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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
    Yeah, I was a beta-through-sunset player of Tabula Rasa, absolutely loved that game. The way NC went about that closure was dodgy, to say the least.
    I've got to say Tabula Rasa... didn't surprise me. They sank a lot of money into it before launch, sank more after... and the subscriptions did the "Hey, new game - spike - crash," fairly badly. There was just no realistic way to recoup that investment.

    Part of me, just from the speed and surprise of the announcement, tends to think someone had a personal beef against PS/COH. I just can't shake that feeling, though I have no proof of it.

    However, what I think likely happened is that, yes, there was an issue with having spent (and lost) money on Aion and the GW2 launch. There's probably a report or other financial meeting coming up - or, as mentioned elsewhere, the new buyer insisted on "reorganizing." COH, while making a steady amount of money, was the most vulnerable property.

    1. If you look at the reports, we made the same amount of money, roughly - 2-3% of NC's income in sales, etc. Which is good, sure, and we sure benefitted from the hybrid model (look at all the new powersets, etc.) but they expected more.

    2. We *did* make only 2-3% of the money. Yes, it was steady - but that's small potatoes.

    3. We don't have a global presence - we're pretty much NA with a little EU (especially after trimming French and German localization.) Aion isn't doing well here... but it's strong in Korea. Us? We had City of Hero for... what, a few months before it crashed and burned? We're essentially a Western-only property.

    4. They were working on a new project, a new IP (not COH 2.) Which is investment without an immediate payback, of course... which, given their own loss and the current economy, probably felt risky.

    I think all of the above made COH exceptionally vulnerable during any "reorganization."

    Yes, the question still comes up, well then, why not trim *some* staff, or drop/postpone the "secret project," or try to find a buyer? I *suspect* there's some sort of deadline involved that had to be met, and a sale would take too long for them to meet that deadline without showing more of a loss than they want to report.

    That's all my suspicion, anyway.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Ya, I'm interested in getting some art done of my characters. Can't afford it ATM, but I hope to in the near future.
    I think you'd be surprised at some of the prices... and how good some of the art can be for those prices.

    My two gallery threads (see signature, bottom of index, pretty much) ... most are under $50. Heck, most are $30 or less. So if you're thinking you have to spend $100 or more... not necessarily.

    Just check, if you see someone you think you like, make sure they're taking commissions and ask around to see how they are. (I tried to 'review" a few artists, especially in my second thread.) Make sure you like their style - and that it's consistent, that you're not just seeing one really cool piece and the rest are stick figures or something. (Remembering, of course, that styles and skill change.)
  3. Had to search. This is within months of my start date, and given the number of forum purges, probably fairly close to a first post.

    ... talking about my 35 elec/elec one shotting (or nearly so) bosses...

    Somethign I find amusing several posts down the line? This from Great Scott:
    The fact that any AT can solo well (and not just specific builds) is probably too powerful.
    The Range/Control combination, along with the Range/Defense combination, is what broke freeform power selection and made them switch to the AT system in the first place.
    (pity the link's broken.)

    For this blaster:
  4. First Character - Memphis Bill.
    First screenshot:

    First you could see his face...

    ... yes, the costume got better... and of cousre had others added to it. This was his usual one, come later additions and levels:
  5. Favourite? But ... there are so many...

    Starting off with my forum-namesake and first character, Memphis Bill.

    ... I'll add images when Photobucket starts behaving.

    I've mentioned his story recently, too. From continuing a character made in Silver Age Sentinels, to just getting me into COH - and being changed, in some version, on every server to try to be what he originally was.

    Fire/SS tank.
    Spine/Dark scrapper
    SS/Dark Brute - right powers, wrong side.
    Dark/SS tank - 50, and awaiting artwork.

    It still, honestly, amazes me when I'm recognized (and positively!) During the Mako week event, apparently Pinnbadges got very talkative when I showed up, according to OU. And the occasional "Are you the one from the forums?" ... yeah, I am. Never had anyone cuss me out after saying yes.

    Therra Arcson - Elec/Elec blaster

    Character that blossomed into a bunch of other characters. Therra Paladina, Peacebringer. Therra Malevola, clone created by the COT. Therra Vindicta, a "what if" elec/elec Brute. Therra Mortea, elec/elec stalker. Therra Halsturm, Merc/Storm... kind of the oddball of the group. Therra Cena, elec/elec Dom, Praetorian. (Seeing a pattern?) And, a step farther down the line, her daughter, Erin Snow/Caitlyn Haruspica/Caitlyn Snow (and subject of a well received bit of writing, Evolution, in the Rp forum.. thank you, always, Michelle/Samuraiko/Dark_Respite for encouraging me to post it.)

    Character that got me very into RP, very into considering backgrounds, and made some of my first friends in COH with.

