (flat foot animal fur, wings at level one for animal characters, etc).
    3. Radio and Newspaper missions could be used in every zone, not just selected zones.
    4. Rework the lower level hero missions so that I'm not running to King's Row to get a mission to go to The Hollows. All missions (except maybe the major stuff) would have an entrance on the same map as the mission giver. Exceptions might be to meet new contacts, who would give a mission on the same map they are on, and not send you off somewhere else.
    5. Allow capes at character creation. Don't require a mission to get them.
    6. Add in a few new travel powers, such as fire flight and hoverboards.
    Most of this stuff is long overdue. Especially power customization for ancil/patrons/pools/veats/heats.
  19. I'd much rather see them enable other ways to get threads at this point. As suggested in another thread.

    For level 50 tfs only, set your tf difficulty to +4 +8 bosses when solo, avs instead of elites make threads drop instead of shards. They could also enable incarnate level shifts while on these level 54 tfs as an incentive to do other things besides farm the same 2 trials. Which really i'd like to see anyway. With the added level shifts it would truly make the old tfs more interesting as well although some changes would probably need to be added to these tfs at +4 while incarnate mode was enabled.
  20. 9cu hits you. plasma burst had a 95% chance to hit

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Learn, adapt and overcome. When the game gives you lemons you make lemonade.

    And I'll say it again just to make sure this point hits home: These new Incarnate trials are geared with the future of the game in mind. They are balanced for people who have slotted Incarnate Shifts. It's practically a given that without those shifts these trials are going to be fairly hard at first for EVERYONE, not just MMs.

    All I'm suggesting is that you may be crying for a nerf to this trial far too early...
    This is one of those poorly designed game mechanics where certain powersets get screwed over and don't feel fun to bring to the trials.

    Its ok in hamiraids because everyone can use EoEs to mitigate hamidon damage so the devs had more freedom with how dangerous they could make hamidon. But here it seems you need high +hitpoints and high resistances or you can expect to get melted. It seems to me they either need to add temp powers/inspirations that help you resist some of the crazy damage or take away the high accuracy and +to hit and give the mobs a power like aim that they occasionally turn on that doesn't have a quick recharge time. I'm thinking the aim power would be the best course as long as every mob doesn't use it the second you aggro them.
  22. Sucks for masterminds and all that extra bonus accuracy and +to hit most of this stuff has in these trials sucks too. Had alot of instances where when my team would return from the hospital on the baf and lamba that we would simply get melted upon returning to the fight. Playing a softcapped sr and popping purples and oranges before returning to the action, I couldn't tell that defense was even working when there was just 1 or 2 bosses in the area.
  23. Yeah, personally I'd like to see those level shifts work in all level 50 group/raid content. Perhaps when playing at the +4 +8 setting. But oh well.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by V-Tron View Post
    ya know it seems alot of players have this "I want it all and I want it now"attitude toward everything. The idea of having to wait or work toward something just puts them off. Look 400 million inf isn't the easiest thing to come by for everyone. Combining all the inf on all my toons I still don't have that much. For a casual player that only gets to play 2 or 3 hours a week and rarely in a row that may seem like a unsermountable feet.

    No you don't have to spend inf 1 on crafting these incarnate powers, but at the same time, if for what ever your reason cannot or do not want to partake in the trials unlocking the 4 slots will cost quite a bit of inf. forget about earning t3 or t4 slots.

    In my Opionion the Devs probably should have put in a method in which people could form a league with who they want instead of having a random queing system the only way to start it.
    Thing is people DO want to do the trials. But they also want to be able to afford ably continue converting components just like they did in alpha. That's the whole point that I've been trying to make here and in every other post and thread that's what I keep trying to outline, but instead people want to keep jumping to ignorant retarded conclusions and dismiss the post as a 'I got it have it now rant'
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Photonstorm View Post
    Devs know better becasue they see if people play the trials. Also, when people are happy, they usually won't post in forums. People mostly post when they have an issue with the game.
    Most people avoid posting simply to avoid some of the rather colorful and unfriendly replies some people post as a response to them. Some people also won't post until it really really irks them and those are the people with 10 or so posts that rarely say a thing here. And then there is the other group that thinks it won't matter and simply doesn't bother.

    You piss people off enough though and they will something or let the unsub button do the talking for them.