Teleport Foe
i dont mind that too much, its people that tp you into a phone box that i think is unfair, as your camera zooms right in and you can be stuck and do little about it
Why on earth does this power effect players? Its unfair.
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Erm...because it's called tp foe?
In the PVP zone other players are your foe...why on earth wouldn't it work on them?
But its a tool for gankers.
Its a great tool for PvE, but i just think its unfair in PvP.
Especially with the "uberness" of the Controllers hold powers in pvp.
Im all for a good clean fight and i love it when im outnumbered, but when this power is abused just so a bunch of idiots can think they are great in pvp it becomes a joke and an annoyance.
And why shudnt Players have a inate resistance to this power?
And why shudnt Players have a inate resistance to this power?
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They do. It's called "accuracy". TP Foe unslotted actually misses a fair bit, but most people slot it with two or three accuracy so it doesn't miss much at all. TP foe is an awesome PvP power, and I'll happily say that it accounted for most of my bantamweight teams S4 wins.
The simple solution is this: Stop whinging and get the power yourself. As soon as you get TP foe'd, pop a break free and run away, making sure you leave one of them targetted. Once you're a fair old distance away, TP one of them and get your revenge!
And as for the phonebox, you can use /stuck to get out of it. Or go out sideways.
Hmm, just a random idea having read this, defence based sets have an advantage in better being able to avoid it landing in the first place, but what if resistance reduced the distance teleported?
Of course this offers little to the defenceless ATs (which is most of them), but then it'd probably be kinda fun having a controller or dominator get teleported into the middle of a group only to group hold them all
Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell
Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation
And why shudnt Players have a inate resistance to this power?
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They do. It's called "accuracy". [...]
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Accuracy? Surely you mean Defence?
Trouble is... Most classes will not have a chance to resist TF, which is not very fair.
I know as it stands PvP is gonna need a fair bit of balancing, and im not whining because someone is better than me. Im just a little annoyed that there is one power to which most people have not got a defense.
Over the past 2 days i have seen a lot of villains tp'ed off the heli pad and chain tp'ed all the way out into the water right into a group of Heroes. Not very heroic, but there is a time and place for RP.
I just hate to see things that encourage ganking.
I just feel this is very unfair and promotes ganking, which i am well against, i dont wanna be teleported while i am having a nice 1 on 1 fight with a Hero and find myself in between 4 or more other heroes who think its funny or clever.
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U want a nice 1vs1 in control environment?good Arena is the place
Keep that in mind and u are fine. And i not think its funny or clever its damn good tactics and still if u good enough u know how to avoid it and get away.
The fact that u can tp pout of Helipad is because Villain base defense is flawed and nothing more. I know at least 4 spots i can stand and tp and kill...Not a tp foe flaw but base design flaw.
Its like most other powers, it hits or misses, if you are that worried about tp foe take about 3-4 purple insperations with you, that will stop most tp'ers for a while at least if they start that trick, then pop a break free for good measure and leg it.
Trouble is... Most classes will not have a chance to resist TF, which is not very fair.
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Actually u wrong...TP Foe is very much relying on accuracy u got in power so this means u decide to slot tp foe u loose slots from elsewhere.With the current accuracy nerf to 50% u ll need good acc to manage effective tp foe.With 1acc slotted u got good chances tp defender and maybe trollers but tankers and brutes and stalkers are another story.And MM's resist TP foe in PFF.TP foe is a tactical tool that u can use to kill the range of many AT's such as blasters and corruptors and as i see u are corruptor apparently u are a priority tactical target for any kind of attack due to your range.
I agree and i dont agree.
There are some "Players" who just gank for the hell of it. I love pvp, i just hate that when im fighting a bunch of heroes and having a good fun fight some idiot comes along and tp's me into their little group who have had nothing to do with the fight, just for a cheap kill.
I dont mind the group im fighting TP'ing me... Im a quick squishy kill so if they cant reach me and decide to TP me, fair enuff...
Its when im fighting another group or i have just zoned in and i get TP chained that i get worked up by.
I agree and i dont agree.
There are some "Players" who just gank for the hell of it. I love pvp, i just hate that when im fighting a bunch of heroes and having a good fun fight some idiot comes along and tp's me into their little group who have had nothing to do with the fight, just for a cheap kill.
