reurning vet needing mm advice




ok im coming back from a near ....oo i wanna say year or two break. i have a 50 tanker and was really loving the idea of the mm class. brilliant concept, but im stuck at the sets screen, i was gunna go bots and .....something something.. -_- so for someone who has only maybe gotten a mm to lvl 3 or so. and has no idea what he is doing. what set would be noob friendly? thank you for any help



I'd say .. Bots/Storm. The 'bots are pretty good about NOT rushing in and just being gooood lil mobile laser platforms, and storm is a GREAT chaos/debuff machine. Storm also keeps you busy, so you won't get bored. I LOVE Pain but I HAVE fallen asleep playing it.

Shigeru Miyamoto "A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever."



Bots/FF is the thematic match for the Primary since the Dispersion Bubble stacks with the Protector Bots' bubbles, and you can bubble your bots as well. This is the combination which is typically used for the "Tankermind", since you can easily cap Defense on your Bots, and I think yourself as well. You lack offensive punch, but most Tankerminds aren't worried about damage anyway. The knockback also meshes well with the knockback from your Bots.

Bots/Traps is also a good thematic combination because of the Force Field Generator, and the tech/robotic aspect of the other traps. You lack the individual bubbles, but make up for it with Acid Mortar, which will help you do more damage (I slot it to recharge as fast as possible, since it's not mobile) and Detonator, which is just awesome. This isn't really a great combo for Tankerminding, though, more supporting from the rear as your Bots fight. Still, most traps can be laid without being interrupted, so you don't have to be stealthy about it if you don't want to.

I understand Bots/Dark is a good combo as well. I've played them separately, but not together, but I would guess the -Acc stacked with the bubbles makes for good defense. Plus, there is the ability to heal yourself, as well as the Dark Servant. This is probably a good Tankermind combo, although it lacks the status protection of the Dispersion Bubble/Force Field. I've found that being held isn't usually a problem, though, as it means my henchmen aren't. Or if one of them is held, I'm not.

Bots/Storm is probably good, as previously suggested, because of the knockback compatibility, like FF. The chaos and disruption caused to the foes is very helpful solo, but I would think it's not the best thing for holding aggro. (Although it may be able to draw it) If you're willing to go that route for crowd control, though, and your teammates don't mind, it can be effective, and your damage is probably pretty good too.

The rest I don't think I would bother with. Trick Arrow doesn't seem thematically compatible, I would call it more low tech, and Pain Domination I can't really tell you about as I have never tried it. Poison and Thermal are okay, but I don't think they play to the Bots' strengths. Poison is too single target oriented, and Thermal's shields are Resistance, not Defense, so they won't stack. (Although Def and Res combined can be quite effective)

If you don't know what I mean by "Tankermind", let me know, but I'm assuming you've been reading this forum. If you're coming from a Tanker you may want to use that strategy, but you might also want to explore playing more like a Defender/Controller and letting your henchmen play the meatshield. Just try both and see which you like.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Bots/Traps [..] isn't really a great combo for Tankerminding, though, more supporting from the rear as your Bots fight.
Bots/Traps is one of the classic Tankermind builds, as well as the AV-soloer. And your Traps should never be "supporting from the back" - a lot of Traps best tools come from being in the thick of things (Triage Beacon for the Brutes and Stalkers, toe-bombing with Trip Mine, Caltrops being a fairly short range power). With pools and FFG, you get just about the same personal defence as FF, with the utilities of Traps. And your Bots will only be a few points off the softcap with just their own bubbles, your FFG and Manoeuvres (close enough that Edict of the Master plugs the hole), so the added benefit of the individual bubbles from FF is minimal. And Traps offers a lot more tools for controlling the battle and attracting attention away from your bots (if not always on your MM, in the case of Acid Mortar).



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Traps should never be "supporting from the back" - a lot of Traps best tools come from being in the thick of things (Triage Beacon for the Brutes and Stalkers, toe-bombing with Trip Mine, Caltrops being a fairly short range power).
Let's rephrase that. The Bots/Traps will usually not be on the front line drawing aggro with direct contact, he will be outside of the main melee letting his traps do the work and draw the aggro. (Onto him, hopefully) In a way, his traps are merely more henchmen, albeit most of them are immobile. As such, he can choose the Tankermind strategy, or go the more stealthy route and allow himself to be lost in the fracas as his henchmen fight.

I didn't mean to say that Bots/Traps is BAD at Tankerminding, it's actually quite good at it. But if you are toe bombing, you are NOT drawing aggro. Unless your Defense is so high that you can withstand a barrage without taking a single hit, and that's only at the highest levels. My experience with Bots/Traps is that I progress better when setting traps if I am not the center of attention, which is why at my current level (36) I haven't gone the Tankermind route yet.

