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  1. One of my favorite MMs is my Thugs/Pain, the thugs are PURE firepower, and Pain is a heavy support set, so they mesh very well. And there are few things as awesome as watching the Bruiser go wild while high on World o Pain, Enforced Morale, and Pain Bringer.
  2. Main_Battle_Tank


    I think just about anything can work with Storm, it has so many ways to make the other guys life miserable. My personal fave is my Fire/Storm Corrupter. I never get tired of the Fatal 4, Freeze Rain + Rain o FIRE + Snow Storm + Fireball. And if there's any survivors, a Breath of Fire oughta finish em.
  3. I'm noticing the style of the slotting for the main attacks, Punch, Haymaker, and KO Blow. Its EXACTLY how I used to do my Brutes and Corrupters. my current style is almost the opposite now, and I can survive 0/x4 without too much difficulty. I now usually go with 2 accuracies, 2 endurances, and 2 recharges. The whole idea was to let the Rage/Fury handle the damage, and go for maximum accurate rapid fire. I was also able to to run with all toggles without burning out. I know, sounds WeIrD at first, but it works. I actually did a dual build so I could gauge it and sure enough, the new style was just plain better. Good luck!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post
    Yeah the new AI is kind to demons, and my zombie MM is a lot more fun now. I'm told ninjas also benefited.
    Yeah, the Ninjas USED to hesitate ALOT. Now they'll charge in without thinking twice. The Jounin are particularly vicious, they carve single targets so fast its crazy!
  5. I like to 'relax' with my SS/WP brute, but I've actually fallen ASLEEP playing a /Pain Mastermind!
  6. I was gone a couple months, (KNEE-DEEP in Starcraft 2, lol) and I came back rolled 4 new brutes and I love the new fury. SS was faster than ever, Stone got FUN, and 'Axe and 'Mace used to be a bit tough to build up, but now .. they get pissed fast and STAY pissed off. I really didn't notice a 'lacking' in damage. So yeah, I'd definitely call it 'New n Improved'.
  7. I must say Ninja/Storm. the Mercs have not been behaving well AT ALL lately, but the Ninjas .. they never been better. Now I have sudden need to made a new one ...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Negate View Post
    I'm with Negate, thats just scary!

    To Debt, yeah I haven't played with AR in forever, forgot the range on buckshot ... in that case they oughta just give the Medic his own Full-Auto Lite, the Commando alone has plenty of knock power. An Aoe heal would be nice.

    To Joe, good news, bad news, Bad news is .. Debt was right ... (I REALLY hate to admit that!) I remember when End and Recharge reduction DID work ... they evidently 'fixed' that. Even still shows in the details that it SHOULD work.

    Good news, though, I took my 33 Thugs/Pain to the Vanguard shooting gallery, tested my Enforcers. (They burn ammo about as fast as the Commando, and I have no Mercs .. at the moment.) They took roughly 1 min to run dry, without end reduction. With 1 End SO, they kept going for OVER 3 mins. I stopped counting after that, NO target should last that long under sustained fire. Have Fun!
  9. (joins the beating for no apparent reason)

    I like the Mercs for the most part, but yeah, theres ALOT of room to improve.

    The Commando, give him the new (faster) AR animations, and cut the LRM to just 1 minute. (current is 4 mins)

    Spec Ops, again, cut the debuff attacks down 1 one minute, and give em Stealth Strike ability.

    The Medic, I'd swap the heavy burst for Slug, for the faster animation and knockdown power, and swap the grenade for a buckshot, a nice cone right along with the Soldiers Full-Auto Lite.

    And to Smiley, I had that problem once upon a time, back when there were those Hami Mito farms on AE. (those were the days ...) My boys were already high rollers, I usually had XP turned off, I just had fun shooting em, but my Commando and my Thug Enforcers, would burn their ammo up in record time.

    So I tried double slotting Equip n Upgrade and loading em with heavy end reduction. They SLOWED down the end burn, but they still ran dry. I finally thought, "Would end reduction on the Commando STACK with Equip n Upgrade?" IT DID! I created a Commando That WOULDN'T BURN OUT. Kinda scary actually.
  10. I'd go Ninja/Storm, they USED to me real 'problem children', always hangin' back, hesitating .. now you almost have to restrain em! They're now homicidal maniacs, and WILL charge in if the other guy even looks at em funny.

  11. I think its gotten worse, last night, I did get jammed a few times at the ferries, I tried zoning with Oro portals, that seemed to help. The portals do, however tend to 'forget' if they're equipped ore not. Just lettin' you know.
  12. Stuck outdoors when zoning .. I think I know that one, I was going from PO to CAP, and they were .. JAMMED. I tried a few things, but I noticed if you wait til they reload they're equip/upgrade powers, THEN take off, they'll follow you like normal. If you run the instant you zone, THAT seems to lock em up. Personal experience anyway. GOOD LUCK.
  13. I'm with Kheld on this one, try BOTH to lvl 20, see em with Quick Recovery, when you can REALLY enjoy em. THEN you'll know whats not to like.
  14. I'd start with a Thugs/Pain, its a VERY good way to figure the system out, the Thugs are powerful, but have few self support powers, the Pain is nothing but support powers. Just don't expect your boys to be geniuses. They're aggressive, up close n personal, its VERY easy to die if you don't keep em in line, BUT ... if you a quick learner, you'll be a damage GOD.

    And besides, no other tier 3 is meaner than a Bruiser with Pain Bringer power!
  15. Well, supposedly they've fixed it. (see patch notes) I'm still at work, but anyone out there seeing the 'fix'?
  16. Unless I'm mistaken, (Dev Approval please?) the current system for MM henchmen is that when you zone it checks what guys you got and if they're equipped, upgraded, that kinda thing. It simply auto-resummons. On the plus column, they always start fresh on health and endurance. It does NOT check for secondaries, WoP, thermal shields, that sort.

    I'm just glad I haven't seen the elevator bug since the new issue, and they don't get 'lost' anymore. This also why I'll probably never go thermal, I just don't have the patience for all that shielding.
  17. It does suck you all having those problems. Me, I have tried ninjas twice before and hated em with a passion ... now, I LOVE EM! The Jounin were always stuck, hesitating, hangin' back, now they're homicidal MANIACS! "I'm armed, I'm dangerous, and I'm OFF my PROZAC!" While I do hope they fix the problem eventually, I really hope they don't declaw my Ninjas.
  18. Main_Battle_Tank

    Axe/ SR or WP?

    Ooooh, thats a tough one, SR is infamous for making min/maxers pretty much indestructible in the end, but its a rather rough ride to the top. You'll be wolfin' down LOTS of blue pills.

    I like WP myself, AVs still need a team for me, but big mobs like /8 diff, I FEED on those. After lvl 23, you're pretty much inexhaustible, never need a blue ever again. Its all a matter of taste really.

    I say try both to lvl 22, see which feels better.
  19. I'll third that sentiment, I use AVG, and look around the web here, there, n everywhere. Never gotten hit, AVG just plain WORKS.
  20. Fave moment ... I think that would be the first time I'd taken a lvl 32+ Thugs Mastermind to a Mayhem and realized just how destructive they REALLY are! Half an hour later, I'd burned the whole place to the ground! Simple Pleasures.

    That and the first time my best Brute, Ami Shields Mk-1, ever solo'd BaB, real moment of pride!
  21. One my fave MMs is based on Megaman's sister, Roll. A quick look shows ALOT of music jokes in the Megaman series, so I went with that in naming em, the 'Drones are Jazz, Classic, and Swing. The Pro'Bots are Heavy Metal, and Hard Rock. And I couldn't resist naming the Assault Bot, Big Band.

    Another MM was all wrestlers, KANE, Undertaker, and Paul Bearer. Hawk and Animal. And a personal fave, The Game, Triple H. Too much Fun!
  22. Ok .. I gotta ask .. My comp is a custom'd Shuttle, Windows XP Pro, fully updated, 3.0 gig Wolfdale Core 2 Duo CPU, 3 gigs of 800 memory, and an Nvidia 9600 GT. Monitor is 1280 x 1024.

    Current CoV runs VERY smooth at max settings, will it be enough for the upcoming 'Ultra Mode'?

    Note, I've tried Champions Online as well, and was able to max out the settings without straining there as well.

    And no advertising ATI or AMD to me PLEASE, I've had my best luck with Intel and Nvidia, End of Story.
  23. I'd say .. Bots/Storm. The 'bots are pretty good about NOT rushing in and just being gooood lil mobile laser platforms, and storm is a GREAT chaos/debuff machine. Storm also keeps you busy, so you won't get bored. I LOVE Pain but I HAVE fallen asleep playing it.
  24. Well, I know my Merc/STORM is a real terror, and she generally just hangs back, launching chaos attacks (Lightning Storm, Gale, and Tornado) and keeping O2 boost at the ready in case it gets ugly. The 'Mist is a real helper with its mass stealth, and it gives 15% cold, fire, and energy damage resist bonus. My fave is easily the Freezing Rain, nothing opens a fight like a nice wide resist/defense DEbuff, and in bodyguard mode .. they WILL all aim at YOU. Could say you invested in Dragon Skin Armor.

    Could a be a General that stole tech from Crey, a weather controller. I imagine Crey wants it back! lol
  25. Well I know Control+Printscreen, then paste will work, but yeah, would be INCREDIBLY nice if they fixed that.