Broadsword/Regen ED revamping
Take Build up earlier
You might want to think about planning in another recharge slot onto your powers, or slotting in hasten somewhere for those moments when DPS really matters.
You might also want to slot Dull pain earlier as it can give a significant heal with 3 slots on health. Although I'm level 44 now it heals me for over 1000HP!
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I would agree that you should take build up earlier. it gives acc and dam boost, good when fighting +2 +3 bosses.
I slot it with 2 recharge and 1 to hit buff.
I havent respecced for I6 yet, might not do with only 1.5 lvls to go till lvl 50.
Even with I6 hasten is very useful, and is only a minute or so off perma.
Dull pain has 1 heal and 3 recharge in it ( for I6), it did have 4 recharges to make it perma (with perma hasten).
Integ still has 6 heal in it and i dont have any end problems.
I love the dark epic, with 2 holds and a ranged attack. Both holds are great when slotted, and tenebrous tentacles is a great group immobilise with a bit of dam over time thrown in.
Since I6 ive reslotted some of my attacks to replace dam with acc and recharge. this seems fine and although i do less damage, i can still despatch mobs with relative ease.
That looks pretty similar to my Kat/Regen build actually. I have only have 2 heals in integration...I don't find it heals enough during battles to be worth the extra slots.
Now that you can't get perma-DP, 3:3 slotting is (imo) the best way to go. Then you have 2 nice clicky heals, one which boosts your hp.
As far as Build Up, if you plan on exemping much - take it earlier. But if you don't doesn't really matter.
You might have more endurance than you can use. I would take build up and DP earlier and wait with the fittness pool.
Think about skipping conserve power. You dont really need it with both stamina and quick recovery.
A Paragon Defender
That looks pretty similar to my Kat/Regen build actually. I have only have 2 heals in integration...I don't find it heals enough during battles to be worth the extra slots.
Now that you can't get perma-DP, 3:3 slotting is (imo) the best way to go. Then you have 2 nice clicky heals, one which boosts your hp.
As far as Build Up, if you plan on exemping much - take it earlier. But if you don't doesn't really matter.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've just been doing some testing with Ms. Freedom and have (finally) settled on a build.
So I take back what I said about does make a big difference.
I ran through a couple of Carnie missions on invincible, and I mean ran through. I didn't run out of end once (and this is against the end draining carnies), I was almost one shotting +3 minion even without criticals or build up. And I didn't even use DP or Reconstruction once. I really didn't feel at all nerfed.
Oh, and just noticed the question about IH.
the 3 heals are more than worth it, I tried it without...and it's not really that much use, I died more often than not.
I'd say the 2 end redux in Integration is overkill...I was fine without any. That said, I don't know about the end use of maybe one would be handy, try out a couple of missions on test to see how it feels before you finalise it.
Mostly based on Evilgeko's US I6 BS/Regen, this is my attempt to somehow get Damia back on stream (she won't get spec'd into this until she next levels, for inf/enc updating reasons, but I'm making the plan now.)
) I pondered Dark, but it doesn't fit the character concept.
1) Worth the healing slots in IH/Dull Pain or would I be better using those slots to ramp up the recharge rate on my attacks?
2) Overkill on end reduction for integration? I'd say that for broadsword, you need your toggles to be as end-light as you can get them, but thats just my opinion.
3) Energy Torrent. Worth it as an epic, or am I better dipping into another power pool once I've got Conserve Power and FA? (Anddon't get started on Laser-Beam Eyes
Primary: Broad Sword
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Hack==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(11) Dmg(34) Rechg(43)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)
02) --> Slice==> Acc(2) Dmg(3) Dmg(11) Dmg(34) Rechg(43)
04) --> Quick Recovery==> EndRec(4) EndRec(5) EndRec(5)
06) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(6) Heal(7) Heal(7) Rechg(9) Rechg(23) Rechg(23)
08) --> Parry==> Acc(8) Acc(9) DefBuf(13) DefBuf(13) DefBuf(43) Rechg(45)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(10) Rechg(36) Rechg(37) Heal(46) Heal(46) Heal(50)
12) --> Hover==> Fly(12)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14) Fly(15) Fly(15) Fly(37)
16) --> Integration==> EndRdx(16) EndRdx(17) Heal(17) Heal(19) Heal(21)
18) --> Whirling Sword==> Acc(18) Dmg(19) Dmg(21) Dmg(34) Rechg(42)
20) --> Hurdle==> Jump(20)
22) --> Health==> Heal(22)
24) --> Stamina==> EndRec(24) EndRec(25) EndRec(25)
26) --> Disembowel==> Acc(26) Dmg(27) Dmg(27) Dmg(36) Rechg(40)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Rechg(28) Rechg(29) Rechg(29) Heal(31) Heal(31) Heal(31)
30) --> Build Up==> Rechg(30) Rechg(36) Rechg(37)
32) --> Head Splitter==> Acc(32) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(40)
35) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(35)
38) --> Moment Of Glory==> Rechg(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) DefBuf(39) DefBuf(40) DefBuf(50)
41) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(41) Rechg(42) Rechg(42)
44) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(44) TH_Buf(45) TH_Buf(45) TH_Buf(46) EndRdx(50)
47) --> Energy Torrent==> Acc(47) Dmg(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(48)
49) --> Revive==> Rechg(49)
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.