Sgu 3/14




Damn you SGU! DAMN YOU!.... Why did you have to take a year and a half to get good?

The last two episodes have been fantastic, actually the last several episodes have been great. But it took a year and a half to get there and now that if finally is paying off it is getting canceled.

Anyway I loved this episode, and I think it gave Rush a real solid look in the mirror and I don't think he liked what he saw. It was interesting that he even doubts himself the story told by Rush Alpha. Just goes to show how untrustworthy he has been all this time. And I think he doesn't like what he saw gazing at himself at all.

But DAMN YOU SCFY and SGU for taking so long to get so good.

I'll admit that this episode pays off for that year and a half of his character and how.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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While it was a good episode, it seemed like the entire point of it was to get supplies after suffering a terrible battle and to get Telford off of the ship. Which is what I liked over Voyager. Voyager introduces the Year of Hell episode in a time travel episode and the actual Year of Hell episode was retconned out of exist because they blew up a ship and destroyed that reality. Then you have the series finale which retconned 20 years out of their journey. If they have the series finale this season, then I want them to do an epilogue series finale where they either get to their final destination or we see glimpses of the future.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Yes the primary point for the show was to resupply and get telford of the ship again. But think the equally important theme was Rush meeting Rush and really getting a look at himself from outside. It goes back to his conversation with Chloe earlier in the show where he talks about destiny, not the ship, and things happening because they need to.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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On one hand, there is still only one of Rush and Telford and Telford is back on Earth so to some degree status quo is restored.

And it actually was an accident. If Telford II didn't get his knickers in a twist about not going home and confront Rush I he would still be alive.

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As an aside, it appears has rescinded the 30-day delay before showing new episodes, this last one is already up on the site.

(They still have the 30-day delay note on the page, though)


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Telford dying left me disappointed. On one hand I was like, "YES! WAY TO GO! THEY FINALLY KILLED THE <BLEEP>!" Then I remembered he was still alive on earth.

It also reminded me of Star Trek Generations and what my friends and I did when we went to see it. Eight of us were in the theatre and we stood and cheered when Kirk "died" at the beginning of the film and then we walked out. Cuz we only came to see Kirk get killed.

To this day I have never seen the movie past that point.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
But DAMN YOU SCFY and SGU for taking so long to get so good.

I'll admit that this episode pays off for that year and a half of his character and how.
lol. Don't blame SCYFY for SGU taking so long to get good. That was the fault of the writers MGM hired.



So, let’s recap here. The crew has nearly doubled their supplies of food/plants, medical supplies, ‘armory’ stuff. They now have more “CO2 nodes,” a second repair bot and lots of “Power Parts” to fix up the ship. And Telford – a helpful presence at times, but mostly a disruptive one – is once again off the ship. All in all they came out of the situation in better shape than they went in.
I really liked Rush’s reaction when he realized what he’d done when he pushed Telford away. Absolutely horrified. Carlyle did an excellent bit of acting there. Then to “oh my god, oh my god, what do I do?”
Now, is there only one Lucian Alliance guy left on Destiny? Or do they just focus on the leader dude?
But I must say I did enjoy this episode.



And a second shuttle too, right?

Anyone wondering whether Rush I was in the ancient's chair long enough to learn how to ascend before the other Destiny was engulfed in the star?

I do agree, these last few episodes have been much better than previous.

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Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
And a second shuttle too, right?

Anyone wondering whether Rush I was in the ancient's chair long enough to learn how to ascend before the other Destiny was engulfed in the star?

I do agree, these last few episodes have been much better than previous.
Wasn't one of the two shuttles the tomb of useless girls dad the long dead senator? If so how does she feel about abandoning daddy's corpse in some nameless solar system?

And how were they able to abandon him since they couldn't kick the shuttle out in the first place from inside the ship? Remember daddy sacrificed himself by sealing himself into the shuttle with the hull breach.

Or did the writers once again screw up because they forgot about daddy being dead in the second shuttle.

Maybe they found a third shuttle pad for the shuttle time travelling Rush brought back.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wasn't one of the two shuttles the tomb of useless girls dad the long dead senator? If so how does she feel about abandoning daddy's corpse in some nameless solar system?

And how were they able to abandon him since they couldn't kick the shuttle out in the first place from inside the ship? Remember daddy sacrificed himself by sealing himself into the shuttle with the hull breach.
As I recall, it worked out this way:
Shuttle #1: Was found in old, but flyable condition.
Shuttle #2: Was found broken, not flyable, with a hole in the windshield.

The Dad sealed himself up in Shuttle #2 because they didn't have spacesuits at the time.
A few episodes later, they found some suits. With these, they could remove the body and partly fix up #2.

A few eps later, they found a planet that several people wanted to stay at. They were given Shuttle #2. It could enter an atmosphere (once) and fly around a but, but was in too bad a shape to reach space again.

A few eps later, Shuttle #1 crashed; leaving Destiny with no shuttles.

A few eps later, something that looked like #2 materialized in deep space right next to Destiny with the "remain behind" folks aboard it. They all died before the end of the episode. The shuttle was in brand-new, factory-perfect condition. The assumption is that some godlike aliens had built a copy of the shuttle and some short-lived copies of the people for mysterious reasons. Call this Shuttle #3.

This last ep: Rush went through a time-loop. They now have an identical copy of Shuttle #3 that's 12 hours older than the original, and slightly crispy. Call this Shuttle #4.

Did I get that all straight...?

And does anybody else think that they went for this whole "Dock the shuttles on the exterior of the ship" business because the production crew didn't have the budget to build a set for a hangar bay?



You got the sequence of events exactly right ThugOne. And I think they did the exterior docking in order to be different from all the other shows with shuttles. Every other science fiction show that has had shuttles has had them dock inside some bay which is a waste of perfectly good space. Space which would be at a premium in a spaceship.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by ThugOne View Post
As I recall, it worked out this way:
Shuttle #1: Was found in old, but flyable condition.
Shuttle #2: Was found broken, not flyable, with a hole in the windshield.

The Dad sealed himself up in Shuttle #2 because they didn't have spacesuits at the time.
A few episodes later, they found some suits. With these, they could remove the body and partly fix up #2.

A few eps later, they found a planet that several people wanted to stay at. They were given Shuttle #2. It could enter an atmosphere (once) and fly around a but, but was in too bad a shape to reach space again.

A few eps later, Shuttle #1 crashed; leaving Destiny with no shuttles.

A few eps later, something that looked like #2 materialized in deep space right next to Destiny with the "remain behind" folks aboard it. They all died before the end of the episode. The shuttle was in brand-new, factory-perfect condition. The assumption is that some godlike aliens had built a copy of the shuttle and some short-lived copies of the people for mysterious reasons. Call this Shuttle #3.

This last ep: Rush went through a time-loop. They now have an identical copy of Shuttle #3 that's 12 hours older than the original, and slightly crispy. Call this Shuttle #4.

Did I get that all straight...?

And does anybody else think that they went for this whole "Dock the shuttles on the exterior of the ship" business because the production crew didn't have the budget to build a set for a hangar bay?
Thanks Thug I completely forgot that happened.

Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
You got the sequence of events exactly right ThugOne. And I think they did the exterior docking in order to be different from all the other shows with shuttles. Every other science fiction show that has had shuttles has had them dock inside some bay which is a waste of perfectly good space. Space which would be at a premium in a spaceship.
While space is at a premium it's also true that a shuttles hull is a lot easier to penetrate by random space debris or micro-meterorites than the hull of a main ship. So a shuttle docked on the outside of a ship that routinely travels thru different solar systems could easily find itself getting it's hull breached by some random unexpected debris that wouldn't scratch the bigger ship.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Every other science fiction show that has had shuttles has had them dock inside some bay which is a waste of perfectly good space. Space which would be at a premium in a spaceship.

I'd have to disagree about not needing a hangar. Vehicles require maintenance, and it's really hard to change the oil/dilithium/protoculture/whatnot while wearing a bulky Destiny-era spacesuit.

If a ship is on a short-term voyage where it can stop at existing facilities with maintenance yards, then sure, mount the small craft on the outside. But a giant ship on open-ended exploration voyage into the unknown with only two small craft? They were *really* confident that nothing would go wrong.
For the first couple of episodes, the situation was believable; we could assume that the two craft on the outside were the "ready shuttles", and the rest were in some depressurized part of Destiny that the Earthlings had not found yet. But they have run of the whole ship now, and nobody's found it yet.

I suppose it's possible that the Ancient plan was to bring replacement shuttles through the Stargate in pieces and re-assemble them aboard Destiny, since a whole shuttle won't fit. Which would imply a room big enough to do that in, with an exterior door large enough to get it outside, which is.... oh, nevermind. :-)



Destiny wasn't based around the capabilities of Stargate Command, but around the Ancients. If anything needed to be fixed on the shuttle, then the repair drones would be able to fix them. Also, we haven't seen all of Destiny's capabilities so they could have manufacturing drones to extract materials from asteroids and various worlds to create shuttles and whatever else they need.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Destiny wasn't based around the capabilities of Stargate, but around the Ancients. If anything needed to be fixed on the shuttle, then the repair drones would be able to fix them. Also, we haven't seen all of Destiny's capabilities so they could have manufacturing drones to extract materials from asteroids and various worlds to create shuttles and whatever else they need.
Repair drones can't get underneath a docked shuttle, while a hanger bay could have equipment to lift a shuttle so a drone could perform maintenance.



Didn't they also make some statement about extending the shuttle's sheilds around Destiny when they didn't think Destiny had enough energy to power the shields for a jump?

