Mystic Fortune
Um...shouldn't this be in Suggestions?
Has it stated anywhere whether you are told which fortune you will get or is it a 'do you want your fortune read?' and you take the chance then?
Saying that, I doubt I would say no to any of those to be honest.
Um...shouldn't this be in Suggestions?
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No, this is the temporary power in the Magic Booster pack, hopefully available tomorrow
Um...shouldn't this be in Suggestions?
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hmm why?
Um...shouldn't this be in Suggestions?
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No, this is the temporary power in the Magic Booster pack, hopefully available tomorrow
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Oh...looked like a sort of suggestion to me :S.
because its phrased as a suggestion and not as a statement :P
looks good, i can only see one debuff and one damage to reciever, everything else is a positive, so should be fun to use. wonder what the recharge time is?
either 1 or 2 mins i think
You can read the fortune of any player. This grants a random permanent buff for 20 minutes
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Definition of permanent fail
It's good to see that the "dreaded de-buffing" is only minor, and you've only got a 1 in 9 chance of getting it.
Not sure what all the Americans are whining about now then, there's only one debuff and it's TINY.
"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."
And even that minor debuffing is only a bit annoying.
Read my Fortune I say.
the only debuff I can see is the -tohit, which for some toons could be a bit of an annoyance but nothing more, I say bring on the Tarot cards!!!
Having played an SR scrapper I'm getting used to chancing whether the massive Rikti Pylon I'm charging at will hit me or not, so this seems no different in terms of getting epic win, or epic ( minor ) debuff.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
I guess it's only me who sees it as odd that the buffs granted by Mystic Fortune are based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot when IIRC many Christian religious groups don't take much to the Tarot...
Just find it a bit odd that any theme/names/explanation could have been used and they pick one that some people may get upset about (and also one that may play into the 'videogamers are satanic spawn' camp of public misconceptions).
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Just find it a bit odd that any theme/names/explanation could have been used and they pick one that some people may get upset about (and also one that may play into the 'videogamers are satanic spawn' camp of public misconceptions).
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You mean we aren't?
*hides sacrificial goat*
Just find it a bit odd that any theme/names/explanation could have been used and they pick one that some people may get upset about (and also one that may play into the 'videogamers are satanic spawn' camp of public misconceptions).
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You mean we aren't?
*hides sacrificial goat*
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@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
You're worried about that over a game where powers explicitly state they are summoned from the Netherworld? Ye-eah.....
I guess it's only me who sees it as odd that the buffs granted by Mystic Fortune are based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot when IIRC many Christian religious groups don't take much to the Tarot...
Just find it a bit odd that any theme/names/explanation could have been used and they pick one that some people may get upset about (and also one that may play into the 'videogamers are satanic spawn' camp of public misconceptions).
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You know, it's funny, but when I saw the Tarot pack, I immediately thought it was funny, because it wasn't what I'd class as Magic, but I felt it fitted the theme.
I never even thought of the crazy, fundamentalist, "We'll forget the main tenets of our religion whenever it becomes inconvenient or if I just feel like being a right [censored]" Christian brigade.
And now I can't think of anything else. Thanks Dave
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
when you put it like that yea it is a bit odd but any religious group that is so close minded that they cant let people believe in something else is normally largely ignored by the general population (yea i know in the US they get a bit more air time but for every the tarot is evil organisation there's a mystic group as well)
plus the tarot is suitability non committal to either good or evil that i can be used by either faction
Its also not part of any one religion so there not showing favoritism to Christianity, catholicism, Buddhism etc etc
I think CoX is rather unchristian already when it comes to God(s). It seems rather polytheist, when you see for example the banished pantheon, and that States got his powers from the fountain of Zeus. Heck, even magic in general is unchristian. However, nothing in the game outright denies the existence of a monotheistic God or acts against it, so meh. The other 'Gods' could just be really powerful things if you want to look at it like that.
I think it's a good thing that most games don't touch on this kind of thing.
Um...shouldn't this be in Suggestions?
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No. It's a guide!

Thelonious Monk
I think CoX is rather unchristian already when it comes to God(s). It seems rather polytheist, when you see for example the banished pantheon, and that States got his powers from the fountain of Zeus. Heck, even magic in general is unchristian. However, nothing in the game outright denies the existence of a monotheistic God or acts against it, so meh. The other 'Gods' could just be really powerful things if you want to look at it like that.
I think it's a good thing that most games don't touch on this kind of thing.
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yea CoH seems very pathion centric much like its source material take a look at DC or Marvel they have both the pathions popping up all over the shop but tend to in general stay clear of a "real" life monotheistic god (course there's exceptions like Ghostrider and that Angel from the justice league but even then we only really see the angels not the god)
I always find it a bit of a shame to be honest if a religions strong anuff it should be able to take a bit of creative interpretation but you can bet that we wont see Jesus appear alongside hercules and Thor in the avengers any time soon.
I always find it a bit of a shame to be honest if a religions strong anuff it should be able to take a bit of creative interpretation but you can bet that we wont see Jesus appear alongside hercules and Thor in the avengers any time soon.
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Usually the religions are strong enough - but the followers vary wildly.
Just look at religious violence/extremism... Whichever religion you care to look at, any violence carried out by purported followers has often been from a splinter-view that varies from the main. Most people, whatever religion they follow, are pretty moderate and can get along with others who are not enlightened enough to follow the true faith.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
I always find it a bit of a shame to be honest if a religions strong anuff it should be able to take a bit of creative interpretation but you can bet that we wont see Jesus appear alongside hercules and Thor in the avengers any time soon.
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Usually the religions are strong enough - but the followers vary wildly.
Just look at religious violence/extremism... Whichever religion you care to look at, any violence carried out by purported followers has often been from a splinter-view that varies from the main. Most people, whatever religion they follow, are pretty moderate and can get along with others who are not enlightened enough to follow the true faith.
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Very true here's to a more tolerant world
(not that it'll ever happen while the human race is about if we werent fighting over religion it would be over somthing else)
I really like that the buff is optional for the recipient. They are useful without being game-breaking, and the random aspect and odd debuff means one can't rely on them to get garanteed wins.
I'm interested to see the real numbers (among other things).
I take it the death card kills you but when you're rezzed or something then the effect takes place or not at all?
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I haven't seen this on the forums yet, so i'll post it:
The effects of Mystic Fortune
Main Article: Inherent Powers
You can read the fortune of any player. This grants a random permanent buff for 20 minutes, and they may not have their fortune read again during that time.
Mystic Fortune grants a random "Fortune" buff to your target. Like Vengeance, it cannot be stacked multiple times. The buffs granted by Mystic Fortune are based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, though not all of the Major Arcana are represented. When cast, the target is given a confirmation box before the fortune is granted.
Recharge Long (60sec)
Effects Ranged (40ft)
Mystic Fortune will grant any one of the following buffs to the target:
Your fortune: Death. Death brings the end of one chapter of a story, and transforms into the beginning of the next. Death symbolizes Transformation, Change and Loss. The Damage and Recharge rate of your powers has improved. Also, all your Defense Debuffs, Speed Debuffs, and To-hit debuffs are increased. Additionally, any Speed buffs, To-hit buffs, and all Endurance modifying powers are also increased.
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Damage, +Recharge, +Debuff Special
Your fortune: The Fool. The Fool is a traveler, blissfully unaware of their surroundings and charging headlong into destiny. This fortune stands for Thoughtlessness, Folly and Frivolity. Your To-hit has been slightly reduced, however your Movement rate and Recharge rate have improved.
Note: Although The Fool debuffs your tohit, the effect on your hit chance is minor
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
-To-hit, +Movement Rate, +Recharge
The Hermit
Your fortune: The Hermit. The Hermit stands vigilant and alone, wary of deception and trickery. The Hermit stands for Vigilance, Caution and withdrawal. Your Accuracy, Perception and Defense have all been increased.
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Acc, +Perception, +Def(All)
The Lovers
Your fortune: The Lovers. The Lovers symbolize Love, Beauty, and Harmony. Your Regeneration and Recovery rate have been boosted. Also, all your Heals, Hit point boosters, Regeneration powers, and Recovery powers are increased in effectiveness. Additionally, any regeneration debuffs and recovery debuffs are also increased
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Regen, +Recovery, +Buff Special
The Magician
Your fortune: The Magician. The Magician is a scholar, wise in the ways of the world around him. The Magician stands for Creativity, Spontaneity, and Self reliance. All your damage powers and Control powers, including holds, immobilizes, stuns, sleeps, fears, and confuses have increased in duration. Also, all your Defense Debuffs, Speed Debuffs, and To-hit debuffs are increased. Additionally, any Speed buffs, To-hit buffs, and all Endurance modifying powers are also increased.
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Status effects, +Debuff, +Damage
The Moon
Your fortune: The Moon. The original master of the night, The Moon shines as a warning against the deception, mystery and danger in the dark of night. All your control powers, including holds, immobilizes, stuns, sleeps, fears, and confuses have increased in duration. Also, all your Defense Debuffs, Speed Debuffs, and To-hit debuffs are increased. Additionally, any Speed buffs, To-hit buffs, and all Endurance modifying powers are also increased. Being vigilant increases your defense to all attacks.
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Status Effect, +Debuff Special, +Def (All)
The Sun
Your fortune: The Sun. The power of The Sun brings strength and life, symbolizing accomplishment, joy and sincerity. Your Damage and Resistance to damage have been increased. Also, all your Heals, Hit point boosters, Regeneration powers, and Recovery powers are increased in effectiveness. Additionally, any regeneration debuffs and recovery debuffs are also increased
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Resist, +Damage(All), +Buff Special
The Tower
Your fortune: The Tower. The Tower once symbolized the might and pride of an entire nation, until it was destroyed by powers beyond the comprehension of humanity. The Tower symbolizes Catastrophe, Misery and loss of stability. When this fortune is granted, you will take some damage, however, the Damage of all your powers will be increased.
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
Damage (Self), +Damage(All)
Wheel of Fortune
Your fortune: the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune guides the fate of everyone, and brings the blessings of luck. The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes Destiny, Advancement, and Fate. Your Resistance and Defense to all attacks has been increased.
Duration 20min
Effects Auto
+Resist, +Defense, +Status Protection
well it seems good you can choose if you want it or not