Regarding the black market...



Tried to find level 40 slow movement on there earlier. Nothing showing, even though other recipes, with none available on them were showing with no problems.

I checked on another character and that is the same, couldn't search for those recipes.

im almost certain its not WAI, but i might be wrong. I thought even though there may not be a recipe actually available to sell on there, it should at least show the category? It doesn't even do that... (for example - i searched for Invention: Confuse - and it showed level 40 Invention: Confuse duration with none available.)

Check 'all, recipes, other' nothing listed for the standard IO for 'slow movement'...

I also noticed directly underneath the temp powers there's a load of P-numbers such as P1971377615, all orange con and don't do anything when selected.

Could the elusive Slow recipe be broken, and one of those?



Just to check, you didn't have 'for sale only' selected did you?

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



As far as I've noticed, although I haven't thought about it much, levelled items like recipes and enhancements won't show up if it has none for sale and no outstanding bids.

A lot of the time when I'm doing inf transfers I'll put on a low level training enhancement with none being sold and no outstanding bids, and have to wait a moment for it to appear when I go to buy it on another toon, because it takes a little while for the server to put it back in the visible list. I just assumed this is because you'd end up with the lists being enormous due to every single level bracket being displayed despite many of them having absolutely no current activity. It's not perfect, but probably saves a whole ton of throughput.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Just to check, you didn't have 'for sale only' selected did you?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, i selected 'all' - im now wondering about those P-Numbers as Shadowghost posted something that had the P-numbers in earlier today about textures and costumes missing...

I'm almost convinced the P-numbers mean something should be there, or something might not be there yet but it's been added as a P-number when when it is...

Khorak, not thought of it that way, as i could've sworn i've seen all invention: "recipe" items at whatever level, just with nothing available, previously.



I've found that WW's doesn't always change the list of stuff that's displayed when you change the filter drop down from "For Sale and Bidding" to "All". In this case, I just click on "recipes" (or whatever) again and all is well.

AFAIK, P-strings are just placeholders for bits of text. They're normally replaced by the right bit of text in whatever language you're using. It sounds like something's going wrong with your system if you're seeing them for existing recipes.



Ah, the old "what the heck is P123456781?" question.

P-numbers are internal game references. They point to text files. Text files are a lot easier to update than game code.

What happens is this: Due to some action taken by you, the game triggers an event. That event calls various pieces of code, one of which is a lookup to a particular P-string. That event-call then displays the text which is in the text file that corresponds to the P-string.

So, for example, every time you hit something in game, the chatlog says something like "Your power_name has hit target_name for power_damage!" the bit I've put in quotes is what's inside the P-string text file. Let's say this is P-string P123456781. What happens is, when you hit, the game calls P123456781 and prints it to screen. The devs could go into the P-string files, edit P123456781 to say "Wow! What a hit by your power_name! You just hit that target_name for power_damage! You're AMAZING!", and they wouldn't need to go into the code dealing with data calls in combat at all, because that's staying the same - it's still calling P123456781.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



So it's possible that eiother whatever the text file is linking to is missing, or that the text file containing what should be there is missing in that respect.

Alternatively - could it be specifically a text file containing information would show me the option to display 'invention: slow movement' recipe from the list?

Although, if i searched for it though i still couldn't see it, when i typed its name, or combinations thereof. But that might be due to reasons mentioned above - that it won't display it if there's none available.



You could use the "Verify All Files" button in the updater to find and fix any damage to your installation.