    Also, as Paladina, first ongoing rivalry with someone villainside (in good fun) *waves at Peek-a-boo, the cute stalker.*

    Feliney Assault, En/En brute

    .... just for getting cussed out as "That damn stalker," for laughing as people tried to TP Foe her, and for the grin I got as people warned others in zone about my stuns.

    Deadly Diana, Thugs/Poi MM

    .... for being the first character I accidentally soloed an AV with. (Yes, I said accidentally. Wasn't watching my settings, said "what the heck," beat it.)

    Irresistable Force, Earth/FF

    .... for being the character I joined the HBSS with, leading to much fun, great RP, and making some damn good RL friends.
  6. You know what I'm going to go away with from you, Keetsie? (Aside from that being one of the cutest names *ever,* thank you very much!)

    It's Barrier.

    See, I made it a point to... I suppose be a royal PITA about the Sonic visual effects, back when they came out. And back when I found that they were giving *me* headaches. I don't get migranes or anything, so this was new to me - but when I found others were getting hurt worse, that a friend and SG mate (RIP Muad Dib) was feeling miserable because he was playing an Ill/Sonic and *causing* problems for friends and teammates.... well, that just couldn't stand.

    And so I made a nusiance of myself for, oh, a year and a half, I believe it was. Honestly "hurt myself" trying to find just *what* sort of combinations were causing that problem, making sure it was the sonic shields, not lighting, not the monitor, not something else.

    I, and others who had this issue, were called hypochondriacs and flat out liars by some people... let's just say there were some very nasty things directed our way by people who weren't affected, and apparently couldn't get it through their heads that just because they weren't didn't mean other people were just making it up.

    I even got an answer from BaBs that sounded, frankly, like "We can't do it." Or just plain "No." I don't have that any more. Of course, I do believe this was when we were down to the Freem 15... or close to it. I nearly cancelled my sub at that point.

    Then sonic got changed. There was still some... nastiness in the community, really, over that, from the same few (and one person who legitimately had problems with the new graphics - who actually went to a neurologist and found out he had a problem he wasn't aware of. Apparently the opening from SAW also triggered the reaction in him, but he didn't remember it.)

    So, when Barrier came up... well, I made a thread. And I'll be honest, I prepared for another long slog of a fight.

    Then you popped in. Said "Oh. Yeah, that can be a problem. Can you give us some info?" And got them changed. Even with the changes that had happened, both technically in the game and with the dev team since Sonic, you floored me. Seriously. You know those burning buildings in Steel Canyon when they go off? Add that with the knockback from standing on the generators when you stop Amanda Vines... and if you've never done that, it's very amusing, and you can really get some distance. Now scale it up by a few thousand percent. That kind of "you floored me."

    ... instant favourite redname. Not for "giving me what I wanted" - which wasn't really a want, aside from indirectly wanting my friends to be able to play without their migranes triggering off - but for being that responsive, considerate, curious, honest and understanding about it, and getting it *fixed* that fast.

    And then we got to hear about and from you in the various coffee talks and such. Never got to go to a con, but from everywhere else, seeing that that - with "fun" and a bunch of other great descriptions put in - was just you...

    Yeah, favourite dev.

    Thank you for flooring me. With all the good I can say about all the members of the team that made this so much more than "just a game," I think you're going to stay the #1 example of what made the game, the team and how you interacted with the community special.

    Thank you.
  7. You guys go for the boycotts.

    Me, I'm going to wander to the other side of camp and look for the girl cots. And see if there are any girls in them.
  8. /raises a glass to Joe.

    Happy trails.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
    I said bad. I know I don't have as bad a case as other people do.

    I know, I get people looking at me saying "ok, I guess I don't have as big a problem as I thought." >.>

    And I know some people who make *my* collection look fairly nondescript.

    I should also mention the "Check with someone with an "M" name" isn't always accurate. Had a foursome that I ran to 50 with some friends. Took us around 85-90 hours, as I recall... at least according to theirs. Mine read something like 300+.
  10. Apparently the game has problems running more than one event at once.

    I agree, do the double XP bit, bring the chalet back if possible. Many of the other "events" 9really invasions) can be player triggered, as well - Lady Gray triggers a rikti invasion, turning in halloween salvage at night gives a chance to trigger the halloween invasion or banner event, etc.

    Of course, the bigger problem, even if they could do that, is that there's nobody around to *do* that now. Everyone's been handed their marching orders.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
    Gee, after seeing that, I feel really low, but I have a bad case of altitis.
    ..... heh,
  12. For them to do so, they'd actually need to have people here to do it.

    Plus, as mentioned, they are virtualized. It's not like they have a bunch of *physical* servers to shut down and save costs or whatever on.
  13. Cuppa, you're missed. Good to hear from you. Sad this had to be why.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Lost View Post
    This is unfair.

    I hope Guild Wars 2 goes belly up and you go bankrupt and Blizzard buys and sells your sorry butts for less than a penny, you jerks!

    I'm sorry, everyone. I'm speaking out of hurt. T^T
    I don't want that.