They discarded the idea becuase the shuttle's shields couldn't cover the entire ship. But now with two shuttles...

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Repair drones can't get underneath a docked shuttle, while a hanger bay could have equipment to lift a shuttle so a drone could perform maintenance.
Hook up a tether from Destiny to the shuttle and releasing the docking clamps would fix that problem. For all we know, they could have a shuttle maintenance bay and the repair drones could just tow the shuttles there. The only good thing about shuttles being on the hull of the ship IMO is that they don't have to fill up a large room with air. Shuttles being on the hull seems more different that what people are used to and seems more efficient in terms of time, energy, and resources. There is no wasted travel from getting through the doors or wasted energy from moving large doors.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



I'm still waiting for them to find the repair/fabrication shop. Hell I want to see them find that on Stargate: Atlantis, clearly the ZPM's were not hard for the city to build if you used the right shop and equipment, the ancients who took over the city briefly built a full set in weeks and had them installed.

What we have seen no sign of aside from one lonely robot are the ships self repair systems. And repair shop. For that matter the ship should have foraging robots that can be dispatched through the gate to scavange raw supplies and return freeing the crew to focus on their primary mission the signal. Heh.

Of course I expect that the writers never even thought of any of that.

Oh and for Forbin Project, what was with them salvaging all the guns from armory? Salvaging ammo would be much more critical and essential.

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post

Oh and for Forbin Project, what was with them salvaging all the guns from armory? Salvaging ammo would be much more critical and essential.
Same as everything else, gun barrels don't last for ever.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Oh and for Forbin Project, what was with them salvaging all the guns from armory? Salvaging ammo would be much more critical and essential.
From what I understand Rush perfected the technology found in spaghetti westerns where the cowboys never have to reload their 6-shooters.

All kidding aside I'm going to say that the writers want us to assume the ammo was taken since they showed us they were grabbing the guns.

Or maybe we'll see Greer running around in a firefight with his M-16 yelling "BANG! Lay down dammit your dead!"



Originally Posted by Cass_ View Post
Same as everything else, gun barrels don't last for ever.
Actually TD's ribbing me because one of the things that bugs me about the show is that I believe they should have run out of ammo by now because they have no way of resupplying what they brought thru the gate.

Even if they confiscated the weapons brought by the Lucien Alliance, Their ammo can't be fired out of Earth weapons, and they aren't using the LA guns.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Actually TD's ribbing me because one of the things that bugs me about the show is that I believe they should have run out of ammo by now because they have no way of resupplying what they brought thru the gate.

Even if they confiscated the weapons brought by the Lucien Alliance, Their ammo can't be fired out of Earth weapons, and they aren't using the LA guns.
Oh you have a good point, I'm simply willing to suspend disbelief on it because A) they could have had ammo in that snafu of using the gate in the first place, all kinds of boxes got tossed through and I can believe the military types would have thought to grab some cases. Mind you they wouldn't have a lot of ammo, but they would have extra. And B) they haven't actually shot that much ammo yet. I would think they are probably through about half of their ammo though.

Hmm, what did the ancients use for weapons? I'm sure they had some. Ie Personal hand carried weapons. I don't think we have ever actually seen what they used. Those should be somewhere on the ship, probably an energy weapon like the zap, which is probably based on an ancient weapon.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Oh you have a good point, I'm simply willing to suspend disbelief on it because A) they could have had ammo in that snafu of using the gate in the first place, all kinds of boxes got tossed through and I can believe the military types would have thought to grab some cases. Mind you they wouldn't have a lot of ammo, but they would have extra. And B) they haven't actually shot that much ammo yet. I would think they are probably through about half of their ammo though.
A) That kind of goes back to the discussion in last weeks episode thread. From my own military experience I don't believe they would ever leave weapons and ammo out in a pile of boxes where anyone can get at it. In my opinion it would be kept in an armory or weapons locker and only be issued when they were ready to attempt dialing the gate and go thru.

If they did it that way then all the boxes in the gateroom were scientific equipment, food and medical supplies, and other essential items like toilet paper.

B) That's where I get a little confused. There were a couple of episodes where they were firing like crazy, but then one of those episodes had that damned time travel crap, so it screwed up my estimates on how much ammo they using.

Hmm, what did the ancients use for weapons? I'm sure they had some. Ie Personal hand carried weapons. I don't think we have ever actually seen what they used. Those should be somewhere on the ship, probably an energy weapon like the zap, which is probably based on an ancient weapon.
Yeah, that's another thing that irritates me. If the writers had let them discover a weapons locker on the Destiny it would have resolved the whole ammo thing without any fuss.



If I was in charge of the 9th Chevron expedition, then I would put all the non-perishable supplies near the Stargate since there is no idea to know when the Expedition would start or what to expect.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.