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hmmmm u got a point there but unless u are part of RP community that u should say not to be bothered cause u RP a fight then the whole Heroes vs Villains can allow the groups of heroes in zone to basically assist each other in any way.I might have nothing to do with the fight there but i see a fight heroes vs villains i jump in just to provide the heroes the leverage.Considering the heroes got -dmg -res as well in the zone such as BB
i see a fight heroes vs villains i jump in just to provide the heroes the leverage.
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Thats fair enuff and i do the same.
Its the ones that have their own group and TP one target just to get a quick kill, not to help their Hero friends.
Its when im fighting another group or i have just zoned in and i get TP chained that i get worked up by.
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The zone in issue has 2 aspects
1) when u zone in u are safe for 25 sec more than enough to get it together and tactically move
2) the fact that heroes can get in tp range of helipad is a MAJOR design flaw and needs immediate fixing as well as the fact there is a blind spot inside hospital spawn for villains which allows tp immediately after dead villains spawn..This is a major thing and i agree it needs FAST getting fixed
Its the ones that have their own group and TP one target just to get a quick kill, not to help their Hero friends.
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hmmm thats true and is same as killstealing and is basically lame.
Totally agree, the base design is very stupid.
Something like a huge sheild over the heli pad would prolly be a good idea... but all that is for another thread.
u mean this thread ?
Could be
I just feel this is very unfair and promotes ganking, which i am well against, i dont wanna be teleported while i am having a nice 1 on 1 fight with a Hero and find myself in between 4 or more other heroes who think its funny or clever.
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U want a nice 1vs1 in control environment?good Arena is the place
Keep that in mind and u are fine. And i not think its funny or clever its damn good tactics and still if u good enough u know how to avoid it and get away.
The fact that u can tp pout of Helipad is because Villain base defense is flawed and nothing more. I know at least 4 spots i can stand and tp and kill...Not a tp foe flaw but base design flaw.
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I wouldnt call that tactics I would call that out right ganking. Its not a flame T.G. so please dont take it as one but I think that sort of behaviour should be stamped on.
Tp'ing from a safe spot is unfair but that aside there is nothing wrong with using tp foe,even if you are already engaged in combat with someone else.
PvP isn't fair and follows no rules,kill or be killed and I wouldn't have it anyother way
i dont mind that too much, its people that tp you into a phone box that i think is unfair, as your camera zooms right in and you can be stuck and do little about it
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Thos phone boxes are death traps, and no laughing because I ran into one and couldn't get out again.
As for TP foe, I'd say it's fine as it is.
Firstly, as has already been pointed out, it has a low accuracy that means you spend much time rooted to the floor grasping at nothing.
Secondly, it's not actually that useful without proper planning. Primarily it's an annoyance or an attempt to bring someone who is out of range such as fliers to a position where they can be attacked which is really about as fair as them hovering out of range of you in the first place. It can probably be exploited in strange ways like the phone box for example but that's by no means the fault of the power design, more of a reason to nerf phone boxes.
And anyway, oftentimes a break free is all that's needed to amke a speedy getaway from a malicious teleporter.
A Devices blaster does have a particular use for tp foe with caltrops and trip mines but the devices secondary is underpowered in PvP and the blaster crumbles as if he were cracker bread so without an escort his trap won't work more than a few times.
A Devices blaster does have a particular use for tp foe with caltrops and trip mines but the devices secondary is underpowered in PvP and the blaster crumbles as if he were cracker bread so without an escort his trap won't work more than a few times.
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Your telling me!
Yeah Assault Rifle/Devices is so rubbish at PvP its a joke a shame really as I was looking forward to trying to some PvP with Sharp Shot but he has no place there apart form an easy kill for other players. As for TP foe as long as your not TPing people out of a safe Zone I dont see any problem with it either.
Just a Qeustion but arnt using tactics like people out of the Villain base expliots and agianst the EULA.
Im really starting to get annoyed by people using Teleport Foe in PvP...
Does my idea of fun PvP include being teleported at random times into a group of 4 or more Heroes?
Why on earth does this power effect players? Its unfair.
Now before people flame this and come out with the "Its PvP" argument. I know it is... i have PvP'ed for years and i know im not crap at it.
I just feel this is very unfair and promotes ganking, which i am well against, i dont wanna be teleported while i am having a nice 1 on 1 fight with a Hero and find myself in between 4 or more other heroes who think its funny or clever.
Hell, they can even TP from your respective safe zone when you have just zoned in...
I have actaully seen chain TP's taking you from the Heli pad, up in the air, out into the water and people getting Held and Immobilised and utterly ganked....
Now this is not fair.