Remember me? I wish it would.
Been doing it to me a lot during the last few days especially but it doesnt really affect me greatly since it only takes 10 seconds to log in anyway.
Wish it worked all the time? Yes
Annoyed about it? Not at the moment
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I'm sorry, but... who are you?
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox 3.5 on Ubuntu and I'm not running into that problem. However, I ask FF to save all my open tabs so that they all reload when I fire up the browser again, so that might be of help. Can't guarantee owt though.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

This never happeneds to me in my dungeon on my main gaming PC...
This ALWAYS happeneds to me upstairs in our room, on my laptop.
I use IE on both my gameputers >.> The most up to date one... I have cleaned both PCs regurally with the same program, just upstairs I can NOT stay logged in.
I have changed the cookies thing upstairs bunches NOTHING helps.
I would head up to the Tech forums, not sure how much help you would get down here.
I had the same issue after the move to the new forums. I used a separate app to clean out all the cookies, and rather than using my bookmarked page for the forums, I started fresh.
We could always use more furries. Those guys crack me up...and some of the art is nice...
Oh no! A furry! Run away!
On a more serious note, this has actually never happened to me before. I usually have two or three tabs up while browsing the forums. I honestly have no clue why this could be happening. :|
Anywho, good luck with that!

I'm still trying to work out what the 'remember me' button on the forum does. From what i can make out it's little more than false hope that the next time I visit the forums it'll maybe, possibly remember that I'm logged in. And it does. For the front page. Soon as I click on any link at all, no matter where it takes me, I'm logged out. If I open another tab to view something without losing the main forum page, i'm logged out. if I view the Dev digest (which ALWAYS opens in a new window, no matter what I try) I'm logged out. If I look at the forum funny and decide to visit a thread I've never been to, I'd be willing to guess what would happen. I've deleted all my cookies (wasn't fun, you try remembering a password to a forum you set 12 months ago and haven't used again since!) and even installed a new OS (windows 7 64 bit) but it still doesn't work. I've tried my laddies laptop (Vista) AND the PC downstairs (XP home). It makes no difference. I used to contribute on the EU forums all the time. Now I don't even bother.
It's come to the point where I hardly contribute or write anything and just lurk and read, because I really can't be bothered logging in again knowing there's little point, because I'll just get logged out again when I come back. Please, PLEASE, fix this. Perhaps it's a security thing, perhaps it's because I'm an EU import. I don't care. When i say 'remember me' I want it to. PLEASE? |
Most obvious thing first. Make sure you are accepting cookies from
Not if you have the cookies, if you are accepting them.
I have experienced the Forums, along with a other sites that I typically stayed logged into (Amazon, Ebay, Facebook), not remembering to keep me logged in just in the past few days. I think I've figured out what I did to cause it, as I had no problems before.
Earlier this week, I did a full back up of my hard disk. This was the first back up I've done in a while, probably the first since I've upgraded IE to v8. As part of my "usual" process, I deleted all the temporary Internet Explorer files and cookies. With IEv8, to do this I had to:
Internet Options-->Browsing History-->Delete button-->Preserve Favorites Website data = unchecked
And then go through with the Delete.
I've had this option checked off ever since IEv8 was installed. After my back up was done, I forgot to recheck it. Since then, the Forums and other sites wouldn't remember me.
I've tested it by relogging into the Forums, Amazon, eBay, Facebook, etc, then unchecking this option and going through with the Delete. After I close and reopen the browser window, all my logins were lost. If this option is checked, I remain logged in and other (cookie) settings remembered even after going through with the Delete.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
on my laptop upstairs, the one that does not remember CoX forums...
It is currently remembering on yahoo mail, neopets, facebook, and twitter.
So I dont know what the dang problem is but its super annoying.
Hmm, the forum occasionally used to drop me, but it seems to remember me just fine, now.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I have exactly the same problem (Firefox 3.5, cookies enabled).
The annoying thing is not that I have to log in manually if I want to post something, it is the fact that I'm still logged in when I come to the main page but get logged out as soon as I visit a subforum because when I log in again everything is marked as read.
I have to remember when my last visit was and look for the dates on threads to see if there's anything new -,-
I thought I found the solution last weekend because it remembered me yesterday but now it is back ...
I had this same problem a while ago on my work computer, using Firefox. I manually deleted the cookies for every CoH site that was on the list, closed out of Firefox all together, re-started it, and then logged in. Problem fixed.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
I'm still trying to work out what the 'remember me' button on the forum does. From what i can make out it's little more than false hope that the next time I visit the forums it'll maybe, possibly remember that I'm logged in. And it does. For the front page. Soon as I click on any link at all, no matter where it takes me, I'm logged out. If I open another tab to view something without losing the main forum page, i'm logged out. if I view the Dev digest (which ALWAYS opens in a new window, no matter what I try) I'm logged out. If I look at the forum funny and decide to visit a thread I've never been to, I'd be willing to guess what would happen. I've deleted all my cookies (wasn't fun, you try remembering a password to a forum you set 12 months ago and haven't used again since!) and even installed a new OS (windows 7 64 bit) but it still doesn't work. I've tried my laddies laptop (Vista) AND the PC downstairs (XP home). It makes no difference. I used to contribute on the EU forums all the time. Now I don't even bother.
It's come to the point where I hardly contribute or write anything and just lurk and read, because I really can't be bothered logging in again knowing there's little point, because I'll just get logged out again when I come back. Please, PLEASE, fix this. Perhaps it's a security thing, perhaps it's because I'm an EU import. I don't care. When i say 'remember me' I want it to. PLEASE? |
- start my visit by going directly to USER CP
- login in from there
- continue with the visit
Of course, that still does not prevent the forum from acting up. I still get things incorrectly marked as read (when they haven't been) and for some reason, it doesn't update threads/topics/messages I've already read.
Go figure.
Oh, and I'm using Firefox 3.6.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I'm still trying to work out what the 'remember me' button on the forum does. From what i can make out it's little more than false hope that the next time I visit the forums it'll maybe, possibly remember that I'm logged in. And it does. For the front page. Soon as I click on any link at all, no matter where it takes me, I'm logged out. If I open another tab to view something without losing the main forum page, i'm logged out. if I view the Dev digest (which ALWAYS opens in a new window, no matter what I try) I'm logged out. If I look at the forum funny and decide to visit a thread I've never been to, I'd be willing to guess what would happen. I've deleted all my cookies (wasn't fun, you try remembering a password to a forum you set 12 months ago and haven't used again since!) and even installed a new OS (windows 7 64 bit) but it still doesn't work. I've tried my laddies laptop (Vista) AND the PC downstairs (XP home). It makes no difference. I used to contribute on the EU forums all the time. Now I don't even bother.
It's come to the point where I hardly contribute or write anything and just lurk and read, because I really can't be bothered logging in again knowing there's little point, because I'll just get logged out again when I come back.
Please, PLEASE, fix this. Perhaps it's a security thing, perhaps it's because I'm an EU import. I don't care. When i say 'remember me' I want it to. PLEASE?
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief