737 -
got a 30something demon/pain MM. It´s fun to solo teamcontent every once in a while... but most of the time MMs are just to much micromanagement for me to enjoy.
Crab's pets are so much better imho... and with Lore t4 I still have my small army -
Quote:Originally Posted by Arbiter SandsYes yes, hail Arachnos, hail Recluse, whatever.
Now then, repeat after me: Hail Arachnos, Hail Lord Recluse, blah, blah, etc, etc. -
wait what!? Aquaman is cool... when did that happen? -
As long as it´s not only wolfs/tigers/lions/etc. I´m all in for this.
also on an almost unrelated note, new forms for Kheldians would be nice -
Quote:ExactlyKingdom, Golden Girl, Primal Earth Kingdom. The Lady Grey is not some bare-*****, savage from some far off 'empire', she's a proper English Rose.
Quote:Still waiting to see Geisterdame in Axis America as a loyal Allied Resistance member... Loyal even in death. -
What I´d really like to get are Bioluminescense and Tights options for monstrous feet... the claws to be precise.
14 ppl clicked Run Death From Below. Over and over. And over.... srsly?
Safeguard? nah, but it gave me two ideas:
Maybe have a machine that constantly produces more clockwork and can only be accessed after getting a key from a wandering boss wich only shows up after you´ve been at the machine. So you´d have to split your team, keep the new clockwork at bay while at the same time taking out the boss (they could give him a nasty buff or something, so you WANT to keep 'em seperated). Once the boss is down, double the production rate so the team HAS to re-unite to not get wiped and then together fight their way back to the machine to take it out.
Or Rikti troop transporters would be a nice idea; take them out to weaken the assault. or ignore them and get zerg`d.
Also, now I want staff blast -
Quote:Nice idea, bad timing. With I23 all text will be in english.But I've decided to try and use CoH as a learning tool by creating a character on the Zukunft server.
Quote:I named that Dominator, "Student," one of the advantages of a foreign server being the availability of generic English names.
First, student in german is... well Student, just pronounced different
Second, I wouldn´t bet on the availability of english names. This whole super hero thing is mostly associated with the english language so german names are a minority...even on Zukunft.
Quote:I made her a Praetorian because I have never completed the Praetorian missions, and because they probably will contain more 'conversational' style dialogue than either blue or red-side.
Quote:In order to get a more complete experience, I will be using a text reader to get a feel for the pronunciation of words. For example, try the sentence "Wilkommen bei der Kräfteabteilung, Rekrut." on this website's "Try-It!" tab.
Quote:When I need a translation, I'll use either Google Translate or a German-English dictionary.
Quote:and possibly teaming
Send me a /tell if you want to team... been spending way too much time on exalted anyway -
I´d use the old World of Darkness system. Just modify the disciplines/gifts/spheres/or whatever to power sets. Maybe take a look at Scion too, it has great examples for really superhuman stuff.
Yeah, about that...
Kirk & co went back to 19something but the alternate timeline started much later, like four hundred years or so.
So is there a point in space-time where old Kirk is stealing a whale, even though he never existed that way in the new timeline? -
Quote:Bad idea, really bad idea.Take a look at (actually, just steal...) the Spore character creator. Hold the tab key down when placing an item on creation for 3 different adjustable planes in the sphere of orientation of an item + ability to make larger or smaller, and overlay items for so many more possibilities like an X or Y shaped pupil or multiple similar items in one place
First, that (while being cool) would be a royal pain in the rear to code. Maybe for a new game, but as good as impossible for CoX.
Second, have a look at these:
You want CoX to get sued into oblivion? -
Quote:So, after reading almost 3 years worth of PvP I finally found them.Caesar's ghost, you're right! I had forgotten about the PvP webcomic tie-ins. Geez, the first one was over 10 freakin' years ago; how did that happen!!?
CoH Comics
I remember them being part of the collectors(?) edititon...anyway, the one with the VIP badge -
Quote:Uh, yeah, well, whenever you notice something like that... a mender did it.It was a "problem" as soon as they introduced the 'new' penny, because you could still rescue the adolescent version of her in the Lady Grey TF, 5 levels later than when you can first meet the adult her.
Quote:You might want to take a look at Romantically Apocalyptic. This webcomic is everything, but not depressingIf there is one genre that I despise, it has to be "post apocalyptic". It is almost uniformly depressing. The whole artistic movement has people with no imagination other than to see how much blood can be splattered or how much the human race has been "wrong" about whatever the artist has a beef over.
That reminds me, can we please get a cancer pet?