Winter's Scrapper a BS/WP for critque
Why recharge in Mind over Body, indomitable will and Heightened Senses?
Thats three slots you could save, unless you actually plan to six slot a IO set in later. Also indomitable will doesn't really need defense slots, but it seems you can spare the slots atm.
End Red slot in super jump is kinda pointless imo.
The two end reds in strenght of will is also pretty pointless. It costs 2.6 end to activate... thats nothing.
Also slightly puzzled on why you slotted health with three slots while only two in fast healing. If anything, fast healing should have the slots because it gives higher base regen than health.
I would also lose conserve power and pick up weave, then slot tough and weave out with all those leftover slots you picked up. 2 end reds and 2 def/dmg res in each power at least.
Here's an example.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1,401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Fortified Winter: Level 50 Mutation Scrapper
Primary Power Set: Broad Sword
Secondary Power Set: Willpower
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Hack -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(3), Dmg-I(3), Dmg-I(5), Dmg-I(5), RechRdx-I(7)
Level 1: High Pain Tolerance -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(13), Heal-I(13), ResDam-I(15), ResDam-I(33), ResDam-I(34)
Level 2: Mind Over Body -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(7), ResDam-I(9), ResDam-I(9), ResDam-I(11)
Level 4: Slice -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(15), Dmg-I(17), Dmg-I(17), Dmg-I(19), RechRdx-I(46)
Level 6: Swift -- Run-I(A)
Level 8: Parry -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(11), DefBuff-I(29), DefBuff-I(29)
Level 10: Indomitable Will -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(19), DefBuff-I(21), DefBuff-I(21), DefBuff-I(23)
Level 12: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff-I(A)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Jump-I(A)
Level 16: Rise to the Challenge -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(23), Heal-I(25), Taunt-I(25), EndRdx-I(27), EndRdx-I(27)
Level 18: Whirling Sword -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(31), Dmg-I(34), Dmg-I(36), Dmg-I(36), RechRdx-I(36)
Level 20: Quick Recovery -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(31), EndMod-I(50)
Level 22: Fast Healing -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(31), Heal-I(33)
Level 24: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(34), Heal-I(50)
Level 26: Disembowel -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(37), Dmg-I(37), Dmg-I(39), Dmg-I(39), RechRdx-I(39)
Level 28: Heightened Senses -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(37), DefBuff-I(40), DefBuff-I(40), DefBuff-I(40)
Level 30: Build Up -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(33), RechRdx-I(42)
Level 32: Head Splitter -- Acc-I(A), Acc-I(42), Dmg-I(43), Dmg-I(43), Dmg-I(43), RechRdx-I(45)
Level 35: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(45), EndMod-I(48)
Level 38: Strength of Will -- ResDam-I(A), ResDam-I(42)
Level 41: Boxing -- Acc-I(A)
Level 44: Tough -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(45), ResDam-I(46), ResDam-I(46)
Level 47: Weave -- EndRdx-I(A), EndRdx-I(48), DefBuff-I(48), DefBuff-I(50)
Level 49: Resurgence -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Critical Hit

Wot Sapph said. Pretty much.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Parry with no slots for damage at all *shudder*
I my mind Broad sword is all about HACK, the defence from parry is a by product of HACK.
Any way thats just my 10c
Are you interested in sets? I'm sure you can get a fair number of set recipies you can use in the build cheeper than that standard IO ones.
Personally parry shouldn;t be slotted with Damage, only Defence and recharge. You can also slot it for Luck of the Gambler to give some Regen. My DP/WP Scrapper gets over 100HP/Sec regen when surrounded. You'll probably find you only use parry when the doodoo hits the spinny thing anyway to give you some survivability. Double stacked triple slotted parry along with Strength of Will would be pretty hard to beat down on.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Investigating what you said Larac this (spoiler: minor changes afoot) looks slightly better to me:
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593D96EDA5014456D86324FA181848429252D1470C25 B87874A691AA952905|
|052850E499003176209D9C8384AF3D60FE82FF443AA7E1C3D C7FB428D94B75A622F|
|7B0CCF489653BC6D810A34ADF301D61871445292C6D83AE98 0AA11DD9963E1A9CDF|
|5BF6E8DFA3633116E65C687D633A9D59F7C2CE7C346F852D4 C475B7E89F72C6BAA9|
|D188E29E673DC9C0A7D669893847C32B975E82EE3DE7575D3 98DD4DDD58990F3363|
|A81D59A38741579F53AC872DCAD5A0CF8003BAD722A814081 DC52751741158C393A|
|68B0BEE526557CD2DC5D7906CB9A80055A04F5D2ABA026A15 EB01E19617514027BB|
|5F46F32353124817BDD800DA8816A4AE208628C1B65B1A522 9E40E5E044358210A1|
|44A5EEC16BDF8425D11993682981BC0D392173909B2C7E4DC 184A792A25B0012551|
|774B5FA99442147F0AAF2A076C496084205F46EE3D83AC25A 08A74CFD681BD7FA3A|
|E2C32F8B21574011DE0331936A56113034B40050891212F0D 7994AA40071893615B|
|06DB46A29A04A23C5F07825D52D78E7C973BD8610D78517A0 437642F6288AF88152|
|A40039890A12C539431BE01BC2C3E8216BAC2D4B52737B787 17D2020E806B32EC63|
|59751F7FC206A0D293BAFC29EB98E4A75213ABF99BD84C0B6 8B7BC08904F933E0D8|
|60309ECB6035C91EF508E3844E0DDC0EA702AF2709E7A4B58 A6179067914AEA822E|
|A51C581DCFFFBA7EC797C3226751D24F2C3D960B964B962B9 66B169DE58665C8B2F|
|8B3EA4EBDE240AF59DEB0BC65F9C9A6508C24C6126749B024 59522C69962C4B8EA5|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Something to think about regarding parry is this tho.
