Resurrecting Dr. Quarterfield Taskforce




as of now, this is one of the least played taskforces in the game, some people may even avoid it if it becomes the Weekly Strike Target.

this TF causes disputes between players often times due to it's extensive length.

so I had an idea to get more interest in this 6 hour long TF.

why not raise the maximum level from 44 to 50, then people can use it for shard farming. it seems quite appropriate what with ti taking place mostly int eh Shadow Shard .

also other than the 122 reward merits at the end, if you really want to get ALOT of interest in it, I have another idea, Dr. Quarterfield is a scientist therefor I'd think he'd have the raw knowledge to write enhancement recipes.

so, how about each character gets to claim any 1 recipe at the end of the TF by talking to Dr. Quarterfield after finishing. (I mean they can only feasibly do 4-5 runs a day if they are at it for 24 hours)

that would be huge incentive, raise the max level to 50 (54) and include an option to obtain any 1 recipe at the end.

what does everyone think of this idea?



I would much rather see it revamped a la the Positron TF in to something that is actually fun to play.

I am REALLY hoping that once all 10 incarnate slots are open we will see a revamp of the entire Shadow Shard making it a battle ground for buffed up incarnates to wage war with an interdimensinal destroyer of worlds.

Ruluruu=Coming Storm



I'd be more prone to do it that way but I don't think there is snowballs chance in hell of them letting us pick any recipe in the game. Perhaps if purps and PvPs come off the table....

I would be happy enough if they made it a level 50 TF just so I can keep all my powers and set bonuses.

FYI- as of i20 any level content can drop shards as long as you have unlocked the alpha slot.



Originally Posted by Fritzdog View Post
I'd be more prone to do it that way but I don't think there is snowballs chance in hell of them letting us pick any recipe in the game. Perhaps if purps and PvPs come off the table....

I would be happy enough if they made it a level 50 TF just so I can keep all my powers and set bonuses.

FYI- as of i20 any level content can drop shards as long as you have unlocked the alpha slot.
nice note I didn't know that about i20

getting it revamped is a good idea, but I'd rather just see it raised to LV 50. revamping a TF is alot more work than raising the level.

Purples and PVP recipes; maybe this could fall under the 1 time a day rule, 1 time every 24 hours you can claim a purple or PVP recipe from this TF, after any other completions of the TF for the rest of the 24 hour period; purple and PVP recipies will not be available (grayed out and not claimable) from the recipe menu when talking to dr. quarterfield.



I can't believe you missed the obvious solution, which is to reduce its length by about 80%. That alone would get people running it again.

I agree with bumping the level range up to 50 though, it seems weird for it to be 40-44 when the rest of the Shard TFs aren't.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



You might have to push it to once a week or more for those top level recipes. I know I would run it every darn day if I could get a PVP +3 Def out of it. I could use about a dozen of those
Getting a full set of purps in a week would also be too attractive to pass up. People would then be running this to the exclusion of most other content.
The rate at which you could obtain these would have to be on par with the hero merit path. That being said, I would much rather spend 4-6 hours once a month to get them than 30 min a day for 20-40 days

Man, can you imagine the market uproar if people could drop purps and PvPs on there every day. However something like this might make prices for the good stuff drop significantly. Thant alone might make it worthwhile



Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
I would much rather see it revamped a la the Positron TF in to something that is actually fun to play.

Dr. Q is one of the old, old TFs that just need flat out revamping.

While they're at it, give us a Shadow Shard issue that adds a nice, big chunk of other content (besides "Go read these stones" and "Go make me a Kora fruit milkshake") so people have even more reason to go there.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
While they're at it, give us a Shadow Shard issue that adds a nice, big chunk of other content (besides "Go read these stones" and "Go make me a Kora fruit milkshake") so people have even more reason to go there.
I'm afraid that won't happen, it's just the prison-home of dimension destroying, world devouring entity. Certainly nothing that would interest anyone. Besides, you'd have to be something greater than just a run of the mill level 50 anyway.

Wouldn't you rather fight Marcus Cole?

But yes, I'd love to see Dr. Q get the same treatment Posi did.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
I would much rather see it revamped a la the Positron TF in to something that is actually fun to play.

I am REALLY hoping that once all 10 incarnate slots are open we will see a revamp of the entire Shadow Shard making it a battle ground for buffed up incarnates to wage war with an interdimensinal destroyer of worlds.

Ruluruu=Coming Storm
While I doubt they'll give up the ominous "Coming Storm" by making it a known quantity like Ruluruu... I so very much agree with this.

Revamp the Shadow Shard entirely. Make it available to both Heroes and Villains... or perhaps make one or two new, Arachnos controlled Shadow Shard zones? (yeah, probably asking for too much, there...)

