717 -
So, the producers of 300 want to cash in on the Zach Snyder style again, only without Zach Snyder?
And yeah, the 4 arrow scene was nearly a shot-for-shot ripoff of Flying Daggers.
-k -
It probably dosen't help that I'm a cynical suspicious git, huh?
-np -
I have never understood rabid fandom for media or entertainment.
I don't mean liking something. Everyone does that.
I mean being SO invested in a media icon or other entertainment element that they start identifying with the subject, often publicly aggressively labeling themselves as part of a fan group. So invested that they get actually emotionally upset when someone posts negatively about their particular obsession, as if they themselves were personally being insulted.
-np -
Except your password is one of the things that Sony believes might have been compromised.
So they perhaps ARE a complete bunch of morons.
-k -
Is there any particular reason they couldn't calculate the rough position of the refugee ships? Flying at sublight, they could at least get a ballpark idea of where they might be and start searching around from there.
If nothing else they could re-unite the colonists with their people.
I will say that, while not having seen next final two episodes yet, so far this one (and the one before it) might have served well as the series finale.
-k -
Quote:Pretty much Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?The problem with this reverse cause and effect loop is that you might as well use it for every jam you're in. About to be dropped in a volcano? Wait for your future self to show up to save you. Then, once saved, go back in time and save yourself. Repeat for all jams.
-np -
Quote:Remember that they did this again in the last Red Nose Day Special.I cite his Time Crash special featuring Five and Ten as evidence. Ten only knows what to do because he remembers Five watching him doing that.
Eleven only knew which switch to pull cos he tells himself.
-np -
Huh. Why do I get the impression that when Olivia Wilde's character talks about 'her people', she doesn't mean humans?
-k -
Quote:It's coming for youuuu....OMG. When that guy kicked that robot, I was totally ready for that thing to completely rip him apart. The stumbling made it SOO human-like. I soo wish it would have stopped and turned slowly toward the threat. That would have been a great easter-egg, and probably would have made the 'kicking guy' drop a pantload, iykwim.
That's very impressive. Also a bit frightening in the deep depths of my subconscious fearplace. Maybe a water-balloon gun would also be a good investment...
-np -
[edit] Nevermind, problem resolved[/edit]
-np -
Quote:Big Dog?Someone has already developed an all-terrain robot designed to carry about 340 pounds of equipment. It can adapt and cross ice, rocks, walk through forests, etc. and reach a supply point via GPS. This means the light infantry wouldn't need to be overloaded with their own equipment and actually would be able to perform as light infantry.
If I can find the video out on the internet I'll post it, but my first thought was "AT-AT Walker."
-np -
I think the best we can hope for is that in a few years when the studio inevitably investigates reviving the property for a new series, they write some resolution to SGU into the pilot.
-k -
Eh, they could always do a finale episode a couple years after the fact like Farscape did.
They'd need an active large fanbase to constantly rally and push for a resolution, though - ah, crap.
-k -
You don't watch Archer.
You experience it.
-k -
Really, many of the wall lights allow you to "stick" other wall objects to them at odd angles.
Place a cubicle, then stick one of the odd-shaped wall lights (like the torch or wall sconce) to the cubicle. Then stick whatever wall item (that you want put at an angle) to the wall light.
-np -
I was hoping he was voicing Galvatron.
-np -
Personally, I think CLU2 did send the page, but he was expecting Alan Bradley to come to the rescue. Which is why he was a little surprised at seeing Sam.
Remember that it was Alan who got the page.
It would be nifty if they got David Warner and Cindy Morgan back for part 3.
-np -
All I know about Vampire is that guys used to the main game who show up to a Vampire: Dark Ages LARP are often startled and fearful when their mincing gothy emo politicking tends to be met with heads being ripped off.
-np -
Quote:You know just how much Tomax/Xamot slash fic is out there?...
Not even remotely.
I was talking the evil twin thing that those guys had on GI Joe. Since that is essentially what the Rushes were. Other than the pain-transference thing, they would've been pretty similar to those two. It would've been interesting to see just how amoral two Rushes could be. Would it be a negative or a positive feedback situation? Would they have turned on each other at some point? Would they have tried to create an army of Rushes using temporal situations (like one of 'em mentioned)?
-np -
As an aside, it appears Hulu.com has rescinded the 30-day delay before showing new episodes, this last one is already up on the site.
(They still have the 30-day delay note on the page, though)