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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Whatever you think about the changes, I think the one thing you can't say is that they are trivial.
    Especially after being pursued for so long?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    What server are you on? I have a soft spot for ice/ice blasters. I can probably help.
    Please note the "soft spot" is inside a thermal bag with smouldering coals.

    Ice/Ice blasters go in, steam comes out.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I tend to eschew

    If it happens too much you should probably see a doctor.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    KB2KD conversion.

    I'm annoyed that we need an event random drop IO for it to begin with - having it as a set bonus would help, I guess.
    On the other hand, I'd MUCH rather have it as an easily avoided proc than as a set bonus somewhere in the middle of other bonuses I'd actually want.
  5. I...


    I don't know. I think that hits a price (and time) point that just wouldn't be attractive. $10 for two weeks, perhaps. Gives time for marketing to finish, gives time to deal with that "God, this is a long task force - gah, lost internet! And I'm at 24.5 hours, apparently!" moment.

    Plus, I think it'd be a general pain with the billing/sub systems and the support that goes with them.

    Besides, how does it affect Paragon rewards?
  6. All your slots *will* be locked. That's how it works. When you drop to Premium, all of your characters become locked.

    Looking at the top of the page, you'll find global and server unlocks. You'll have at least 12 server unlocks. When you run out of server unlocks, it'll ask if you want to use/buy global unlocks.

    Click character. Click lock icon in middle of top bar. Unlock character. Rinse, repeat.

    Not a bug. And yes, I do wish there were an "Unlock all" option.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Nothing in this game should require taking the forums. They are a silly place.
    I slot my forums for range.

    /posts from the far side of the Shard.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    It is very much my impression that dug never needs a reason.
    However, he DOES need a raisin.

    Everyone mail Dug raisins!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Interesting idea Bill. I did read it all. Please no.

    I WILL admit that the gap, performance wise, between the 4 melee ATs is very close. Even closer with IOs, incarnates etc etc. Further split up, I would say Tanks and brutes are closer to the same than brutes/scrappers.

    So then we have...tank-brute and scrapper-stalker.

    I know the numbers on scrappers and brutes are VERY similar, in regard to secondary..but..also from a secondary view, SO are they for scrap vs stalk. In fact. with teh recent stalker buff, to hp and AS, I would go so far as to say..stalkers basically play LIKE a scrapper, with better and more controlled crits.

    Again, not talking from a numbers point (and you did say your not a hard core numbers guy) I still see ENOUGH difference in the ATs to influence my choices when making them. Not always just the inherent either, or wanting powers soon. It is the feel of the AT. Sure, my stalkers can scrap, my brutes can tank. Does that suddenly make them into the other AT? Not for me.

    May as well make the argument to merge corrs and you want buffs sooner, or attacks? thanks. I can kinda see where your coming from, with side switching and creation allowing us to start on either side..but
    See, I feel enough difference exists between tanks (just in what you get emphasized first) and brutes/scrappers where brute/tank doesn't make sense to me as a combination. And Stalkers still feel unique to me, where they're not stepping on Scrapper/Brute toes, even if they're less punished for staying and fighting it out now (which has pretty well always been my playstyle with them.) But:

    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    There doesn't appear to be any particular advantage to combining them (Other than the 'advantage' of having one less option to pick from), it would be development intensive to do (which would be better spent elsewhere) and would mess around with peoples established characters (which would annoy some people).
    ... if you're not min/maxing for every quarter-percent of (insert attribute here) - and I'm not saying that insultingly, I'm saying it as "the typical/casual player" - would it really mess with existing characters that much? Yes, the ex-brute would have crits to mess with, the ex-scrapper the extra growing damage of Fury, but other than that - how much would it really mess with existing characters? The sets would be the same, other than confront vs taunt perhaps. Wouldn't have to worry about proliferation, as they'd automatically have whatever set the other didn't (spines leaps to mind here.)

