What to choose as secondary?
Regeneration is a very nice secondary for Solo play. Even though Instant Healing has been nerfed beyond recognition, the set is still by far the most enjoyable, imo.
Almost never low on End, and Health steadily ticking upwards.
The only time you're not on solid ground is against multiple opponents (about 5 or more). Fast, heavy attacks are gonna faceplant you pretty quick. With a bit of luck, surviving the first barrage of attacks, you can usually work your way out of it though.
Thanks, ill make a claw/regen then
PAH! Regen's are just squishies with more HP and 3 self heals! Invuln is where it's at! If ever there was a 'suicidal' secondary, invuln is it. It positively encourages you to jump right into the middle of the biggest mob you can find, and amazingly enough, the more enemies in the mob, the more likely you are to survive!
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Hmmm... what to pick then
Tried both and i would say if you intend to solo lots get regen. Downtime is less so you don't sit around waiting for health/end to recover. Downside if you come up against very hard hitting mobs you go down fast.
In a team howver Invuln can be more useful, it will survive the alpha strike alot better than regen and if theres a defender nearby you're laughing. If you are soloing with this you'll probably have some times where you need to sit and wait for health and end to recover before you move on
Although I'm quite lucky to have it paried with an excellent illu/rad controller most of the time as she provides very good back up heals amongst other things. For someone who's to solo their alt for a large portion of it's existence...I would have to agree with Ether Knight...
I've played all secondaries and with regen I just don't take notice of my endurance as it very rarely runs out (even with the ED changes).
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

Super Reflexes baby, everyone and their mother is a regen. Don't you want to be special?
Loving the SR build also. Can't wait until he's fully lvl'd up, having fought an SR scrapper in PvP and not being able to hit her for toffee.
Now lvl32, solo'ing is pretty easy however some missions take longer compared to my regen due to endurance and health. Usually I need to fill insp with health and endurance if i'm wanting to make a mission go quicker.
@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes "Strength is in Unity"

If you want the best, pick Regen.
If you want to be a gimp, pick SR
If you want to glow like a lightbulb, go Invuln.
If you despise the sight of a full Endurance power, enjoy losing all your resists everytime a blaster looks at you and find repetive noise soothing, go Dark Armor.
Thanks again, nice reactions. Been playing MA/INV till lvl 6 tonight, the invulnerability toggle is kinda nice, but yes, that, combined with actions, drains both hp and end fast. (Btw, found out MA is alot better then Claws. Who wants to be Wolverine anyways ).
Ill try to get a MA/Regen a few levels up, and see what its like. Its just, i dont want to waste alot of time in builds/toons that turn out to be a bad choice at higher levels.
One important point is that it is vital to know what the must have powers are for the powerset. I don't know about SR, but for the others these are the most vital powers of the set ( IMO ).
Inv: Temp Inv, Unyielding, Invincibility, Dull Pain
Regen : Reconstruction, Quick Recovery, Integration, Dull Pain.
Dark Armour : Dark Embrace, Obsidian Shield, Dark Regeneration, Murky Cloud.
Of the 3 Dark is the most annoying ( sound effects are yicky ) and probably the most end draining. It also has the most fun powers. It has moderate resistances against everything and provides protection against many of the "magic bullet" type tricks used in the later game such as Psi damage and end drain. However it does not provide knockback protection so picking up Acrobatics from the Leaping pool ( and using super jump as your travel power ) is a good idea.
I've not played an Inv Scrapper, however I do play an Inv tank so I imagine it is the same. Against non-slashing/lethal damage you are not that great unless surrounded by enemies.
I would only advise playing regen if you are happy clicking a self-heal power every 30 seconds or so. It is the best one for hit and run tactics and tends to act reasonably well against all enemy types.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Dark Armour : Dark Embrace, Obsidian Shield, Dark Regeneration, Murky Cloud.
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Cloak of Fear and Cloak of Darkness are must haves if your going to do any PvP. You might also want to try Oppressive Gloom, but fears better IMHO.
Dark Armour : Dark Embrace, Obsidian Shield, Dark Regeneration, Murky Cloud.
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Cloak of Fear and Cloak of Darkness are must haves if your going to do any PvP. You might also want to try Oppressive Gloom, but fears better IMHO.
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That's useful to know. My D/D is not quite high enough level to get OG. I was going to get it rather than Cloak of Fear. I wasn't really concentrating on high level powers though, although my mention of Invinicibility kind of wrecks that.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I don't like Oppressive Gloom because your opponents can still move about (Less of an issue in PvP but a right bugbear in PvE) and its mez affect is more commonly resisted. Cloak of Fear, coupled with Touch of Fear, allows you to stack Terrorize so much you need multiple BF's to get out of it.
But I always reccomend you try it out. Its probably better than Cloak of Fear if your using Death Shroud, because the damage ticks allow people to attack you.
I don't like Oppressive Gloom because your opponents can still move about (Less of an issue in PvP but a right bugbear in PvE) and its mez affect is more commonly resisted. Cloak of Fear, coupled with Touch of Fear, allows you to stack Terrorize so much you need multiple BF's to get out of it.
But I always reccomend you try it out. Its probably better than Cloak of Fear if your using Death Shroud, because the damage ticks allow people to attack you.
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I don't use Death Shroud. So thats okay. How many accuracy do you recommend for CoF. I'm guessing 2 or 3. I guess end reds are needed and also fear durations? 2/2/2 perhaps? Is it worth 6 slotting?
I haven't played my DDS since I6 came out. What are the changes to Touch of Fear like?
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I slot it 1 Acc, 1 End, 2 Fear and 2 Acc Debuff. It seems plenty accurate, and when I'm playing in my weightclass Ive got Focussed Accuracy so I don't need to worry about missing.
The changes to Fear I don't think are so bad, especially in light of the mez resist reductions. If it was hideoulsy overpowered beforehand, its just overpowered now. I can live with that kind of nerf
I slot it 1 Acc, 1 End, 2 Fear and 2 Acc Debuff. It seems plenty accurate, and when I'm playing in my weightclass Ive got Focussed Accuracy so I don't need to worry about missing.
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Acc debuff too. Damn! A power with 4 useful enhancement types. How Diverse. I guess its a 6 slotter. How did you slot it before Focussed Accuracy?
The changes to Fear I don't think are so bad, especially in light of the mez resist reductions. If it was hideoulsy overpowered beforehand, its just overpowered now. I can live with that kind of nerf
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Oh yes. I do agree it was too good, especially for PvP as I think there are only a few things that have protection against fear. If it's got a duration that is about the same as its recharge then it is fine, is that the case?
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
I would only advise playing regen if you are happy clicking a self-heal power every 30 seconds or so. It is the best one for hit and run tactics and tends to act reasonably well against all enemy types.
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Running is for blasters. Regen gets revive so you don't need to run away to die.
I would only advise playing regen if you are happy clicking a self-heal power every 30 seconds or so. It is the best one for hit and run tactics and tends to act reasonably well against all enemy types.
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Regen? Hit and run atacks? What game are people playing, because it sure as hell isn't CoH.
A decent /Regen will be able to outlast all other Scrapper secondaries.
I don't know about that.having teamed regularly with a few regens, and big mob can take their health down pretty quick, indeed I've seen a few Regen's lying face down with 'ARGH, Missed my click!' written above them.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I don't know about that.having teamed regularly with a few regens, and big mob can take their health down pretty quick, indeed I've seen a few Regen's lying face down with 'ARGH, Missed my click!' written above them.
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Whereas I don't have as many clicks to make, so just go "Aaaargh!".
I don't know about that.having teamed regularly with a few regens, and big mob can take their health down pretty quick, indeed I've seen a few Regen's lying face down with 'ARGH, Missed my click!' written above them.
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This is why we have Epic pools, Torrent in Darkness or Body Mastery pools sends things flying so you spread the group out and stagger the alpha strike. Before then you've soloed 1-41 in 2 days because everyone else is too slow.
I whole heartedly agree with The_Question ive got a 50 regen and a 50 sr and regen is by far the most survivable ive ever played. i have not got any of the others past lvl 20 though. But regen is never hit and run. If your running with regen your just horrible at being a scrapper and should go back to your blaster. Regen is meant to die. Its gonna die thats why it has a rez.
I whole heartedly agree with The_Question ive got a 50 regen and a 50 sr and regen is by far the most survivable ive ever played. i have not got any of the others past lvl 20 though. But regen is never hit and run. If your running with regen your just horrible at being a scrapper and should go back to your blaster. Regen is meant to die. Its gonna die thats why it has a rez.
I was wondering why I saw The Questions name there.
I read scrappers are kind of good for solo play, so i started one, since ill be soloing 90% of the time.
I picked Claws, cause i like that idea alot, but i have no clue what the best secondary set is, mainly for solo purpose. I took reflexes on this first character, but what would you bunch of experienced scrappers advice me to pick as secondary, when solo play is the nr 1 priority?