Recharge Bonus - The rule of 5




Does the rule of five apply to LoTG +7.5 Recharge and other IO bonuses. To clarify can I slot 5 LoTG IOs and 1 set of Kinetic Crash (7.5% recharge)? Or would that be considered 6?



they are considered under seperate recharge bonuses, because if you look into the combat attributes window the LOTG bonus is listed as such, while the set bonus for rech would be listed as huge rech bonus



They are considered separate as LOTG it's the enhancement that gives the bonus whereas the Kinetic Crash it's a set bonus.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
They are considered separate as LOTG it's the enhancement that gives the bonus whereas the Kinetic Crash it's a set bonus.
They're both set bonuses, although you're right, they do come from different sources. As Necrotech said, the bonuses have different names therefore, you can have up to 5 of each. If both were called "Huge Increased Recharge Bonus", then you could only have 5 total




Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
They are considered separate as LOTG it's the enhancement that gives the bonus whereas the Kinetic Crash it's a set bonus.

Global IOs (constant bonuses, no time limit nor a proc chance) are single IOs that give a set bonus all by themselves. Therefore, they function IDENTICALLY to set bonuses.

The Rule of Five, however, specifically states that no more than five bonuses of the same name will stack with each other.

Each global IO (currently) gives a set bonus named after itself (Luck of the Gambler Recharge Bonus, Steadfast Knockback Protection, etc.), while the normal set bonuses use more generic names (Huge Recharge Bonus, etc). Therefore, you can stack 5 of the 7.5% recharge bonuses from normal set bonuses and 5 LotG Recharge bonuses for a total from them of 75% (10*7.5)

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