Again, it's not that Tankerminding is bad, it's that the other option is just as good. And you get the exact same Defense, plus PFF, plus better Defense for your henchmen against AoE with FF. Traps certainly has more offense, but that's the point. More offense = less defense.

Also: by definition, if you are soloing an AV, you don't care about holding aggro for the team. You can call it Tankerminding if you want, but it's not tanking.



I'll also add that at the really high levels, especially with IOs, the difference between sets tends to average out. While Bots is much better for Tankerminding than Thugs overall, at the high levels their offense and defense become much closer to equal. Likewise, the differences between Traps and FF balances out. (Particularly if you use IOs to bring your damage up)

But all of this is probably irrelevant to the thread topic. I'd go with what fits concept, if you have one.



Thanks for all the information guys. I might just play around with the types of Mastermind Combos. I might go for bots/ff. the only thing I do not like about that spec I kind of wish they had bots and assault rifle type spec. Just that way it'd be like having the pet and also being able to use the gun like a blaster. I have to try out a few different masterminds.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
Thanks for all the information guys. I might just play around with the types of Mastermind Combos. I might go for bots/ff. the only thing I do not like about that spec I kind of wish they had bots and assault rifle type spec. Just that way it'd be like having the pet and also being able to use the gun like a blaster. I have to try out a few different masterminds.
Yeah, that's kind of a limitation of the whole Primary/Secondary thing. Putting the attacks in the Secondary would take away useful powers from it, and it wouldn't really be a "pure" Buff/Debuff set either. OTOH, you do have the Patron powers when you get to 40, so there's a third attack type if you want it. The Arachnos Mace might be the kind of thing you want as a technology item. (Although it fires energy beams too)

One option is to buy a Pistol recipe in the Black Market and craft it. Last time I checked they were cheap enough I could just keep rebuying them once they can out of uses. (Ammo...) If nothing else, you can not fire it, just wave it around.

I happen to think that Retro blaster rifle is really cool looking, though. It's what I use.



Well I've read on a few guides that if you go bot/ff that you shouldn't take the attacks under the bot and only get the stuff that is good for the minions. If I do that, I don't have any direct attacks except the ff attack, (the name escapes me right now). I like the concept of the bot/ff but if I don't have a direct attack, then I don't know if it'll be good for me. I'll have to look into the pistol recipe because it does sound interesting. If I do go bot/ff would it be worth it to invest in the attacks under the bot tree?



I would definately say that it is NOT worth taking the attacks in any of the primaries, they cause very little damage and take a lot of endurance compared to the attacks of other AT's.

Bots/FF is the combo where they would be most use, since after bubbling the bots you have very little to do, but even there they are useless outside of the first few levels.

If I was you I would just concentrate on the bubble powers, the pets, the upgrades, medicine pool and repair (To heal the pets), leadership pool, travel power, and the Mu epic pool for Electric Fences. The taunts from the presence pool are good if you plan on tankerminding.

On my bots/traps after the bubbles the only 3 powers I use are the 2 taunts and Electric Fences.

However I do have one comment to make about bots/ff in general, and that is that it is strong but boring to play. You literally have no useful contribution to make (Aside from passively standing with the big bubble and leadership pool) after you have bubbled your pets, you bubble every 4 minutes then stand about waiting to bubble again.

Jade Dragon said:

I'll also add that at the really high levels, especially with IOs, the difference between sets tends to average out. While Bots is much better for Tankerminding than Thugs overall, at the high levels their offense and defense become much closer to equal. Likewise, the differences between Traps and FF balances out. (Particularly if you use IOs to bring your damage up)
And it is true to a slight extent but I think very misleading. IO's are great for bringing up defences, but not for bringing up attack. You can give a bots/traps the same defence as a bots/ff, but you cannot give a bots/ff the same offence/debuff as a bots/traps no matter how much you spend.

My personal advice is to go with bots/traps, and you will have the same defence as a bots/ff, but will also have something to do other than bubble.

I think forcefield is a set that is an acquired taste and not suitable for most.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



If you want to go in with guns blazing then try thugs rather than bots. Not quite as easy a ride - no healer bot and both the arsonist and bruiser have suicidal tendencies, but fun and you do get dual wield pistols and your own gang. Dark, traps and storm are all good secondaries with the set, depending on your play style. Dark is probably the best newbie choice



theres so many choices i just know now im gunna have like 5 different mm's lol the thugs i do like tho for the dual pistols, thank you for suggesting those. any more suggestions would still be great tho



ok need to ask, how would a bots/pain dom mastermind play out?



I would remind again in a robot build, you could take the photon grenades to stack stuns with the protector bots grenades and seeker drones. You could get a nice stun set, and something to do between bubbling on a bots/FF.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
theres so many choices i just know now im gunna have like 5 different mm's lol the thugs i do like tho for the dual pistols, thank you for suggesting those. any more suggestions would still be great tho
Dual Pistols is the most damaging when it comes to the personal attacks of the Mastermind himself.

The thing is, though, the Mastermind's attacks are not about dealing damage. They're there either 1) for show, 2) for secondary effects like knockback/stun or 3) to supplement Provoke in holding aggro. The Revolver (not Pistol, sorry) or a Vet Reward like Sands of Mu can actually be much better because you don't have to spend a slot on them, and you do more damage, besides. (Temp Powers are not subject to the AT modifiers for damage)

I do give the attack more credit than the norm for these forums. I've done tests and confirmed that your own attacks can do significant portions of your damage until level 22, while at that level your overall damage is at a low point, which can make levelling an MM, particulary Bots, frustrating. Once you are past that "hump", though, I do agree that attacks are not needed.

As a Tanker you should be used to that, though. Your henchmen are really your damage dealers, while you provide the defense and support. (And for Tankerminding, hold the aggro) You'll find people who use the attacks, and people who insist you should never use the attacks, but either way I would never base which Primary to go with on what your weapon is. You can always find a way around that if you don't think your gun fits concept. (I have a Ninjas/FF girl whom the bow just doesn't fit at all, so she uses Sands of Mu as psuedo-martial arts, and the Revolver)



That is so true Jade Dragon. Many experts on the Mastermind boards are probably vets with powers like sands of mu or a staff/wand to draw aggro with other means of provoking attack in bodyguard mode. Myself, I can't imagine leveling up a mastermind without these veteran powers. The new folks would do well to take a mastermind primary attack at least until they get the second tier 2 henchman, for show, for damage or secondary effects, But most of all, to have fun with YOUR mastermind.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
Well I've read on a few guides that if you go bot/ff that you shouldn't take the attacks under the bot and only get the stuff that is good for the minions. If I do that, I don't have any direct attacks except the ff attack, (the name escapes me right now). I like the concept of the bot/ff but if I don't have a direct attack, then I don't know if it'll be good for me. I'll have to look into the pistol recipe because it does sound interesting. If I do go bot/ff would it be worth it to invest in the attacks under the bot tree?
Remember to also check your vet rewards for any extra powers they may offer like sands of mu/ghost slaying axe or Nemesis Staff/Blackwand.

Also the force bolt from the force field set does have its uses, someone gets too close, blast em back into the bots line of fire and watch the fun. Or juggle a target around a bit.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
ok need to ask, how would a bots/pain dom mastermind play out?
Well Pain dom is heal set with some buffs. Perhaps bot/pain doesn't jibe themeatically but I have an L50 bot pain and enjoy using him. His basic backstory is that he was critically injured and restored to health as a cyborg......without the benefit of aenesthetic. Now he shares his pain with his foes and built some killbots to inflict more pain.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
theres so many choices i just know now im gunna have like 5 different mm's lol the thugs i do like tho for the dual pistols, thank you for suggesting those. any more suggestions would still be great tho
Bot/Poison: great firepower and durable pets combined with the best single target debuff set. Just skip it's poison trap power as its sleep gas not poison gas.

Bot/Trap: very versatile combo, and the poison trap in this set is actual poison so take it

Bot/Dark: nice debuffs and heals plus stealth combined with the firepower and durability of the bots.

Bot/FF: perhaps boring at times without some attacks, on the other hand this is the combo, imo, that can easily be made into a super tankermind.

Bot/Pain: can easily keep the bots healed and buffed.

Bot/Trick Arrow: something different. Not an earthshaking combo but a fun one.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
ok need to ask, how would a bots/pain dom mastermind play out?
Easiest MM to make is a Thugs/Pain. If you want to get into the AT and discover the ins n outs... I always suggest it to people wanting to try MMs.

Wassabi Grav/Kin 50 (before badges/accolades were in game) Pinnacle
Miss Command Bots/Traps 50 Justice

*others left off due to space issues



I think Bots/Forcefields is the easiest to pick up as a beginner mastermind. It does have low maintenance, but it's simple and safe.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Steve_Collins View Post
what set would be noob friendly? thank you for any help
I'd make a Bots/Dark or Thugs/Dark. They're pretty user friendly.

Too many alts to list.



Bots/Dark, though I'm partial to Thugs/Dark. They're both unstoppable killing machines once you get 'em slotted up and built right.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."