    Expand on it - I don't see it, but I could well be missing something (an dthis is, after all, fairly pie-in-the-sky.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    You didn't need to make a thread for this.
    That's like telling Johnny_Butane he didn't have to complain about tanks, or GG that she didn't have to use those smileys. Dug is a thread-making force of nature.
  11. Memphis_Bill


    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Sadly, or correct from an engineering aspect, all the really good coolers on the market require a back plate due to size/weight/center of gravity issues. It's something you really don't want to shake loose or torque off.
    *nod* It's why I haven't done it in the last few years.
    More memory the better but if you aren't ever getting close to using the amount of memory you currently have, you aren't going to see any noticeable difference.
    Yeah, 95% of the time this is more than sufficient - it's really a "luxury item" for me. Unless, of course, I have multiple VMs running at once - I have managed to consume all the memory, CPU time/threads, etc. doing that. Of course, given the point was to see if I could... (Several flavors of Linux, XP, Vista, think I had BeOS, OS/2... I had a lot of VMs open.)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
    They're wandering around confused by your avatar.
    "Wait... that song was about THAT? I don't get it."
  13. Disclaimer: I know the very first reaction to this is going to be "What the hell? You're insane. No!" Honestly, it's more a random thought inspired by another thread, a sort of "what if."

    If you disagree - and I'm sure many people will - first, I ask you to read through the full suggestion, and then say just what advantage there is to keeping them separate.

    The comment that inspired this was in the super strength adjustment S&I thread. Namely:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post

    I don't know that I agree with that. I certainly think powersets should feel different when played, but I'm not sure that I think there needs to be this chasm of difference between Tankers, Brutes, & Scrappers. I also don't think we need all three of those ATs (and Stalkers) but that's another discussion.
    As it sits right now, aside from a few mechanical issues... I can't say why, other than random click, I pick a brute vs a stalker. It used to be you could only get one or the other depending on what side you're on - that hasn't been true since GR.

    For full disclosure, I tend to go for brute for the fury mechanic - but that, to me, is really the only difference (please note I'm not a numbers guy, I don't care about caps, etc.) between the two ATs unless I'm looking for one of the non-proliferated sets (spines or EM.)

    I really see three AT choices:
    Tank: I want more HP, and I want my defenses/resists faster.
    Stalker: Controlled crit, stealth. (And actually the lower numbers did matter to me - I actually enjoy that more "on the edge" bit.)

    Then there's:
    Brute/Scrapper - Don't want to deal with stealth, want attacks faster.

    They're just "combined" to me - flip a coin at character creation.

    Now, the first issue, of course, is the inherent. For some people this is important - as I said, I like the Fury mechanic. Others like crits. So let's combine the two into (another, I know) new Fury. It behaves like Fury now, but adds the crit chance. Versus Bosses and above, however, it gives a possibility for a double-crit. Yes, damage, crit, second crit of the same amount. This will *cost* a little fury (say, 10%) - and makes it easier, for (say) the next ten seconds, to climb into that last few percent of Fury generation that's currently a bit hard to get to. (And to help that, gives another some-percent global recharge for the same period.)

    Should you happen to keep doubling, the period will extend - but for less time (say, 10 seconds, 5, 3, 2, etc.)

    Caps - aside from the fury cap (which may need adjusting) most of the numbers should either be at the lower or a midpoint between scrapper and brute numbers - just to add some additional differentiation between the melee ATs.

    IOs - yes, they get to use both scrapper and brute ATOs. So add others for the other ATs, or allow crossover where it makes sense (Corr/Def, for instance.)

    Just throwing it out. Let the tearing apart proceed. (I may not revisit this - really do have quite a bit on my plate at the moment, so I'm not going to be as active here for a bit.)
  14. I usually start here with the keybind list on the wiki. No guarantees it wasn't missed, but I don't see one there to bind.
  15. Memphis_Bill


    So, I have a system a few years old - runs fairly well, no real complaints (except ATI oddness.)

    Once I finish a move (goodBYE, Florida!) and the money from a house sale clears, I'm planning a few updates. I was just going to build a new system - but this one's not exactly a sluggard, so I don't really see the need for *massive* updates. (Or the room for yet another system - considering building a new work system, or just buying a notebook for it, and retiring the Athlon II x2 that's using.)

    This *will* end up running twin 23" monitors - haven't decided which yet. Have to dig through the reviews again.

    Aside from COH, this is also going to be used on flight sims (Rise of Flight, DCS,) driving sims - yes, I'm blowing money on controllers - and a few other things that arent' quite so graphically intensive (still play C&C 3 to death.) Also gets used for graphics, video, running multiple VMs (part of the reason to go to twin monitors since I'll have the room) - all 'round use.

