Choose my adventure Massively!

Agent White



The page is now up on Massively with their experience so far on playing our game when we won that poll! Follow the link below for the rather nice read i thought and with a "choose what to do next" poll at the end!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Not really sure what the difference is between 'do the atlas arcs' and 'seek out contacts' since.. at that level they're one and the same >>

Also why on earth was Steel Canyon and option? Talk about a suicide option XD King's Row would've been a 'better' alternative.



you should've seen all the people in the suggestion thread the mods opened up



So she doesn't have the option of ERP'ing while AE doorsitting? How pedestrian. *sips on a cigar made of Very Rare IOs and puffs a martini ignited by Fire Armor*



Clicking bombs and saving the world should have been an option.

"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle



It took her five hours to pick an origin? Four days to get through the character creator? Man, and people call me slow.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
It took her five hours to pick an origin? Four days to get through the character creator? Man, and people call me slow.
I believe there was some level of sarcasm involved.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Not really sure what the difference is between 'do the atlas arcs' and 'seek out contacts' since.. at that level they're one and the same >>
If the writer hasn't played before, they may end up traveling through zones trying to get in touch with the contacts there. Which should be difficult since contacts are all level-locked.

Also why on earth was Steel Canyon and option?
There's a tunnel linking Atlas Park and Steel Canyon. It's quite possible that the author thinks that's something like a 'next' zone.

What I want to know is who the 33 mongrels are that told the CoH newbie to keep grinding DFB.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Maybe they were trolls? lol



Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
There's a tunnel linking Atlas Park and Steel Canyon. It's quite possible that the author thinks that's something like a 'next' zone.
Back about... hm, a bit over 8 years ago I didn't know about the tram. I finished up my origin's Atlas arc and was told to go to KR. I look at the map and see the route is Atlas -> Skyway -> Kings. So I spend the next hour trying to get across Skyway with no travel power and at a level where everything there kills me in one or two hits. Having come from games like EQ1, I saw nothing wrong with this.

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