Fury and AT Changes?
It brings the brute to just under what a scrapper can do offensively, which is where they should be, considering brutes are tougher.
They can still do all the things they could before.
Overall, the change is minimal. Brutes will find fury easier to build and maintain, but the cap is slightly lower.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
In the case of the former, you're doing a little less damage than before.
In the case of the latter, you're unlikely to notice any difference.
Can you still solo AV's? |
What exactly does this change do to the AT overall? |
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

This change won't really affect you, as it just normalises Brute damage to be in line with Scrappers. Since you also have not played a Brute you shouldn't notice much other than the increased damage compared to your Tanker but with defences taking longer to get to the same amount.
Also I was wondering if anyone knew whether this change affects the Thugs/ MM's Bruiser pet? As it is a fury using Brute.
I do not even notice that change on my ss/wp brute.
Brutes still rock and put out the damage.
For the longest time I've been waiting for GR to come out so I could fully realize my complete concept build...my WP/SS Tanker was going to become a SS/WP Brute.
However, this was all based on having Super Strength on a high damaging AT. I was about to re-sub right when GR came out and then I read about the changes to Brutes and Fury...basically lowering their damage. Although most people never stay at the damage cap...the lowered cap really hurts my "want" to play this character. How does this effect the ATs top level ability? Can you still solo AV's? What exactly does this change do to the AT overall? |
And solo wise, you aren't going to notice the changes that much. Brutes went from doing about 3% more than Scrappers to...what...3% less than scrappers?
The damage cap for a Brute was only ever possible on a team before, so only going to be noticed by those who played a brute before, and even then, still not going to be noticed.
All in all, brutes are still the badasses.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I asked a friend who's been playing Brute for the past 5 years and he didn't even know there is a change in Fury.
So I guess the change isn't that much.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
1) A Brute will ALWAYS still do more damage than a Tanker. (Even with Bruising)
2) A Brute will now do slightly less damage than a Scrapper, except under extreme circumstances. When buffed, the Scrapper will always do more damage.
3) My experience is that the on the average, I have more Fury than I used to have, not less. Although I can't hit the same max, I can hit the current max more often, and maintain even 65% for far longer.
In short, unless you were one of those people who steamrollered an entire mission at +4/x8, never pausing between spawns, your damage has not been lowered. SS is still as high damage as it used to be, it is just now more consistent and you don't have to worry as much about "smash" addiction.
I honestly find myself using Rage more often on my SS Brute, because I know I don't have to worry about it making me lose my rhythm when it crashes. So my damage has actually gone UP.
Also I was wondering if anyone knew whether this change affects the Thugs/ MM's Bruiser pet? As it is a fury using Brute.
The AI can't really raise and maintain Fury like a player can, anyway. They hesitate between attacks, and use attacks regardless of their animation time or recharge. On my Bruiser I don't typically see it raising his damage any.
Also, concerning Brutes and AVs:
Brutes now gain an additional 5% Fury (up to 70%) for each attack that connects against AVs, Giant Monsters, and Player Characters. This means that, assuming you don't miss a lot, you'll hit the upward limit of Fury rather quickly against those sort of opponents.
One of my main characters is an SS/Inv Brute that's been around for years; the changes are hardly noticeable to me.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Brutes now gain an additional 5% Fury (up to 70%) for each attack that connects against AVs, Giant Monsters, and Player Characters. This means that, assuming you don't miss a lot, you'll hit the upward limit of Fury rather quickly against those sort of opponents.

Although most people never stay at the damage cap...the lowered cap really hurts my "want" to play this character.
How does this effect the ATs top level ability? Can you still solo AV's? What exactly does this change do to the AT overall? |
It's the way fury work now and how the "max fury" is lower then what it used to that get noticed.
Before i could easily be at 10%-15% higher fury then now. In top level ability (soloing pylons, AVs, etc) it does make a pretty huge difference. Took 35 minutes to solo a pylon instead of 20.
You can still solo them and you can still solo AVs, just longer. (and might not be able to solo those that were very limit or needed reds...like nemesis, silver mantis, etc)
So most players don't notice it, but if you have a similar play style to me, you'll definitively notice it.
"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX
It really depends on the brute. If you had a brute that could generate fury quickly and you were able to generate fury and manage your insps to get your total damage buff up you are hurt by this. It definitely is a nerf to the top end brute performance, its also an out and out nerf to the faster less mitigating brute sets.
If you were unable to hit high levels of fury on your brute, and or your damage cap, its a buff.
@ those that say it was for balance, well maybe for perceived balance.
Damage | * * |----------------------------------- | * * | * * * * | * * * * | * * | * * * | * | * | * | * |* ___________________________________________ Time
- scrapper damage as a function of time pre change.
Brutes were able to peak above scrappers in the old system but they paid for it by spending most of their time below the scrapper output and being marginalized on faster moving teams.
Now that peak is somewhere below the scrapper line, the people saying three percent are being overly broad as it definitely varies by powerset. The difference between the peak and the trough is less pronounced. Once again it varies by powerset.
Well, I think your Scrapper line is too high. Solo, Brute damage equalizes to Scrappers at 60% Fury. So it was more like this:
Fury Damage 85% | * * 75% | * * * * 65% |----------------------------------- 55% | * * * * 45% | * * * * 35% | * * 25% | * 15% | * 05% |* ___________________________________________ Time
- scrapper damage
That's being generous, I doubt Fury would fall as low as 35% between spawns for an experienced, IO'ed out Brute, but I did see behavior like that on my own, lower level Brutes.
With the changes to Fury, my experience is that it has become this:
Fury Damage 75% | * * * * 65% |--------------------------------- 55% | * * * * * * 45% | * * * 35% | * 25% | * 15% | * 05% | * ___________________________________________ Time
Well, I think your Scrapper line is too high. Solo, Brute damage equalizes to Scrappers at 60% Fury. So it was more like this:
Fury Damage 85% | * * 75% | * * * * 65% |----------------------------------- 55% | * * * * 45% | * * * * 35% | * * 25% | * 15% | * 05% |* ___________________________________________ Time - scrapper damage That's being generous, I doubt Fury would fall as low as 35% between spawns for an experienced, IO'ed out Brute, but I did see behavior like that on my own, lower level Brutes. With the changes to Fury, my experience is that it has become this: Code:
Fury Damage 75% | * * * * 65% |--------------------------------- 55% | * * * * * * 45% | * * * 35% | * 25% | * 15% | * 05% | * ___________________________________________ Time |
75% fury gives a 3.13% better performance on the best attack chains. That is about 1/3 of my graphs vertical ticks. If you crank it up to 85% it jumps to 9% and change better damage which still isn't a full tick on that graph. On your graph the vertical ticks represent 11% of the total and you have the scrapper damage 3 full ticks or 33% below the brute peak.
You can't use those threads (you actually linked the same one twice) to discuss overall output. They are ONLY for top end sustained damage against hard targets like AVs and Pylons and completely ignore aoe output.
There were several reasons that I had them unstickied. This is one of them.
If you're going to pick the spot where fury equalizes against scrapper damage, you have to make a LOT of assumptions including averaging out uptime on damage buffs.
Starting with no buffs, no crits, no enhancements.
.75*(1+x) = 1.125
x=.5 or 25% fury
Add enhancements.
.75*(1+.95+x) = 1.125*(1+.95)
.75+.7125+.75x = 2.19375
x=.975 or 48.75% fury
For 5% crit rate
.75*(1+.95+x) = (1.125*(1+.95))*1.05
.75+.7125+.75x = 2.3034375
x=1.12125 or 56.0625% fury
With 10% crit rate
.75*(1+.95+x) = (1.125*(1+.95))*1.1
.75+.7125+.75x = 2.413125
x=1.2675 or 63.375% fury
So where is that 60% coming from? Looks like crits are being average out at 7.5% of the time. Notice what's missing from the calculations so far? Yup, buildup, followup, soul drain, against all odds, etc. It's also ignoring those scrapper attacks with a 15% crit rate.
Now I didn't ignore those things at all when I did those DPS comparison threads, but I stated at the beginning of this post what I DID ignore and I don't think Anything should be ignored if you're really trying to get a handle on where brute and scrapper damage is at comparatively right now.
There's three points I want folks to take from this post:
1: A proper comparison of brute/scrapper damage output is going to take into account damage buff up time, a more accurate crit rate, a more accurate average fury level which will include variations for spawn sizes and a proper look at aoe output coupled with the other items I just mentioned.
2: The Results Are In threads were ONLY made to study top end attack chains against lone hard targets like AVs and Pylons and should not ever be used for any other purpose.
3: As a true study with accurate models is probably beyond the abilities of 99.99999% of us, myself definitely included, here's my gut feeling based on purely anecdotal evidence:
Brutes win on leveling speed. Scrappers look better doin it. Crits are cooler than fury. Brutes can take more hits. Play the one that feels better to you.
Be well, people of CoH.

You can't use those threads (you actually linked the same one twice) to discuss overall output. They are ONLY for top end sustained damage against hard targets like AVs and Pylons and completely ignore aoe output.
. The graph was also meant for the sets that maintain more constant damage buffs, AAO, Soul Drain, Blinding Feint, Follow Up, sets with powers like build up really tilt to the scrapper. You get a chart like the one below.
| ===== ====== | ++ ++ | ++ * ++ * |----------------------------------- | *+ * | *+ +* * * | =*+=====* * | +* + * | * + * * | * | * | * | * |* ___________________________________________ Time
+ Brute Set with build up reflects lower brute damage mod
Both are not to scale in any way shape or form.
For the scrapper sets with build up they are even better off in the team situation because they can have their buffs up at the beginning of the fight. This goes to the AoE question as well. In the team situation your aoes contribute the most damage when all the spawn is there. so being able to have maximum damage at the beginning of the fight maximizes total damage.
You can see how this works if you consider how you would play a scrapper on a team leaping into a spawn. For the sake of argument, take a dark/ dark. You are going to want to leap in a spawn hit your soul drain as both an aoe attack and a damage boost. At that point the scrapper is at their peak damage then they can fire off a fire ball or their other AOEs. The brute hasn't generated fury when he fires off soul drain he takes a hit to the damage his SD does and he still won't have a head of steam when if he follows up with fireball.
It gets even worse with something like broadsword, where you can do Build up->Whirling Sword->FireBall->Whirling Sword all in the build up window if you have about 80% global recharge.
You would have to go over each powerset against each other to be certain, about aoe and really its a heck of a lot more than I want to do just to debate weather a graph that was meant to be illustrative has a line one tick to high or one tick to low.
I'm not sure Bruiser Fury works the same way as a Brute anyway. The Bruiser's attacks don't have a Fury rating assigned to them according to City of Data. They may build Fury by attacking some other way, and I can identify the power that builds Fury as they are attacked, but it doesn't seem to work as the player version does.
For the longest time I've been waiting for GR to come out so I could fully realize my complete concept build...my WP/SS Tanker was going to become a SS/WP Brute.
However, this was all based on having Super Strength on a high damaging AT. I was about to re-sub right when GR came out and then I read about the changes to Brutes and Fury...basically lowering their damage. Although most people never stay at the damage cap...the lowered cap really hurts my "want" to play this character. How does this effect the ATs top level ability? Can you still solo AV's? What exactly does this change do to the AT overall? |
You WILL notice that Fury is easier to maintain. I play solo a lot and take breaks due to phone, IM'ing, general interruptions. I've noticed I can maintain Fury without the steep dropout so I don't feel forced to race from one spawn to another.
