928 -
Commenting on the following comment by Positron:
Right now, we'd rather add zones, since a revamp takes almost as much time.
[/ QUOTE ]
That it takes as much effort to revamp an existing zone as it takes to make a brand new one is no doubt true. It is also irrelevant and misses the point: a zone revamp gives a better result than a new zone does.
There are several reasons why this is so.
First of all, the game -- and particularly hero-side -- has too many zones as it is. The more zones there are, the more you spread the players out among them and the emptier the game appears.
Next, revamping an old zone will get rid of an eyesore. The old hazard zones are ugly, and they're also bland, boring and dull. Players are still sent into Boomtown and Dark Astoria by the mission system, and they still spend a lot of time in King's Row, the Hollows, Perez and Skyway. More importantly, people will judge the game's graphics as much on its ugliest zone as on its prettiest one.
Then, there is the fact that the existing zones have a presence and, for lack of a better term, "cultural baggage." People care about them; there's a sense of "here" to them: they're tied into the game world in a way that a new zone just can not match. And people like that. It makes the game feel more real. Ask a player which of Perez Park and Blood Bay feels more connected to the rest of the game, and I'll bet you dollars to dimes that 80% will answer Perez.
Further, revamping an existing zone brings with it a feeling of change and evolution that adding new zones lego-like to the rest of the game can't match. When zones change and develope it makes the city feel alive. It makes us feel that things are happening, that there is history. It help build the game's character. It strengthens the feel of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. It is good storytelling.
Finally, just ask yourself which were best received and turned out to be the more popular: the revamped Faultline and Rikti War Site, or new zones like Cimeroia, Recluse's Victory and Croatoa?
[/ QUOTE ]
I am Miss Chief, and I approve of this post. (and would desperately like someone to sig me! :P)
Also, if the city is being rebuilt as part of the ongoing effort after the original invasion, it's better to rebuild than create new zones. I'd love to see Boomtown getting a bit of a clearup, they could remodel the RWZ tanks into bulldozers and stick a few giant cranes from Skyway into the zone and have the bad guys moved away from the zone entrance a bit but leave the rest of the zone alone. Something that should be a relatively simple thing to do and wouldn;t take much time but would help so much in the immersion. -
he was probably taken aback that there were actually people on test AND on live AT THE SAME TIME! It probably took him 45 minutes to recover!
if you're going to use hover in missions you really REALLY want to 3 slot it for speed.
Explosive arrow's damage really isn't that spectacular TBH. -
Sigh, although I'm usually up at 2AM yet again the EU is getting screwed over or is appearing as little more than an afterthought to the US game. before anyone says anything, i KNOW the main playerbase is in the US but you'd have thought they could repeat it in the MOTD or have it a little earlier so EU players can stay up.
Very unusual that an 'event' is only for one day though. -
It's now midnight UK time (BST) and Coh is still 'Not available in your region'. I suspect anyone that was interested won't try again. Way to go NCSoft. it takes something special to pull a Munson and have something that could have worked so well, fail so spectacularly. I doubt anyone will look again unless it stays on the front page.
Cough, pardon me, I have my cynical hat on today. hopefully this will be good for CoH in general, but can i ask, if we already have CoH can we register with Steam in some way so we can use their downloads rather than NCSoft's? Cos NCSoft's can be slower than treacle in a -20'C blizzard and I always get good speeds through Steam and would like to not have to reinstall using the patcher if I can avoid it. (I know I can burn a DVD copy, but I don't have a DVD burner so that point is kinda moot) -
There was a new message board due but not a merge with the US boards.
OK, i think everyone needs to calm down a little. Some people got charged more than once for some reason, be that user error, impatience, problems with the site or whatever. Question is, what's happening to those overcharged?
You might want some damage in your Oil Slick but other than that it looks OK for lvl 50. obviously things will change in a respec at some point.
because now that Avatea is in the US as well, she's not getting up at 4AM just to post on our forums. I don't mean to be cynical, and you're doing an absolutely fantastic job Avatea but I knew this would happen due to the time differences. We just have to lump it, but if the US servers were taken down at 3pm for maintenance there'd be screams of blue murder on the US forums!
[/ QUOTE ]
GhostRaptor is still in the UK offices, and still working for NC. There's no excuse for no news.
[/ QUOTE ]
yes, but it's not his job anymore. I get the impression he helps out where he can, but it's not his responsibility. -
because now that Avatea is in the US as well, she's not getting up at 4AM just to post on our forums. I don't mean to be cynical, and you're doing an absolutely fantastic job Avatea but I knew this would happen due to the time differences. We just have to lump it, but if the US servers were taken down at 3pm for maintenance there'd be screams of blue murder on the US forums!
It's been moved again to the other grassy knoll behind Luminary. I'd assume for the reason Lady Arete gave.
Thanks Avatea, it's so slow, I was about to buy again after the site timed out but got a purchase receipt?!?
don't forget if you have something else queued then it won't fire off.
Talking of paranoia, a charity pantomime performance for paranoid schizophrenics descended into chaos last night when someone shouted 'He's behind you!'
it depends on the names Aardy, if they're relatively common or something that could be thought of then you're being excessively paranoid. If they're unique and certainly not liekly to be created by random letters or name association then it's very strange indeed! -
I take it the death card kills you but when you're rezzed or something then the effect takes place or not at all?
Doing the fall of the fifth column ouro arc will answer a lot of your questions.
The Fifth column were an Italian Fascist group that fragmented during WWII I believe.
The Rocket launching floating robots, the Vampyres and the standard troops are mostly Fifth column. The Warwolves are failed nictus experiments that started out with 'The Path of the Dark' which is touched upon during the imperious TF with the first nictus impregnation. (Sounds kinky I know!)
The Fifth/Council vampyres came about as a result of nosferatu's expermientation into creating a super soldier with enhanced night vision and enhanced strength and I guess the ability to drain life etc. -
It's been suggested many times and declined many times. The whole idea behind infamy and influence is it represents your 'standing' or how much influence you have with the city. I doubt they'll allow the sending of inf via email, it would be a gold sellers wet dream.
That's brilliant! Wonder if you could do one from the other side of the mirror, looking from Sapphic Shock's side?
I'd love some of my toons done by anyone! -
TBH I don't use parry at all unless I really need the Def buff from it. It sits on my second tray and if I do need it I CTRL+Click it
I've had both of these problems over the past few days!
I had this issue previously when I was using my old PC. it seems to be an ATI issue as I don't have it on my current PC which uses a Nvidia card. not much help I know but I think it's a graphics issue.
Mine disappeared whe leaving a MA mission and never came back!
Looked and looked but I don't see this as a possibility? Is it not available?
I really can't see the benefit from buying a single slot at that price. Much better to buy 5 IMO.