928 -
Personally parry shouldn;t be slotted with Damage, only Defence and recharge. You can also slot it for Luck of the Gambler to give some Regen. My DP/WP Scrapper gets over 100HP/Sec regen when surrounded. You'll probably find you only use parry when the doodoo hits the spinny thing anyway to give you some survivability. Double stacked triple slotted parry along with Strength of Will would be pretty hard to beat down on.
Now, I'm not fully up on the LOTG recharge bonus, but I was udner the impression you can only stack the same recharge bonus 5 times, regardless of what set the bonus comes from?
The C word!
Those things scare me a lot more than Voids. Voids can be dogpiled into floorsplat quick enough...whereas Cysts...oh boy, Cysts are evil incarnate.
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What everyone doesn't realise is that the little crystal emitter at the bottm has an 'off' switch. -
Nice... negative publicity?
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Any publicity is still publicity though. -
Box set of I14 should have a free booster pack code...
Super Booster 2 (Magic at a guess) due out when issue 14 launches.
Note, IIRC existing players get issue 14 free (no box) as usual but without the booster pack code.
The retail boxed version is mostly there to:
1 Get CoH/V (CoX) back on shop shelves.
2 To help the existing playerbase re-install with a laggy net connection.
The I14 boxed version will have all issues from I1 through I14 on it's DVD.
It is currently unknown if there will be any extras beyond the free booster selection pack code.
Oh and the 1 month of free game time as is usual for the retail packs.
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BUT, boxed set is for US release only. We're not getting it. -
I have about 125 million on one of my brutes and am waiting on about 120 million coming from the AH. Who'd have thought Numina's regen/recovery were going for 90 million on Villains??? I don't even have it up for that much!
Well done guys. if the merits come down for this in the next few patches I know who to blame.
What khorak says is correct, you will redraw a lot but a Regen with double or even triple stacked parry can be a formidable toon. It's just a shame that by double stacking it you're really cutting back on the DPS.
BS/Willpower is good as BS is quite end heavy so having QR and Stamina can be useful. BS/Shield is good fun, I have one at 25 and although she's a little end heavy atm I can forsee great things with the +Dam boost you get! -
My Dm/EA doesn't have stamina. With it End won't be a problem.
That's about the only reason I could think of but I'm not sure of the bonuses.
Why on earth do you have 3 slots on Superjump? SJ only needs the default slot and you'll only be using it as a travel power?! As for an anti-KB, Entropy shiled will give you everything you need unless you're looking for the set bonuses? I'd say you could get your slotting for Siphon Life better as well. You'll be using it a lot so you want as much Rech acc and heal from it as possible. Perhaps some healing sets in health that give a %age boost?
I'm not sure energy drain takes heal enhancements. I'm sure I read a patch note that stated the heal was unenhanceable? Touch of fear is definitely worth taking. it does a healthy -tohit and can take a critter out of the fight for quite a while. -
Back when I used to write for Boomtown.net the site editor was continually raving about this Superhero MMO that was currently only available in the US. I saw there was an EU version about to launch so applied for the beta. I think I was one of the first people onto the beta server as there were about 6 of us standing under Atlas! Also the day I created my Katana/SR scrapper (two sets I've never got on with since then as well) and decided Leadership looked like a handy power at level 6!
Well, I did say 'running' not employed by. I fully agree that the general workforce of just about every company, including the one I work for work their guts out every day so the boss of the comapny can get a bigger bonus from his share price incentive. What do most plebs get? A video message saying 'thanks for all your hard work' on the company intranet site where you can see the well concealed but still there smug grin on his face as he knows he's getting a bonus many many times more than your annual wage for your hard graft. Well, that's what WE get, I dunno about everyone else though!
Given that WoW rakes in several thousand times as much as CoH, they could spend 1% of thier income on marketing and still spend more than the entire income of NCwest.
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You must spend money to make money.
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Like banks do?
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No, banks give away money to people who can't afford to pay it back, despite KNOWING that they can't pay it back, then sell these loans to others, who also know that these loans can't be paid back and when it all goes [censored] up the governments put the taxpayer into trillions of pounds/dollars in debt to keep what should be a business that can fail like any other afloat. Oh, not forgetting these places still give their staff bonuses for running a failing business and the CEO's of these banks still have their cushy golden handshakes and huge pensions to boot. -
Invuln is a pretty good set now. it's relatively weak against Psi, but then again only a few sets have good psi res anyway. I have an Invuln scrapper and enjoy playing her but in order to get the best out of her I really have to be 'in their face'.
First thing you do when you approach a mob is find the best way to get right into the middle of them. makes you seem a little suicidal at times but nipping away at the edges of a mob will get you killed. you need bad guys around you to make you harder to hit. Because of your taunt aura sometimes it can be a bit of a bind, especially around AV's and heroes if there's no tank in the team. other than that it's a slow burner and takes a good while to get 'good' in terms of the powers. -
I don't have any problems and I'm using a widescreen monitor? not sure what you mean?
Hmm, so no community management until 2-3pm in the afternoon? The trolls will have a field day/morning. Good that we're getting someone to look after us, although she has a lot to live up to!
if anytyhing the MA is going to make the quiet servers even quieter. People will be sitting using this thing while logged in and not playing and some that are playing will be playing through user created maps. people actually missioning and gaining Xp will be in the significant minority, at least to begin with.
From what I've read in the past, unless something has changed recently they've run out of chat channels other than global ones as they're hosted on another server.
Just to check, you didn't have 'for sale only' selected did you?
I couldn;t get into controllers at all for a while, tried Ice, Grav, illusion, fire and last of all Earth. Finally enjoyed it and now she's level 50.
having a hard time with my WS, she's 31 and I just can't seem to find a decent build for her at all. -
I usually disable it, mainly because I like to know exactly what people are saying about me but I don't think a filter should allow people to say anything, especially over public channels. I do sometimes swear but I keep it in teams where I know the people or in channels that are private or it suits the general chat at the time.