Defiant Teamspeak Server +




Yes thats right we have our very own Defiant Teamspeak Server guys. The server currently holds upto 50 users which we can easily up if needed. The server has been set up by Wall of Fire (from teh forgotten warriors) and sponsored by the members of the If you feel you wish to donate towards the upkeep then please pop along to the website above and donate away. Otherwise enjoy the experience!!

Those of you that don't know the supergrouphub has moved from home of the forgotten warriors to its new dedicated domain. Its got space for any new SG's or if you like the community aspect then just come along and register. Its a growing website but you will find already a few useful links, a few downloads and loads of cool screenshots in the gallery. It also has an event calender which allows users to update with arranged tfs and raids etc.

one of our members "minimac" is currently designing a CoH theme for the phpnuke webby so before you mention the bland design its in hand.

Team Speak Details

Server IP =
Password = hero

Bridger can i get a sticky oh and could you also delete the old phpbb thread cheers m8



Woo well done! Ill check it out now!



Nice 1 especially the downloads.



Cancel that....figured it out.



here i come!!! w00t n1 mate!





At the moment the only people using it are people from the supergroup hub. if no one uses it, there's no point in us paying for a 50 slot server. please use it people! There's no charge (donations accepted at the hub) but unless it's used we'll be reducing the number of slots.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



I tried to check out the thankyou vid but it wouldnt download due to bandwidth issues, can u pm me when its back up to be downloaded please.




lector - i wasnt aware of any bandwidth issues. The site has plenty of bandwidth, we are not anywhyere close to the 8gb limit for the month. Ive check the link and it seems ok. Let me know if you get the problem again.




in fact i take that back the link is to offsite hosting which has overrun its bandwidth. Nothing to do with supergroup hub unfortunately so cant effect it. Because the file is quite sizable im not sure whether we can host it but ill look into it.



come on Defiant SG's! The Unionites are starting to outnumber us at the hub!



in fact i take that back the link is to offsite hosting which has overrun its bandwidth. Nothing to do with supergroup hub unfortunately so cant effect it. Because the file is quite sizable im not sure whether we can host it but ill look into it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whats the size of the file, as my *cough* work ftp site *cough* can host large files. Ive already used it to slap a 7mb image on the forums (linked to). So i could do the same with this. No-one at my end would know about it. But it does depend on whether you can send it to me via email. PM me if your interested.



When my hotmail isnt rubbished then i will get registered i hope, we could use an OotCS forum for announcements




Tainted Greek popped into the Defiant Teamspeak a couple of times last night to see if anyone was on, but it was deserted. PLEASE use it or the open community offer will be withdrawn. We at the Hub aren't going to pay for a 50 slot server if no one is using it and a 20 slot server will do.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



ok it seems to be working - but im the only one here.. perhaps there will be ppl I can speak to on the weekend.



Tainted Greek popped into the Defiant Teamspeak a couple of times last night to see if anyone was on, but it was deserted. PLEASE use it or the open community offer will be withdrawn. We at the Hub aren't going to pay for a 50 slot server if no one is using it and a 20 slot server will do.

[/ QUOTE ] just so u know, me and my friends use this, and have done most days this week, that like 5 thanks for putting it up there




I'm glad that people are using it, but it's been dropped from a 50 slot server to a 20 slot server. Judging by the usage, this should still be fine, so still feel free to use it!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Well, I installed this tonight, to see what it's like, got onto the Supergroup hub lists, but couldn't hear anyone talking, even though there were people on it.

Am I missing something, or doing something wrong?

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Did you actually drag yourself into a channel with people in, you can't talk between channels.



Ugh, jesus this thing is dangerous. It ended up keeping us up til 5am last night. XD



Did you actually drag yourself into a channel with people in, you can't talk between channels.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I was in the right channels, I tried again last night and actually heard voices, although as I didn't know the people involved I felt kinda icky, so I left quick, but at least I know it works

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Sorry to sound real thick...

But how exactly do you connect to the server ?

Monday (lv31 Ice/Emp)



Just gots me a headphone mic, so shall hopefully be on teamspeak within the week (once i figure out how to plug in the headset, damn thing).

Will get the rest of the 'Synthetic culture' SG to sign up too.