MA bug, crash i think is related to instances




Okay this has happened to us 4-5 times already. We go along happily doing MA-mish in a big team, then when we enter the mish some (2-4 usually) instantly gets kicked from the team and stuck on the loading screen. So they wait until they get the DC-notifacation. Try to log in and after it loads they get "CoX have encountered an error and had to be closed" message and having to verify files.

They verify files, and log back in. Now when they enter the mish it starts getting weird. Instead of getting into the mish they log into thier own instance of the mish! Sometimes all of them in the same, sometimes totally alone.

All going out and back in wont solve it. Quitting or relogging wont solve it. The only thing that seems to work is kicking all exept one and that person then reinvites the rest.

Now this is an annoying bug, anyone encountered the same or would want to guess on why it happens?

And while i am at it, another bug: Player not being able to enter the MA mish (freshly logged in) and getting the error message saying he cant enter becasue he needs to finish his active mish first.



Small update from our side, they bug appears to happen if you have a full team, one DC's and you invite a new one. Might be because if you Dc you are still technicly on the team, if you then invite someone else that might be causing some issue.

Might be a coincidence but it has happened to us twice in this case.



I've had both of these problems over the past few days!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



We've had this issue, because a team member was still in test mode, and we entered a different arc in MA mode. Massive conflict, hang on loading screen, had to manually shut down the program

Not fun