928 -
I'm probably going to remove this power when i do my respec closer to lvl 50. it's a total end hog, and with ED U can't 6 slot Stamina to keep up with it. i have end reducers in all my attacks as well as all my toggles, even 3 slotted with end reduction I can only have it running really when Conserve power is up. With the loss of perma hasten and ED it's just not worth it IMO. As Dime said above, it's just not worth the end cost or acc bonus. When you enter a pvp zone all epics are removed, so you need the acc in your attacks anyway.
You need to register at the plaync websiteand create an account, then use the 'add game' button to enter your serial code. Once you've received confirmation that the code has been accepted you should be able to log into the game no trouble at all.
Unfortunately, I have to say Dimension is right.
QuantumHoard is a nice guy, and his partner in crime, Streakshift, is also good fun. I've only consistently teamed with him since he was about level 45, but it's been great fun. Congratz Q!
I play my invuln scrapper every night (indeed, she's pretty much my main at the moment) and Since the changes I've been held once. (not including the times when i've forgotten my toggle!). I've fought Malta, Carnies, Knives and Nemesis since then too.
I don't like Bloody bay, I've got my temp power, but the auto exemp just ruins my attack chain! I only have 3 attacks FFS!
Oooh, broadsword Kinetics sounds like fun!
I've often thought Rad Primary+Kinetics for a Defender would be excellent. Debuff the hell out of their accuracy and buff the team's damage. Combine with tactics for the team and you'd be walking through +3's like a steamroller over bubble wrap. -
WHat did he offer you? more inf? To allow you to beat down on him constantly to get your PvP rep back up?
I've teamed with his PB a once or twice, and he comes across as impatient and someone who doesn't know alot about game mechanics, but doesn't want to know, or believes he already knows more than he needs to/wants to. Not a good combination.
That, coupled with the events on the Hami raid, where he did nothing but try to be obstructive, the constant spamming of arena chat last night about villains taking over Bloody Bay (when all the villains were staying close to the villain base, as they usually do) and his general attitude earned his PB an ignore to go with the ignore Lui earned on the Hami Raid.
He's only the third person I've put on ignore, but he needs to learn some patience. We're all nice, respectful, patient people, but sometimes he goes too far. -
Perhaps he's talking about The Sands of Mu? (I still miss them
I don't know about that.having teamed regularly with a few regens, and big mob can take their health down pretty quick, indeed I've seen a few Regen's lying face down with 'ARGH, Missed my click!' written above them.
Take Build up earlier
You might want to think about planning in another recharge slot onto your powers, or slotting in hasten somewhere for those moments when DPS really matters.
You might also want to slot Dull pain earlier as it can give a significant heal with 3 slots on health. Although I'm level 44 now it heals me for over 1000HP! -
I've found TP Foe to have another use, Tp'ing you away from someone who you're about to lay the smack on. I can only assume there are interrupt reducers in there, but it is a pain, there's no resistance to it at all, and assuming it's 2 or 3 slotted with accuracy, a controller can use it and queue a hold, then queue another one in the space of about 3 seconds.
It also levels the playing field in a number of areas as concerns PvP.
[/ QUOTE ]
And there lies the problem. PvE suffers because of a PvP change. AGAIN. -
PAH! Regen's are just squishies with more HP and 3 self heals! Invuln is where it's at! If ever there was a 'suicidal' secondary, invuln is it. It positively encourages you to jump right into the middle of the biggest mob you can find, and amazingly enough, the more enemies in the mob, the more likely you are to survive!
I was fighting Malta, also with no problems. basically I was still doing fine. As long as I don't get my end sapped (ALWAYS take out the Sapper first) I'm still fine, even with Tasers and stun grenades.
Well, I haven't noticed it yet, and even before i6 I was mezzed once with unvielding on, but the status indicators were showing about 6-8 sleep or status effects, so even then it can be overpowered.
Last night I was fighting +2 and +3 Crey, with infiltrators with their energy Melee attacks as well as +2 and +3 Rikti and I wasn't mezzed once. Certainly in normal play I can't see it being a major problem, unless it's CoT, but they've been adjusted so they can't stack quicksand any more. -
The whole point behind it is an emergency button that allows you to keep fighting anbd stay alive while either your team makes a retreat or you get un way over your head and don't want to die. Once you and your team have cleared the mob you really should wait for the crash to happen before you move onto the next mob, otherwsie you will crash during the fight and pretty much instantly faceplant. It's a good power, but it doesn't make you invincible.
Although not a Tanker I have unstoppable with bou, and it's saved my behind many times, but other times it hasn't made a blind bit of difference, just prolonged the inevitable. Pre ED it was supposed to be really good 6 slotted, but now I only have it 3 slotted dam res, 3 slotted recharge. There have been times when it's saved me, and unlike Moment of Glory, you can still be healed and buffed.
With regards to the crash, you start getting a good sense of time about it. if it's a reasonably big mob, or you aggro another mob during the fight there's usually anough time to clear the fight, then wait for it to crash (nearly gave an empath team mate a heart attack a few nights ago, he'd never seen it before!) then use rest to bring everything back. I wouldn't recommend trying running it always, although I know some tanks used to pre ED. it's an emergency button, nothing more. -
Posi is probably the longest TF (1st Shadow Shard excepted!) if you're looking for as much XP as possible. i've heard of it taking 6-8 hours with a large team.
Best way to do it is probably with 4-6 people at the higher level range. Alot of people say Posi is slightly dull as well as there's no AV or GM. -
In PvP Siphon Speed in the Kinetics pool isn't suppressed, and it's -speed and -recharge!
I don't have a regen, but it's fairly simple. Heals should be 3x heal 3x recharge. Attacks 3xdam, 1x acc 2x recharge, Quick Recovery 3 slots end recovery, Stamina 3 slots end recovery. Reconstruction I'm not sure about though.
MA's nice and fast, but I still prefer the broadsword for my Scrappers. Nice, powerful, intimidating and does it's best to really lay into people. Handy for readjusting those slightly against-the-odds fights (say, twenty or so to one?)
[/ QUOTE ]
BS ALWAYS FTW! Broadsword is totally fab, simply because even when an enemy has high smashing or lethal Dam Res we can still do alot of damage. I also love it when a Behemoth Overlord uses healing flames, but you still take them down with one Head Splitter! Seriously, anyone that's unsure of which scrapper primary to take simply MUST go for Broadsword! -
Hmm, reckon I'll still keep Hasten for those times when HPS matters, but I'll probably slot 3xHeal, 2x Recharge and 1x End red. Problem is, pretty much every empath will do that too, so it'll be cookie Cutter builds FTW!
Of course, you're all welcome to apply for a forum at the supergrouphub.com if you need one.
I'm glad that people are using it, but it's been dropped from a 50 slot server to a 20 slot server. Judging by the usage, this should still be fine, so still feel free to use it!