There is a lot of potential here, just waiting to be tapped... and it makes for a logical next step after they (hopefully) finish with Praetoria.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
There is a lot of potential here, just waiting to be tapped... and it makes for a logical next step after they (hopefully) finish with Praetoria.
Well, the way we've been told, the Coming Storm is the next thing after Cole. It's why the Well has "gone insane" and started churning out Incarnates like mad. And we know the CS is not Ruularu, given we've had their "scouts" here since issue 6 (the Shivans.)

So, disappointingly, we wouldn't see any action until mid or post CS (perhaps breaking down some of the barriers - but we'd have to have some CS "introduction" at the *least* in Issue 21, I'd assume Issue 22 finishes the Incarnate slots at the latest, so 23-24 if they give the CS the attention it's been building up for years... )

Assumption? We wouldn't have a real chance of anything Shardy 'til issue 25 at least. 2013, minimum. (Year, not issue.)

And that's going 21 - 22, finish Incarnates, start Storm, 23-24, Storm, 24 *perhaps* having Darrin Wade take advantage to try to break Ruularu out. (or start the process.)

Edit: OK, I'll backdate it a bit. 23 earliest for anything dealing with Ruularu given the echo in the Alpha arc. Still 2012, I'd guess.



The shadow shard tfs need to be reworked entirely. 90% of the missions are the same objectives in the same cave or science lab. And the eyeballs need to rebalanced for players playing defense characters or bringing force field defenders to the team.

Right now they could remove over half of the missions in quarterfield because they are all exactly the same map and objectives. Boring tf

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I agree with all these points very well written, indeed the whole shadow shard needs revamping, I learned a few months back that the Soldiers of Rularuu enemy group was one of the few groups left without an agro cap. not sure if they fixed that.

heh that can be annoying when you're trying to kill overseers for the badge cause suddenly due to their massive quantity of spawns and their fast flight you've got 30+ enemies agroed after a few minutes, kinda fun till their holds start taking and you can't move lol.



Honestly, the best way to get people to run Doc Q is to make it the WST. After all, anyone would run it for 244 merits. :P

(Note, above suggestion is entirely tongue-in-cheek.)

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



I feel like the Shadow Shard is one place where the devs have really dropped the ball. It's a zone that so much much potential to be awesomely epic, and present a perfect threat for Incarnates to take on. The zone looks amazing and the enemies are interesting and challenging.

My initial suggestion was to revamp the Shard TFs, but I think I would actually prefer they scrap every one of them and build new TFs, balanced for Incarnates.



Dr. Quaterfield will most likely never be a WST, because A) It is way too long (all the WSTs thus far have been less than 2 hours), and B) there is no villainside equivelant to it.

It wouldn't be fair to have a WST that only heroes could run, and it wouldn't be fair to give villains a 1 1/2 hour WST while heroes get a 6+ hour WST.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Fritzdog View Post
FYI- as of i20 any level content can drop shards as long as you have unlocked the alpha slot.
Does this include AE?



Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
as of now, this is one of the least played taskforces in the game, some people may even avoid it if it becomes the Weekly Strike Target.

this TF causes disputes between players often times due to it's extensive length.

so I had an idea to get more interest in this 6 hour long TF.

why not raise the maximum level from 44 to 50, then people can use it for shard farming. it seems quite appropriate what with ti taking place mostly int eh Shadow Shard .

also other than the 122 reward merits at the end, if you really want to get ALOT of interest in it, I have another idea, Dr. Quarterfield is a scientist therefor I'd think he'd have the raw knowledge to write enhancement recipes.

so, how about each character gets to claim any 1 recipe at the end of the TF by talking to Dr. Quarterfield after finishing. (I mean they can only feasibly do 4-5 runs a day if they are at it for 24 hours)

that would be huge incentive, raise the max level to 50 (54) and include an option to obtain any 1 recipe at the end.

what does everyone think of this idea?
Getting one million dollars for eating a turd doesn't change the fact that you ate a turd.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
Does this include AE?
No. For what should be obvious reasons. (Or, to put another way, BAF is not meant to stand for "Build a Farm!")



well the first problem with that is the same one I discovered with Justine Augustine's TF. Way too many hunts and in zones where a 50 level isn't going to even earn influence much less get shard drops. The second is the fact that aside from players just starting a new character down the incarnate path the mad rush to do the weekly WST is slowing while the incarnate rush from Trial to Trial working on their new powers. I have ONE character that still needs a few notices to make tier four and all the rest are now working on the new trials and trying to open the new powers.

Not saying NO ONE is out there doing the WST this week but on Virtue the call for an ITF has been silneced by the call for a BAF or LAMBDA. It's going to take more than upping the level so 50's can be 50 to get people working for Doc Q. Now I did it myself on my badger a while back,, and I am talking a month ago or so not a few years LOL With ouro portals and Mission teleporters the time has reduced significantly. The team I was on finished in a little over 4 hours.. still a HUGE span of time compared to many newer TFS. Upping the level wont help... they need to sit down and do what they did with Positron.. Rewrite the thing and cut the missions and the time down! until then the only people that will spend the time on one are crazy badgers.. like ME

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon