Sgu 4/4

Dark One



Well I see the writers are still crappin on Eli. Rush get's lucky and Eli is forced to lose Gin a second time.

Telfords still up to his schemes to take over Destiny and has screwed up the SGC's chances to use that planet to resupply our heroes. I wouldn't be surprised if he was still working for the Lucien Alliance.

I hope Greer gets better.



Yes and it is a pity. Eli is the only character on the show I even like a little and he just doesn't get any breaks.

Is it me or did Rush seem a bit more human at the end. I think the events of late have been slowing changing him into a better Rush. Not a perfect one, but a better one.

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Yes and it is a pity. Eli is the only character on the show I even like a little and he just doesn't get any breaks.
I identify with Eli, but Greer is still my favorite character.

Is it me or did Rush seem a bit more human at the end. I think the events of late have been slowing changing him into a better Rush. Not a perfect one, but a better one.
It's not just you but just as with Eli, yanking his girlfriend away like this gives the writers an excuse to make him start acting like he was before.



Eli is not completely screwed over. It is not like he can't see her again. Wouldn't be surprised if Eli and Rush try to move their girlfriends out of quarantine and a few former members of previous crews tag along for the ride.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



First if it was a temporary thing Eli wouldn't have been so pissed off at the end of the episode.

Second the show was cancelled after these episodes were shot. They weren't given the chance to wrap up the show.




I'll be watching this Sat. most likely....will comment later!

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Telford needs to make up his damned mind. Either on or off the ship. He was so gungho to get off of it and now he's gungho to go back.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
First if it was a temporary thing Eli wouldn't have been so pissed off at the end of the episode.

Second the show was cancelled after these episodes were shot. They weren't given the chance to wrap up the show.
I imagine Eli is annoyed because his girlfriend has effectively gone to the Yukon (Canadian territory by Alaska) where there is no access to phone or internet. She is still "alive" in some form and for all we know, Eli and Rush just need to find a program to get access to the Quarantine section. If there is a Quarantine section, then other programs might still be there. Make for a decent episode of releasing some trouble along with the dead girlfriends.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Really enjoyed the last few episodes. Like so many other great shows in the past, they seem to have waited to long to introduce the good stuff and now they're getting canceled. Sad panda is sad, but Ginn will always be super hot.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Really enjoyed the last few episodes. Like so many other great shows in the past, they seem to have waited to long to introduce the good stuff and now they're getting canceled. Sad panda is sad, but Ginn will always be super hot.
Pretty much this.

I enjoyed the show but thinking of it now; what would be the harm of releasing them from quarantine right now? The simulation was only running because of/when Rush was in the chair right and since he's not in it now.....

Ah well....the previews for the next show doesn't seem all that great but we'll see

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Pretty much this.

I enjoyed the show but thinking of it now; what would be the harm of releasing them from quarantine right now? The simulation was only running because of/when Rush was in the chair right and since he's not in it now.....

Ah well....the previews for the next show doesn't seem all that great but we'll see
If they are stuck in Quarantine, then there should be other nasty programs in there as well. There could be an episode where Gin and Amanda have to deal with other nasty programs that are trapped and find some way to escape by their own power or by contacting Rush and Eli. One of the trapped programs could be a former member of Destiny's crew that knows everything about the ship. The series finale could be getting that program to help them establish a permanent connection with the Milky Way through the Stargate or some other means. The series ends with Destiny flying into the sunset or nebula as the case may be.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
If they are stuck in Quarantine, then there should be other nasty programs in there as well. There could be an episode where Gin and Amanda have to deal with other nasty programs that are trapped and find some way to escape by their own power or by contacting Rush and Eli. One of the trapped programs could be a former member of Destiny's crew that knows everything about the ship. The series finale could be getting that program to help them establish a permanent connection with the Milky Way through the Stargate or some other means. The series ends with Destiny flying into the sunset or nebula as the case may be.
You do realize that the show was cancelled without warning after all the episodes for season 2 were made and there is no finale. The shows creators told us if they had a third season they could wrap up the SGU storyline but they were never given the chance.

It's far more likely that this issue was something they planned to deal with in the third season or later to give people cliffhangers so they'd tune in the next season to find out what happened. So if it wasn't already done in the few remaining episodes it ain't gonna happen.



