Unstoppable - should I get it?
Although not a Tanker I have unstoppable with bou, and it's saved my behind many times, but other times it hasn't made a blind bit of difference, just prolonged the inevitable. Pre ED it was supposed to be really good 6 slotted, but now I only have it 3 slotted dam res, 3 slotted recharge. There have been times when it's saved me, and unlike Moment of Glory, you can still be healed and buffed.
With regards to the crash, you start getting a good sense of time about it. if it's a reasonably big mob, or you aggro another mob during the fight there's usually anough time to clear the fight, then wait for it to crash (nearly gave an empath team mate a heart attack a few nights ago, he'd never seen it before!) then use rest to bring everything back. I wouldn't recommend trying running it always, although I know some tanks used to pre ED. it's an emergency button, nothing more.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I say take it; its bound to save your life many times if you do many Malta missions (lets face it, you cant avoid em). Dont worry so much about the crash, in I6 there will be many more of those "I know I'm about to die" moments, thats when Unstoppable comes into its own. You should be able to finish most battles before the duration runs out, or use it to make a fighting retreat if things have really gone belly up. When you've got all your armours up and Unstoppable running too, you should be capped or thereabouts against most damage types...
Must take power. The best in the invu/ set.
A Paragon Defender
Since everyone agrees I guess I'll be getting unstoppable then and slotting it 2 Dam res and 3 recharge so it caps by itself ( I don't have any of the passives ). This was my instinct too.
I have managed to mostly avoid both Malta and Carnies so far in my 40s and that was without declining other peoples missions. I have done a couple of Malta missions solo, but dealing with a Sapper and a couple of others is completely risk free and totally different to dealing with a spawn of 15 enemies containing 2 sappers.
So far the nastiest enemies I've met are Ruraluu, who can pierce all my defences due to the number of defence debuffs they have.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
IMHO, all the powers in the Invuln Primary should be taken it some stage. Concerning Unstoppable, it is an excellent panic button, but dont overlook its usefulness when tanking enemies that use a lot of Elements/Energies. MBar's got it six-slotted now I think (3 Damage Resistance, 3 Recharge).
I generally haven't had problems with enemies that use lots of Elements/Energies except Fir Bolgs and Praetorian Blue Clockwork. Fir Bolg I've outlevelled and Blue clockwork are nasty because of the DEF debuffs. Circle of Thorns behemoths and that kind of enemy never really gave me any problems.
There really isn't any point in a tanker slotting 3 resists in Unstoppable as with a base of 70% 1 damage resistance gives you 84% resistance and 2 give you 98% resistance, which is over the 90% cap. If you have the passives too, slotting 1 damage resistance is all you need as they provide 12 extra resistance. Of course 3 recharge is a given.
The reason I didn't get the passives is because I went for the fighting pool instead. Tough is better than RPD ( except for endurance costs ) and Weave gives almost 7 defence which IMO is better than the 12 resistance I get from the RE powers. If I had room I would get them all. The fighting pool does come at a heavy cost in endurance, and therefore slots to reduce that endurance cost. However the RE powers will certainly help more in most AV fights than Weave. Weave works best when stacking with Invincibility.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
hate to be a mean mean person, but i really think it a dangerous power to take, yes it is very handy but only for short period, it it wares off in the middle of fight you are in real danger if faceplanting, the bonus is not justifed by the penalty, have seen it kill way more people than it has helped, also, 7% def is totally difrent to 12% res, and the autos are ment to act as a base to the toggles, (unyeding accually gives the most of the res to damage types) ehich is why they have no idurance costs. but int he end you do have to make the decison about waht to take. but in my opion unstoopable is a mistake for a tanker, as if your stuck at the front of a medium sized group when it falls, you are toast.
hate to be a mean mean person, but i really think it a dangerous power to take, yes it is very handy but only for short period, it it wares off in the middle of fight you are in real danger if faceplanting, the bonus is not justifed by the penalty, have seen it kill way more people than it has helped,
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Generally I am in the steady state camp of tankers. The reason I haven't taken Unstoppable until ( possibly ) level 44 is for the exact reasons you say. In my opinion a tank should aspire to be able sit in a group of enemies fighting away and whittling them down even if the rest of the team has to retreat because they aren't winning. Unstoppable does not help you do that. I have MoG on my scrapper and it fits really well, as a scrapper can always run off when the crash happens. If the tanker does that ( and somehow manages to lose aggro ) you can end up with a team wipe.
also, 7% def is totally difrent to 12% res, and the autos are ment to act as a base to the toggles, (unyeding accually gives the most of the res to damage types) ehich is why they have no idurance costs.
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The difference between 16% ( unyielding ) and 28% ( unyielding + the passive ) is a reduction in damage by 15%.
The difference between 7% defence ( unyielding, tough hide and combat jumping ) and 14% defence ( + weave ) is a reduction in damage by 16%.
Admittedly this is against even minions, against bosses/lt and higher levels the defence is less effective, however it stacks better with invincibility which is where most of my damage mitgation comes from anyway ( and always will ). In fact against an archvillain I can expect at least an additional 4% and I tend to take lucks with me too, which also stack well with weave.
Also weave has some protection against Psi, due to providing ranged defence, which none of my other powers do.
but int he end you do have to make the decison about waht to take. but in my opion unstoopable is a mistake for a tanker, as if your stuck at the front of a medium sized group when it falls, you are toast.
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I agree. My main reason for taking it would be in a toggle drop situation ( sappers ), I have no other defence against them. It seems a shame to take a power just because of one enemy by I expect it will be invaluable against Rularuu too.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
The whole point behind it is an emergency button that allows you to keep fighting anbd stay alive while either your team makes a retreat or you get un way over your head and don't want to die. Once you and your team have cleared the mob you really should wait for the crash to happen before you move onto the next mob, otherwsie you will crash during the fight and pretty much instantly faceplant. It's a good power, but it doesn't make you invincible.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Most definately get this power.
Fill your team mates with awe as you shout "Fall back! I'll contain these mobs as much as I can." *click* wade into a 20 strong mob of enemies.
Great for PvP and missions. Gives you the chance to become virtually almost unstoppable (except to Psi, where you turn into a wet pansy).
Provide fantastic stamina and health regenration, status protection and defense. Thus meaning you can drop all other toggles, so when it does eventually run out, you can pop in a couple CaBs and turn on your toggles again.
Get it at lvl32 if possible so you can use it in Warburg PvP. An uber power to rival (if not best) Regen's legendary MoG.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Most definately get this power.
Fill your team mates with awe as you shout "Fall back! I'll contain these mobs as much as I can." *click* wade into a 20 strong mob of enemies.
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I do that anyway. Isn't that what tanks are for?
Great for PvP and missions. Gives you the chance to become virtually almost unstoppable (except to Psi, where you turn into a wet pansy).
Provide fantastic stamina and health regenration, status protection and defense. Thus meaning you can drop all other toggles, so when it does eventually run out, you can pop in a couple CaBs and turn on your toggles again.
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I think it takes me around 10-15 seconds to get all my toggles on. I have 6.
Get it at lvl32 if possible so you can use it in Warburg PvP. An uber power to rival (if not best) Regen's legendary MoG.
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It's a bit late to get it at lvl 32 as I'm level 44, but I reckon it isn't going to be great at PvP, in my limited experience Tanks are pretty much ignored anyway due to their lack of damage and hard to killness, except to be chain mezzed by controllers for a laugh. For a scrapper it is probably a great power as they do tons of damage.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Most definately get this power.
Fill your team mates with awe as you shout "Fall back! I'll contain these mobs as much as I can." *click* wade into a 20 strong mob of enemies.
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I do that anyway. Isn't that what tanks are for?
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Uhmm...let me think about that for a while...yes...was that a trick question?
Great for PvP and missions. Gives you the chance to become virtually almost unstoppable (except to Psi, where you turn into a wet pansy).
Provide fantastic stamina and health regenration, status protection and defense. Thus meaning you can drop all other toggles, so when it does eventually run out, you can pop in a couple CaBs and turn on your toggles again.
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I think it takes me around 10-15 seconds to get all my toggles on. I have 6.
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I have about 6 toggles (at most) to turn on with Earth aswell (Temp Invul/Unyield/Invinc/Tough/Weave/Combat Jump). The bright thing to do would be to pop a few CaBs then turn Unyielding on first when Unstop runs out. Its a risk to take, but I'm not saying you have to do it if you don't think you can handle it.
Get it at lvl32 if possible so you can use it in Warburg PvP. An uber power to rival (if not best) Regen's legendary MoG.
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It's a bit late to get it at lvl 32 as I'm level 44, but I reckon it isn't going to be great at PvP, in my limited experience Tanks are pretty much ignored anyway due to their lack of damage and hard to killness, except to be chain mezzed by controllers for a laugh. For a scrapper it is probably a great power as they do tons of damage.
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Earth hasn't specifically been respec'd for PvP, but still does a good job in there regardless. He still manages to take down foes just as fast compared to my scrapper in the Warburg. If you want enemies to stay where they are whilst you pummel them, either team with a controller, get a hold power from the epics or pop a disorientate enhancement in ur attacks...or even do all three if you're not too confident about it.
Being lvl44 you still may not have done the final respec...plus I'm sure you recieved a free one at the beginning of i6.
I'm not saying you have to get unstoppable at lvl32. That is entirely upto you. In my opinion it is a good power to have, not just for PvP...but in general. So getting it early on will give you the opporunity to get used to it and possibly become to adore it as much as some other tanks I know.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

I got all the way to level 50 without unstoppable - It seems too risky to me. I'd rather be fairly hard all the time than really hard for a couple of minutes before becoming an asthmatic old man.
Laser beam eyes are awesome in my opinoin, although i respecced out of it mainly to try some different powers.
originally i got it at lvl32 (back in march)...but because i was so unsure of the power at the time i respec'd it out when i got the lvl34 respec prize.
got to lvl50 without unstoppable, but after turning 50 went to change my build and included the power in. i guess i appreciated it more as debt wasn't really much of a concern to me anymore.
its proved a life saver at a number of times, especially when the arena was still fresh where i would pop it on 3 mins before the bout ended and just go beserk,
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Well I have it and Herostats does a good job of predicting the crash.
I haven't actually needed to use it in anger yet as my defences are pretty good and I've only done one mission, duoing in a Nemesis vs Devouring Earth portal mission.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Now that ED is upon us and Invincibilty's current Def buff is apparently being reduced, the occasions where the only thing stopping you from faceplanting is Unstoppable are going to be way more common.
Unstoppable - i took this at 41 and when i respecced i brought it in at 32.
to me its not just a panic button, i use it every other fight, or big mob, it means i punch this off, drop my toggles (except invinc for the taunt aura) and lay waste to the enemy, knowing that the empath or healer type doesnt need to worry about me for 3 mins - means they can look after the rest of the team...
in i4 invulnerability felt much the same with it as without it. now the games moved on when you fire off unstoppable off i hear a Unreal 'Godlike!' kick off in my head, its great - back to the I4 invincible feel.
Since I5 i've probably enjoyed the difference between unstoppable and normal more than ever
and to date i can recall 1 time being killed with unstoppable on, 2 times where i forgot i had it running and started on the next group and it crashed and maybe 5 times mid fight when it crashed, which aint bad going - not counting those times where you just know you are gonna die regardless, not mentioning any infernal missions at all...
Running a 36th level Inv/Em Tanker (Russian Bear - Defiant), I personally find Unstoppable to be a comforting 'reserve parachute' for those moments you find yourself in over your head. I don't use it aggressively at all. For me it is an anti-debt power, for when my tanker's health dips worryingly low.
I really don't like Unstoppable. I made the mistake of hitting it instead of dull pain when fighting Nemesis Rex and it caused a team wipe. So far I haven't needed it in any situation, but I haven't played my tank much in I6.
The fact that I changed versions of herostats and it didn't warn me of the crash didn't help either.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I just hit 44 with Golden Golem after an excellent I6 rebuild that I'm really happy with. I was wondering what to get next. The options I am considering are are:-
Unstoppable, Laser Beam Eyes, One of the passive resists from the Inv Primary, probably Resist Energies.
Unstoppable is probably the favorite at the moment as it provides undroppable defences and status resists, despite having a crash ( which I really dislike the idea of ). How do other people cope with Unstoppable? I believe it may be useful against enemies like malta, because of the sappers.
The passive resists would improve my ability to deal with other damage tyes, especially in AV fights, but usually I'm pretty well prepared for them ( with Lucks etc ) so I don't consider that to important.
Laser Beam eyes sounds reasonably fun.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.