    I lay this *directly* at the feet of NCSoft. I don't want to see another studio, such as Arenanet, go belly up either or get suddenly let go. MORE devs out of work won't help things - the NCSoft execs will still be dragging in money wherever they can find it.

    I want to see THEM let go. The properties divested to places that will actually treat them fairly.
  15. It would be... hard to make most COH characters in other games. I mean, what game can let you make a Fire/Rad Controller?

    Heck, even naming doesnt' really work - so many of the MMOs don't let you have spaces, or you have only one name, or (say, TOR) gives you a "legacy" name all your characters share at a certain point, etc.

    That said, I've cross-MMO'd some characters, yes. I keep mentioning my first 50, elec/elec blaster, Therra Arcson.

    Name and general-theme wise, here she is in Aion. (No, haven't played in a while... but a Ranger is the closest to a blaster. Kind of Arch/Traps Corr, I guess.)

    Made her as a gunslinger in TOR, too.

    Even have a bit of artwork of the COH and Aion versions running into each other:

    (And yes, that's a goofy way to hold a bow.)

    So... I'd say, don't worry about it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    CoH 2 is now the only hope. Since PW will never let the engine be released again, the only hope for a continuation of the City's soul is for another company to design and publish City of Heroes 2.

    If I was in any way rich enough, I'd do it.
    And if, somehow, they got the rights to the name, IP, etc. *today,* we wouldn't see it for several years.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    Yeah, my hunch is that someone important (really big shareholder, holder of large debt) lowered the hammer and said "You make significant changes and you make them by the end of the week or else".

    People have talked about Tabula Rasa as a similar case - but everyone knew TR was in trouble.
    ... would love to know who.

    One of the things pointed out on... think it was the escapist, is that since freedom's launch (less than a year ago!) COH's income has been fairly steady (increasing slightly.) They paint it as a so-so thing - but I mean, really, I'd think "Hey, we can kind of rely on this stream being at here" would, to me, sound like a *good* thing.

    And yeah, TR's a wholly different case. WAY overhyped, way over budget, and the subscribers did the spike - drop to nothing REALLY fast. There was no way it would be anything BUT a drain on resources. COH? 8 years. They reinvested a few years ago - I can't see them being in the red.

    Someone mentioned a potential licensing issue... maybe. I could see that being a reason to put the game on maintenance... but not dissolve the whole studio. Especially not with the "secret project" which was going "secretly awesome."

    I half wonder if it's someone with power and a personal beef... who didn't get the non-Korean MMO (COH certainly isn't the same mould - after all, City of Hero crashed fairly fast. There's no giant raid - grind theme.)

    I really, *really* have to wonder what's up.
  18. And if you go to - they still have "Issue 24: Resurgence - coming soon!"

    You'd think they'd mention that announcement, especially *hours* later, and remove that banner from rotation.

    Honestly, I'm really, really curious as to what happened now, as this looks more and more like a rushed decision.

    (Then again, still mentions Aion going to open beta.)
  19. They said repeatedly there was no sequel. The "secret project" was a new IP... which it doesn't look like we'll see now.
  20. Aside from taking a lot of my money.... even indirectly, through things like PC upgrades and art...

    I met some good people throughout the game. We've become, in some instances, actual, real life friends.

    When the... situation around the divorce came up, one of them - despite a bad situation with her husband - offered to open her home to me to crashf or a bit. Didn't happen, but the offer was there - and she was one of the people who insisted I check in as I drove cross country. I don't remember the drive... I do remember the calls. And hearing that the person I was calling was getting pestered for news from her.

    Found I couldn't deal with my family right then - so another friend opened his door. Lived with him for a few months while I tried to get settled in, start my life up again, etc.

    I don't think, emotionally, self-confidence wise, etc. I would have made it through that divorce without them, and several other SG mates and friends.

    Since then, I've celebrated - long distance - the birth of children. I've stood at weddings. I've basically... had my life enriched by the people I never would have met without this game.
  21. No. NCSoft killed COH.

    GW2 may have taken more funding than needed or something - but the blame lands squarely on the folks at NCSoft corporate.
  22. Hmmm.

    Therra Arcson: Somehow DA called to her. If the world's going to burn, she's going to go back to (old) DA and let the dead stay at peace - instead of being destroyed.

    Other than that... not sure.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
    Never forget that I remade Sonic VFX just for you...
    Prefer to think that was for everyone affected....

    But I'll take "to shut me up finally" too.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I'm just.. finding it too difficult right now to play. I was excited to play Night Ward, which I hadn't gotten around to yet, but now.. all the revelations that were sure to be there are now purposeless. It's like getting into a book series only to find out the author died while making the last book.
    ... odd you say that while I read Wheel of Time. Unfortunately, there's nobody to pick up where the team is forced to leave off.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    You're right, but at least for right now, I don't even have the will to play.

    I'm sure I'll be in game, especially that last day...

    Right now, though, it feels like going to a funeral.