Normally Parry gives 15% Defense unslotted, it's pretty easy t double stack it since it lasts 10 secs and it had a 3 sec recharge. Thats 30% defense to melee/lethal. Pretty good yeah.
But slotting out, it'll give 22.5+% defense, double stacking that you're looking at a nice 45% defense to melee/lethal. Which is the def cap.
And the closer you get to def cap, the more effective defense becomes. 5% defense does more going from 40-45 than it does going from 0-5%.
Granted weave and combat jumping is there giving you about 7% defense total. So perhaps only one defense IO in Parry would be enough to put over def cap. So 2 acc 2 dmg 1 def 1 rech might be a good way to slot it.
I know Parry is a really good attack for dps. So might be an idea to franken slot some to get the most acc/dmg/rech otu of the five slots, then top it off with a defense for sixth.

Too much of a need for Parry can mean less damage over time and weave comes in at 47 which is very late, so for me, whats right and wrong is going to be based on intention anyway, my suggestions are blind to peoples intents, people will take them or leave them.
I sometimes look at cost, the 3rd IO in HPT takes the resistance up from 8.42% to 8.91%. Now converted to defense it would be like using a slot to add .24% defense to the build....looks silly now but it ain't when you may want the slot to convert to other bonusing IOs later on anyway so this is about looking at cost and either a SO in that space or nothing in that space may be better. I know when it comes to me respecing temporary slots I like to have a maximum of 10 slots to go in the enhancement tray, then into my salvage table for other use, then take from my salvage table the IOs I was waiting for - I am that tight.
Like with Stamina the build has a recovery of 3.5eps if I swapped one IO for a SO, the build will have a recovery of 3.49 eps. Totally unnoticeable as it means 1 ep after 100 secs, which 99% of the time I may of not needed to achieve that anyway. For cheapness until one changes to IOs the default level of all these slots maybe 30 everywhere there are 3 IOs and as high as poss when there are 2 IOs.
In fast healing there is a 1% difference between 3 IOs and 3 SOs the difference is only 0.1 hp per sec. The saving grace of a lvl 30 IO as expensive as it is, is simply that atleast it levels with you.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Good DPS does not equal good DPA. A good attack chain should be with the best DPA chained, and then chains chained. So I choose to disagree.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
TBH I don't use parry at all unless I really need the Def buff from it. It sits on my second tray and if I do need it I CTRL+Click it
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
First attempt at looking at a build, this being a final pre set level 50 build. (non-pvp)
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
Fortified Winter: Level 50 Mutation Scrapper
Primary Power Set: Broad Sword
Secondary Power Set: Willpower
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fighting
Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Hack <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[*] (3) Accuracy IO[*] (3) Damage Increase IO[*] (5) Damage Increase IO[*] (5) Damage Increase IO[*] (7) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 1: High Pain Tolerance <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing IO[*] (13) Healing IO[*] (13) Healing IO[*] (15) Resist Damage IO[*] (33) Resist Damage IO[*] (34) Resist Damage IO[/list]Level 2: Mind Over Body <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (7) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (9) Resist Damage IO[*] (9) Resist Damage IO[*] (11) Resist Damage IO[*] (11) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 4: Slice <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[*] (15) Accuracy IO[*] (17) Damage Increase IO[*] (17) Damage Increase IO[*] (19) Damage Increase IO[*] (46) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 6: Swift <ul type="square">[*] (A) Run Speed IO[/list]Level 8: Parry <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[*] (29) Accuracy IO[*] (29) Defense Buff IO[*] (50) Defense Buff IO[/list]Level 10: Indomitable Will <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (19) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (21) Defense Buff IO[*] (21) Defense Buff IO[*] (23) Defense Buff IO[*] (31) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 12: Combat Jumping <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[/list]Level 14: Super Jump <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (33) Jumping IO[/list]Level 16: Rise to the Challenge <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing IO[*] (23) Healing IO[*] (25) Healing IO[*] (25) Taunt Duration IO[*] (27) Taunt Duration IO[*] (27) Endurance Reduction IO[/list]Level 18: Whirling Sword <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[*] (31) Accuracy IO[*] (34) Damage Increase IO[*] (36) Damage Increase IO[*] (36) Damage Increase IO[*] (36) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 20: Quick Recovery <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification IO[*] (31) Endurance Modification IO[*] (50) Endurance Modification IO[/list]Level 22: Fast Healing <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing IO[*] (33) Healing IO[/list]Level 24: Health <ul type="square">[*] (A) Healing IO[*] (34) Healing IO[*] (48) Healing IO[/list]Level 26: Disembowel <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[*] (37) Accuracy IO[*] (37) Damage Increase IO[*] (39) Damage Increase IO[*] (39) Damage Increase IO[*] (39) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 28: Heightened Senses <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (37) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (40) Defense Buff IO[*] (40) Defense Buff IO[*] (40) Defense Buff IO[*] (42) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 30: Build Up <ul type="square">[*] (A) Recharge Reduction IO[*] (48) Recharge Reduction IO[*] (48) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 32: Head Splitter <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[*] (42) Accuracy IO[*] (43) Damage Increase IO[*] (43) Damage Increase IO[*] (43) Damage Increase IO[*] (45) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 35: Resurgence <ul type="square">[*] (A) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 38: Strength of Will <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (45) Endurance Reduction IO[*] (45) Resist Damage IO[*] (46) Resist Damage IO[*] (46) Resist Damage IO[/list]Level 41: Stamina <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Modification IO[*] (42) Endurance Modification IO[*] (50) Endurance Modification IO[/list]Level 44: Conserve Power <ul type="square">[*] (A) Recharge Reduction IO[/list]Level 47: Kick <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[/list]Level 49: Tough <ul type="square">[*] (A) Resist Damage IO[/list]------------
Level 1: Brawl <ul type="square">[*] (A) Accuracy IO[/list]Level 1: Sprint <ul type="square">[*] (A) Endurance Reduction IO[/list]Level 2: Rest <ul type="square">[*] (A) Empty[/list]Level 1: Critical Hit
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593DB4E1A51148667381490B3565414048BAD141CE5A E878B26D69A3491846|
|8233DA86484AD4E4266C830C67AD707E82BF4419A3E1C5D6B FE056512EF3A09FF37|
|B366FD7BFDECCC6E7F3F4C69DA8F779A9E793F34C7E3DE69D F354723E5C6DB779EE|
|9598E9D3B725CCFBAB6D4A0D2B56C4FB9314DD38AD3B65E5B 0D95320E5CC71CF44E|
|EF1D77F0EFD5A1BA56F658195D6B381C39F7CACD7FB46F95A B6CCF98DEA43A8E333|
|48E2CCF56E3311E8E9539B2EC9BB4BCB9B9F5E829EF3FB54D DB1ADD0DFD58F90F23|
|AB6F1C3883875EDB1C53AC8755CA55A75F8F03FAD724AA150 92D2D2428F98804F0A|
|4E1E38C5DBAB86A7E291540A6E9A30254812EB97471E955AC 07C49BF35810609649|
|AEB0240C235A06C895E6B108ECC215255714B3B4E8AE5FEA5 329A6F35293700C2B6|
|C08CA3E5AC017EA4B48CC04F22D024FCBF32800650C2C902B 290393685FA1521A25|
|3D8D5265C7C7577A93F5B76212CD62C70AC0AAA0E5A328805 9912B2F3B9147F2325|
|0C57F7F1604827D23D7125284962A70012DE033352C4BCC65 8CAF00317AB322D615|
|94AAC01E704D0D6B92680D516A0264781E04129D936B5D367 81D7FAD06BC283F823|
|A5C57E42A6156A884D25E0037D4B029613691A20EBC2C3D82 265C17E4DA824BDB42|
|E9924ADBC817D946B0A6005FE66E00716ADF915DDAC196D60 31B7C4ADF5C4346343|
|022441E434A064286A9B42F1FD03E56DE88CC0EA72687F378 BE84509D889C452AE9|
|13BAB4CDC8EC78FED7F53B351D96385920FDC4D2613963396 7B960B9643159AE58F|
|A2C933F3377F615077ACDF286E52DCB4F6E8A2549922C2996 344B8625CB92635962|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />