City of Heroes 2: What happened?




Obviously, there must have been some development on the next-gen sequel, and many of us assumed it was a no-brainer after the announcement of Guild Wars 2, the domain name purchase, and the next-gen job postings. Many insiders were expecting an announcement by the end of the year. Could this be a part of the puzzle?

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They said repeatedly there was no sequel. The "secret project" was a new IP... which it doesn't look like we'll see now.



My first thought was, "CoH 2???!?!?!" My second thought was, "why would they crush the subscriber base without formally announcing CoH 2? Why lay off all the old devs?"



This is really doom.



Sadly I think if there is a coh2 it wont be NCsoft making it, if they were they would have announced it before closing COH, its not a smart idea to rage your future customers. So I think no to this, I wish it was coh2 belive me but no my gut says its not.

If I am proved wrong however I will gladly eat a pair of dirty underpants.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



CoH 2 is now the only hope. Since PW will never let the engine be released again, the only hope for a continuation of the City's soul is for another company to design and publish City of Heroes 2.

If I was in any way rich enough, I'd do it.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
CoH 2 is now the only hope. Since PW will never let the engine be released again, the only hope for a continuation of the City's soul is for another company to design and publish City of Heroes 2.

If I was in any way rich enough, I'd do it.
And if, somehow, they got the rights to the name, IP, etc. *today,* we wouldn't see it for several years.
