Miss Chief

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  1. I have two defenders that don't run Fitness, one is a Kin and the other is TA/Pointy sticks. With the Kin i did have it but specced it out around lvl 30 I think, once I had transference well slotted. With the TA I never bothered. She's a Hoverer but doesn't run leadership. Only time i do have any bother is after EMP Arrow but I also have Conserve power from the Ancillary which i pop at the same time as I EMP.
  2. They are considered separate as LOTG it's the enhancement that gives the bonus whereas the Kinetic Crash it's a set bonus.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
    Probably not. I'd have to do a little bit of math to be sure.
    You might get away with that CPU for a while yet. It's got a good Clock speed although more modern CPU's can beat it. You definitely need a new graphics card though! problem being you have an AGP board. By the time you add up a new AGP graphics card you could conceivably get a new CPU, mobo, Ram and graphics card for around £250-£300.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Most obvious thing first. Make sure you are accepting cookies from boards.cityofheroes.com

    Not if you have the cookies, if you are accepting them.
    Checked that as well.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    I'm sorry, but... who are you?
    One of those 'Furriners' you keep hearing about.
  6. I'm still trying to work out what the 'remember me' button on the forum does. From what i can make out it's little more than false hope that the next time I visit the forums it'll maybe, possibly remember that I'm logged in. And it does. For the front page. Soon as I click on any link at all, no matter where it takes me, I'm logged out. If I open another tab to view something without losing the main forum page, i'm logged out. if I view the Dev digest (which ALWAYS opens in a new window, no matter what I try) I'm logged out. If I look at the forum funny and decide to visit a thread I've never been to, I'd be willing to guess what would happen. I've deleted all my cookies (wasn't fun, you try remembering a password to a forum you set 12 months ago and haven't used again since!) and even installed a new OS (windows 7 64 bit) but it still doesn't work. I've tried my laddies laptop (Vista) AND the PC downstairs (XP home). It makes no difference. I used to contribute on the EU forums all the time. Now I don't even bother.

    It's come to the point where I hardly contribute or write anything and just lurk and read, because I really can't be bothered logging in again knowing there's little point, because I'll just get logged out again when I come back.

    Please, PLEASE, fix this. Perhaps it's a security thing, perhaps it's because I'm an EU import. I don't care. When i say 'remember me' I want it to. PLEASE?
  7. Now a Horus TF would be epic! Apex also kicks ***. Who else could take on a group of Malta at level 15 AND WIN?

    War Witch is fab, everyone in the EU loves her, mainly because she came over a few times and also seemed to take more than a passing interest in the EU when we were separate. ANY new content is always welcomed, but when that content is themed around an existing, well loved character like War Witch, then I'm all for it!
  8. You don't have Broadsword as an option for Stalker powers.

    Completed it for you as well.
  9. OK, by subscribing to Xbox live, you accept the terms and conditions of that agreement. One of those says that if MS detect your Xbox has been modified in any way, MS can, at it's sole discretion, ban it from Xbox Live. You can still play your games offline as, yes, it's your console and you can do WTF you want with it. If you go online with it, expect the BAN HAMMER to come down eventually.
  10. Far from the most recent but it'll run Coh without breaking a sweat and run Ultra mode with no trouble at all. Only thing is I'm worried about the 'fanless' bit. I hope you have good ventilation and good airflow through your case otherwise it's going to get very hot in there!
  11. I'm afraid 'badly' is the answer. I'm making an assumption you have an AGP slot so you're very limited as to your choices.
  12. Miss Chief


    I suspect extra content will be added to Preatoria at a later date, possibly expanding the content upwards from 20 to 30 and possibly beyond.
  13. Miss Chief

    All Scrapper STF

    I did an all Blaster LGTF once. Many deaths and took us about 4 hours but we did it!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
    When i summon a Gun Drone on my Devices Blaster, if I have hasten running the Gun Drone has the hasten effect on it, although, of course it has no fists to glow so has this glowing ball sticking out of one side of the Gun Drone. if I summon a Gun Drone when hasten isn't running the Gun Drone looks normal.

    By ap011a8571 at 2009-08-12

    By ap011a8571 at 2009-08-12
    I'd just like to thank whoever corrected this as it seems to be working properly now! I also love the change to the wristpad tap when you summon the Drone, always seemed a little daft when the Gun Drone could follow you.

    Now, if I can just change it to a Nemesis Jaeger or have some other sort of option, that'd be grand!

    oh, and if you could change time bomb to something at all, in any way, shape or form, useful, i'd also be happy.
  15. Miss Chief

    Personal Slang

    One time, just for a laugh I three slotted it with run speed. I wasn't so popular on teams for a few days until I changed it back.

    Whenever I play my ice/Dark Corr and we're doing a co-op TF and there's a Kheldian on the team, I always put the anchor on the void or quantum, just for kicks.
  16. I always love te NPC chat on Striga, 'I don't get why we need gears this size anyway?' and the Goldbrickers, 'I used to be in a gang in paragon City, but here I get a jetpac!'
  17. Miss Chief

    Heroes of EU!

    I was a little bit excited when I saw a Zombie MM with zombies named after players on Defiant, and I was one of them!!! SQUEEEEE!!!!

    Ahem, Just popped in to say great idea Damz!
  18. Miss Chief

    Personal Slang

    I've started calling all ambushes Bacon Trees, after Hambush. Only a few people seem to get it, but it's growing!

    I had an old SG, sadly it's more or less defunct now but any time anything went wrong, ever, even if he wasn't playing, it was all Cae's fault. ALWAYS. NO EXCEPTIONS. NOT EVER.
  19. I gave away a Numina +Regen lvl 50 IO I picked up on a LGTF not long after Io's came out. We had an Empath on the team and she did a sterling job of keeping us all buffed and topped up so i asked if she wanted it for free.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Drednaught_EU View Post
    Just logged on to EU test server for the Halloween trial and was only lvl 50 in Peregrine,in Atlas there was 1 NC soft rep and 1 other player,says it all really doesn't it . . . . .
    it's the BLOODY TEST SERVER! many people only look on test when there's something new to see, but there are far more than don't, myself included who prefer to play on Live and actually do something constructive with their playtime.
  21. Just spend an hour in the zone to get the badge and then you get the weapons AFAIK?
  22. Heh, same. posted about it too.
  23. Got a mapserver, then i managed to log in, kind of. Union and Zukunft are showing as down and I can't get past the server selection screen. Who killed them?

    I'd been having lag and mapservers all afternoon though!
  24. You could do a lot worse than this Rig from Scan.co.uk.

    Coolermaster Elite 360, Black, Minitower Case w/o PSU
    500W Ezcool PSU Silent 80mm Fan 24pin+4pin ATX v2.03 (OEM)
    Intel Pentium Dual-Core, E6300, S775, Wolfdale, 2.80 GHz, 2MB Cache, 10.5x Core Ratio, 65W, Retail
    Asus P5KPL-AM iG31, S775, PCI-E (x16), DDR2 1066(OC)/667/800, SATA 3Gb/s, uATX, VGA
    4GB (2x2GB) Corsair TwinX XMS2, DDR2 PC2-6400 (800), 240 Pins, Non-ECC, Unbuffered, CAS 5-5-5-18
    1TB Hitachi 0A38016 Deskstar 7K1000.B, SATA 3Gb/s, 7200rpm, 16MB Cache
    Samsung SH-S223B/BEBE 22x DVD±R, 12x DVD±R, DVD+RW x8/-RW x6, SATA, Black, OEM
    2 x 45cm Akasa AK-CB053 SATA II cable with Latch connector - Silver Clear Cable
    22" Digimate - DGM L-2262WD Black, Widescreen LCD, 5 ms, DVI/VGA, 1680x1050, 700:1, Speakers

    A whole PC, sans keyboard and mouse, INCLUDING monitor for £344.99 inc VAT +Del. yes you'll need a graphics card on top, but for the price, that is an AMAZING deal. OS isn't included either but Windows 7 would run great. Paired up with one of These if you're on a budget would be ideal, taking your total to £425. you could even upgrade the CPU to something faster, even a Quad Core when you get back into your photoshop at a later date.

    CoH, and just about any recent game would run great. Only problem I can think of is some of the 'cheaper' TFT monitors still don't match up against a quality CRT for colour balance etc which may be important for your degree course and the lack of OS. Should you decide to go for some all singing all dancing graphics card it's possible the PSU wouldn't be able to take one of the higher graphics cards (She cannae take it Captin!!), but the Ati 4850 I linked too is faster than my Nvidia 8800GT and I have no trouble running batman AA on my rig which has the same size monitor as that one. Having said that, I bet you could pick up a big CRT monitor for peanuts these days, if your desk is big enough to take the weight!
  25. Miss Chief

    Boys and girls

    Originally Posted by Captain_Solaris View Post
    I mostly play male alts. However when I first started playing I shared my account with my ex who got ownership of Onion, but she managed to slip a female alt onto Defiant called Krysalis. When she stopped playing the game I deleted all but Krysalis and Kara Solaris (DM/Inv Scrapper on Onion). I play them once in a while as I promised to get them to 50 for my ex...that was back in Apr 2005 and they're still lvl45 & 16 respectively!

    Back in the day I was a pretty naive gamer when it came to MMORPG gender. I never thought of male gamers playing female alts and vice versa (which was stoopid I knows it). Well the CoH certainly opened my eyes!

    In fact I think I've perv'd on your alt before...the very first time we teamed back in the first few months of EU release...

    I was the only male hero in that team...I felt privilaged. ^__^
    Dear God, that must have been a long time ago!!