Just make one already!

If you're going to pick the spot where fury equalizes against scrapper damage, you have to make a LOT of assumptions including averaging out uptime on damage buffs.
The other important factor is that Castle himself stated explicitly that he was balancing around the 60% Fury balance point. Under these conditions, the Scrapper baseline is equivalent to the Brute baseline with the new Fury. The very idea that a Brute could be buffed to do greater damage than the Scrapper is contradictory to the concept that the Scrapper will do more damage than the Brute.
Did you try checking Mastermind Pets.Thug Boss.Fury, Mastermind Pets.Thug Boss.Fury Buff, and Mastermind Pets. Thug Boss.Rage Dampen? That's the Bruiser's version of Fury.
Never mind the rest of what I said. The second power appears to be the one that manages incoming damage. Instead of being applied per power, that +5% Fury on each attack is only for players and AVs. (The bit that was bugged before) As I originally suggested before an edit, I think what is happening is that after a round of attacks, the total attacks the Bruiser or Brute has made are totally, and Fury is boosed based on that. So you don't really gain Fury as you attack, you gain Fury at the end of any cycle in which you make an attack.
Just a guess there, though. I'm still not really sure how to interpret that power. It DOES appear to be the same for both, though, at least under the old Fury.
Actually, I'd be interested in what this does. Perhaps that is the old broken AV bonus.
I was gone a couple months, (KNEE-DEEP in Starcraft 2, lol) and I came back rolled 4 new brutes and I love the new fury. SS was faster than ever, Stone got FUN, and 'Axe and 'Mace used to be a bit tough to build up, but now .. they get pissed fast and STAY pissed off. I really didn't notice a 'lacking' in damage. So yeah, I'd definitely call it 'New n Improved'.
Shigeru Miyamoto "A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever."

I was gone a couple months, (KNEE-DEEP in Starcraft 2, lol) and I came back rolled 4 new brutes and I love the new fury. SS was faster than ever, Stone got FUN, and 'Axe and 'Mace used to be a bit tough to build up, but now .. they get pissed fast and STAY pissed off. I really didn't notice a 'lacking' in damage. So yeah, I'd definitely call it 'New n Improved'.
You must not look at your actual numbers then.. Otherwise, you'd see that wonderful 30%-40% reduction in damage bonus from the 'new & improved' Fury.
Now they hit 75% with rare spikes to 80%.
That's a 20% damage buff difference. Not 30% to 40%.
Another way of stating that is my damage buff from fury has on average been reduced by less than 12%.
Including enhancements, my overall damage buff has been reduced by less than 8%.
As I include other damage buffs, be it from buildups or setIO bonuses, the overall nerf gets smaller.
Was it a nerf? Absolutely. But let's not overstate how bad it was.
Be well, people of CoH.

My brutes used to hit 85% fury with rare spikes to 90%.
Now they hit 75% with rare spikes to 80%. That's a 20% damage buff difference. Not 30% to 40%. Another way of stating that is my damage buff from fury has on average been reduced by less than 12%. Including enhancements, my overall damage buff has been reduced by less than 8%. As I include other damage buffs, be it from buildups or setIO bonuses, the overall nerf gets smaller. Was it a nerf? Absolutely. But let's not overstate how bad it was. |
I realize the final net effect on damage is not as large, but it is noticeable, at least to me.
For the longest time I've been waiting for GR to come out so I could fully realize my complete concept build...my WP/SS Tanker was going to become a SS/WP Brute.
However, this was all based on having Super Strength on a high damaging AT.
I was about to re-sub right when GR came out and then I read about the changes to Brutes and Fury...basically lowering their damage.
Although most people never stay at the damage cap...the lowered cap really hurts my "want" to play this character.
How does this effect the ATs top level ability?
Can you still solo AV's?
What exactly does this change do to the AT overall?