I like the idea(s) starphoenix but like Forbin said, it most likely won't happen

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I hope Greer gets better.

Oh and from the previews for the next show it shows Greer in the alien world leading I take it he's all better. And it kind of showed this at the very end when Greer talked to Rush.

But I'm all for Greer getting better and back to kicking some butt

Also still don't like/think that David is still under the control of/with the Lucian Alliance....don't like him at all...too slimey....

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Just because they already filmed all the episodes... doesn't mean they couldn't drum up an alternative 'final episode' to bring them back home. I mean... come on. They essentially have aliens that are the equivalent to Star Trek's Q. All they have to do have them show up and blink everyone back to earth, give Ginn and Doctor Chick their bodies back and all is well.

Is it the best ending? No. But it is an ending.



Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Just because they already filmed all the episodes... doesn't mean they couldn't drum up an alternative 'final episode' to bring them back home.
But they didn't. All filming was finished for the season when it was cancelled and no new or alternate episodes were made. We know this because the cast and crew kept the fans informed via Twitter accounts. Many of them only found out the show was cancelled the same day SyFy made the announcement. The last 10 episodes are being aired and are supposed to end on a cliffhanger. So if they didn't resolve this "ghost in the machine" issue during these last episodes they have already shot, then it isn't going to happen unless another company is willing to pick up the series and provide funding to start filming the next season.



Eh, they could always do a finale episode a couple years after the fact like Farscape did.

They'd need an active large fanbase to constantly rally and push for a resolution, though - ah, crap.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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All it takes is a ride into the sunset scene. The story goes on. Things might get wrapped up in a movie. Only takes about five minutes worth of filming to end any series. SG-1 had a few season finales that could have been series finale if they didn't last as long.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Eh, they could always do a finale episode a couple years after the fact like Farscape did.

They'd need an active large fanbase to constantly rally and push for a resolution, though - ah, crap.

That's possible if they can get the fanbase and someone willing to pony up the cash.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
All it takes is a ride into the sunset scene. The story goes on. Things might get wrapped up in a movie. Only takes about five minutes worth of filming to end any series. SG-1 had a few season finales that could have been series finale if they didn't last as long.
And if they hadn't already stopped filming that might have happened. However we all know from the people making SGU that it didn't happen. The show was cancelled after the second season was done filming and no one was called back to reshoot any scenes/episodes.

As to getting wrapped up in a film that's even more unlikely to happen without as NP pointed out a large active fanbase (which SGU doesn't have) and someone willing to pay for it. And considering that the latest two proposed Stargate films based on SG1 and SG:Atlantis (Stargate:Extinction and Stargate:Revolution) which actually have a large fanbase have both been cancelled indefinitely. So the odds that an SGU film will ever be made are somewhere between slim and none.



I think the best we can hope for is that in a few years when the studio inevitably investigates reviving the property for a new series, they write some resolution to SGU into the pilot.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Maybe the WB will pick it up like they did with Buffy?



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
I think the best we can hope for is that in a few years when the studio inevitably investigates reviving the property for a new series, they write some resolution to SGU into the pilot.

Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
Maybe the WB will pick it up like they did with Buffy?
That would be great, even if it was only to air the resolution. I can't stand it when a show or movie is cancelled without an ending. But I've learned not to get my hopes up. Especially when dealing with the SyFy channel.



If WB did pick it up they would probably leave it with an even bigger cliff hanger. Like they did with Angel.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
If WB did pick it up they would probably leave it with an even bigger cliff hanger. Like they did with Angel.
Dude that wasn't a cliffhanger. They went to their deaths fighting. Even Joss Whedon said that.

Joss Whedon says of this episode, "This was not the final grace note after a symphony, the way the Buffy finale was. We are definitely still in the thick of it. But the point of the show is that you're never done; no matter who goes down, the fight goes on." Whedon says that Angel is about redemption, "something you fight for every day, so I wanted him to go out fighting. People kept calling it a cliffhanger. I was like, 'Are you mad, sir? Don't you see that that is the final statement?'"

It's a great way to end the show. Defiant to the very end. We don't need to see the heros die. That changes the message.