    Intel Core i7 860, 2.8ghz Lynnfield CPU
    Stock cooler - this needs upgrading, considering an H80, though I have to remove the mainboard - no cutout behind it to get to stuff. Alternately, a better air cooler.
    8 Gb RAM - possibly updating to 16, not critical ATM
    ASUS P7P55 LX
    Radeon HD 5700 1 Gb driving an Acer X223w (1680x1050)
    320 Gb Seagate ST3320620AS
    Two 1 Tb WD drives
    Onboard audio
    Win7 x64 Home Premium
    Corsair TX750 power supply

    This does do farly well at running most everything I throw at it. However, there are some things that could use refreshing. The updates I'm looking at:

    Stock cooler to possibly an H80. Currently idling in the mid-40s Celcius. Though I am, as mentioned, in FL... which doesn't help.

    Asus GTX 670 2Gb replacing the HD 5770 - more shinies to turn on. >.> Plus the 5770 does odd things on COH.

    Samsung 830 series 128 Gb SSD - Right now I'm using maybe 80 Gb of that hard drive, and it's actually a holdover from another, older system. In fact, there's a crack on the SATA connector... so it'll get refurbed, but while I'm doing that, well, been drooling over SSDs, having built up a different system (not mine) with one. Just for *boot* time it'll be nice. (Yes, I move documents and such off to another, larger drive by default. And will be reverting the boot sector and getting rid of Win8 release preview ahead of time.)

    Any other recommended updates? No, I can't update the CPU without doing a mainboard swap, and I don't feel like doing that at the moment. No real reason to, anyway. About the only other thing I'd do is an in place update to Win7 Pro, but the main reason for doing that would be more memory, really - and the board tops out at 16 Gb officially - which is W7HPx64's limit.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    A couple of updates
    • Infinity and Protector have been added to the schedule
    • Saturday has been removed from the schedule. Events previously scheduled for Saturday the 18th have now been re-scheduled for Monday the 20th
    Thank you for your patience and understanding!
    Saturday has been removed due to lack of interest. We have replaced Saturday with Folger's crystals. Please do not attempt time travel using Folger's crystals.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Strange, I agreed with your post earlier in the thread. Are you recanting it?
    Did I say where exactly you were wrong? No. Just that you were wrong. I could, in fact, be referring to an *entirely different* conversation, and just happened to pick this particular venue, vis-a-vis this thread on these very boards, to remind you that you were, indeed, wrong.

    Contractual obligations and all that.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by microc View Post
    to the op if the person that ows\es you money
    .... I have to admit my brain started reading this in Gollem's voice. "Oweses us money, yes, precioussss, it does...."

    (Don't mind me, having fun with a typo.)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    My proposal also would be a BUFF to the set for the levels before you have Rage, and for those people who choose not to use it. You know, for those people whose concept does not involve their character being angry.
    ... just because the power is named "rage" does not mean the character is angry, any more than taking an Enraged/Focused Rage/Righteous Rage/Furious Rage inspiration does, or using Gloom means the using character is depressed/depressing.
  20. Memphis_Bill


    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    I actually like it for teaming. Very rarely will what you offer be redundant on a team. On the other hand, if you want soloability, this ain't it.
    I'd disagree, somewhat, solely due to second builds. Drop the team shields, clarity, etc. Fit the slots (and IOs, if desired) into the attacks. Season with pool powers. Add 15% damage with Assault, or wait for the I24 pool power changes and play with those with the multiple picks you now don't have to dedicate to the team items.

    My sonic/sonics (one Def, 50, one Corr in the 20s) are quite soloable. Only reason I don't play them more is going "Blah, Raaaagh, Awooooo!" at everything constantly annoys me.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major_Force View Post
    Shouldn't you update that?
    No, no I shouldn't.

    If you want to, go ahead.
  22. Is this the new ED? Are we going to have people going on about this beyond all reason for the next few years?
  23. Memphis_Bill

    Name wipe

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    The more characters you make, yeah, the harder cool names are to get.

    It is? (says the 300+, two account altaholic.)
  24. Honestly, I *prefer* that all the Incarnate stuff stay at 50+.

    I *wish* it would be scaled back in the 45-50 range (or rather in "non incarnate" content.)

    I wouldn't want to see any of it lower. And that includes the (generally fine, IMHO) Alpha.