QuantumHoard dings the big 50




Its a day or so late but I would like to congratulate QuantumHoard on getting his first hero to level 50. He is a good player, a real nice person and it is always fun teaming with him. Well done mate, well deserved.



No move hovering over the Hollows trying not to level up now then



Unfortunately, I have to say Dimension is right. QuantumHoard is a nice guy, and his partner in crime, Streakshift, is also good fun. I've only consistently teamed with him since he was about level 45, but it's been great fun. Congratz Q!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Big Grats to Quant for his Ding! I have posted on the Plastics Forums, but it's the sort of thing everyone should know! Well done m8e, good to see yet another Plastic get his/her/it's 50!


Debtmeister General of The Plastic Army & Empire



YAY quant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and also

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTAH to streakshift for teh 50 too !!!!!!!!!!!ZOMG!!!11oneone!!!!111!11!!!!



Belated Grats Q! Grats to you too Streakshift! Ding Ding wo0t!