Another chat channel: Local OOC.
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to use local for that and if anything move the roleplay chat to a seperate channel (or even multiple channels) that way you wouldn't get your RP experience interrupted by others using local nearby perfectly legitimately. I could see value however in the ability to create non global channels for this sort of thing.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
The trouble with removing roleplay chat from local is that emoted conversation, ;does something action-like. "Says something in character.", would bleed into local. Also the roleplayed chatter would spam into the created channel across servers, making localised roleplaying non-viable given all the chatter would be sent by people's globals.
From what I've read in the past, unless something has changed recently they've run out of chat channels other than global ones as they're hosted on another server.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
The reason for this might be clear to all us role-players (or perhaps only to me), but for those who don't/won't know from experience, I shall explain.
Oftentimes I want to talk to other role-players within earshot without seeing speech-bubbles with ((something out of character)). I know it's possible to team, but you still get bubbles and you can't have nine-person teams. I know there's an OOC channel for union, but it was nothing more than spam when I was on it. I also know one can disable speech bubbles, but anyone with experience of Pocket D or Galaxy Girl when really busy knows that trying to keep up with high-speed scrolling chat is tough unless you can zoom out and just read the bubbles.
I would like to be able to put this local OOC into a tab of its very own, for use when something needs discussing OOCly with everyone nearby when mass-tells or teaming isn't viable and various characters aren't in the same super-group or global channel.
The Local OOC would have the same catchment area as standard local, and the reduced distance in Pocket D, but would not cause a chat-bubble to spawn above the characters head. It could be put into a separate tab or kept in the main local chat like any other chat channel and would have a different colour to the standard white, making it easier to pick out. People who dont role-play could opt not to add it to a tab, making it fully optional.
It would also cut down on the times when well-flowing role-play is interrupted by people spamming local with out of character conversations that could easily have been taken to tells in the first place to cut out disruption.
What do you guys think, O Forum Community? And please dont post post-count boosters unnecessarily. If you agree or disagree, explain why and/or make further suggestions to refine the idea.