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I think I have to rewatch both episodes again. I had a hard time with the Manchester accents and it seemed like everyone was speaking a lot quicker than normal. Beyond that, I have to say I didn't find this story all that engaging. Reminiscent of last season's The Hungry Earth/ Cold Blood episodes I was kind of tired of watching the Doctor play intermediary between 2 factions who refuse to listen.
If you're just looking to complete the set and save some cash I've listed a level 40 recipe (which is only 2 percentage points lower than a 50) at half the cost of a level 50 recipe.
So just finished rewatching. Did anyone else catch what Sexy said as she disintegrated?
Thoroughly an excellent episode. It had it all. It was fun, haunting, and was a canonical milestone. Think I might buy a copy of it for my phone.
The patchwork people were classic Gaiman and I hope he returns to pen another. Finally, kudos to the casting and characterization of the tardis. -
Or she's either Bait or Switch.
Yeah, I have 2 toons with a discontinued costume piece that i can't modify at all or else they lose that piece. Plus side: Your toon is unique, Down side: You can't ever change the costume at all unless you're okay with being like everyone else.
So a friend of mine is addicted to the buffs from Mystic Fortune and also jumps around on a blaster like crazy so I figure Ninja Run and Secondary Mutation would make great gifts from the Martial Arts and Mutant packs.
Is there a way to do this? I was thinking purchase game cards and just have my friend apply the code from an e-mail or something. Preferably, I'd like to handle all this online and not have to mail anything so as I'm not encroaching on RL territory in exchanging addresses and the like. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
P.S. Wouldn't it be in NCSoft's interests to enable something like this in the NCStore interface? I game with friends who are in college and, by nature, of limited means. I'd love to be able to send them game time w/o having to go to a 3rd party. Eh, just a gripe in the name of convenience... -
I've definitely heard the radio call from the police drones several times out-of-game. The exact same one.
Eh, I can live with the decision.
Would still rather have had Desmond Harrington.
He falls right into Chris Nolan's preference for English actors because this guy's totally from England. Well New England. But that's better than old England, isn't it?
Oh, BTW. The girl his character was stupping in Season 4 of Dexter is in actuality Brandon Routh's girlfriend... so he's already got ties to the franchise! -
A child born in sci-fi like never before. 'Twill be a glorious day.
Quote:Looks like the link is recycling a tabloid story from the Sun, so it may be safely treated with about the same level of confidence as their usual Doctor Who rumors.
That said, did anyone catch David Tennant's voiceover for the Beeb's recent spycam-filmed polar bear documentary?
You have a point. Press is still waiting on them to personally confirm. -
That's weird. It's like you can hear me.
Stumbled upon this news going over the comments in the Davison/Tennant vid on youtube. Not sure if it's news to anyone here but good on them!
Oh and here's the link. -
An excellent episode. Very clever. Michael Gambon nails it as a miserly old curmudgeon but was there ever any doubt? Amy and Rory were in the background but definitely made their presence felt. The Doctor, just fun throughout.
As an aside, I really like Rory's character. I always get a kick out of it when he says, "Yeeeahhh. She is." -
Quote:If you are using the PLAYER QUESTIONS forum to state issues with the game/request QoL improvements, sounds like not too much though when you're typing.
Second of all, nowhere (even if it indicated being familiar/comfortable with the current respec process) did Forbin say he was against IMPROVING the respec process.
He is, however, against you raiding his nuts. Look at his beady little eyes and say it's not so.
Fine, if it'll make your world better to hear me say that you're right and i'm wrong then, "You're right and I'm wrong."
But you're not, though... -
Quote:I never said I was against the idea of making the respecs easier to do. I merely pointed out the simple fact that the devs have flat out told us every time they are asked to increase the number of enhancements we can keep that they were being generous when they allowed us to be able to pull 10 enhancements off of a build during a respec.
I'm not the one being inflexible on the topic, the devs are. But feel free to demonize me as the bad guy I find the nerdrage amusing.
LOL. Get a hold of yourself, Mr. High&Mighty. Going through your other posts in regards to this thread, one can glean that you are quite accustomed to and comfortable with the respec process as it currently stands. Calling people out for ineptitude and procrastination when the process in question just reeks of tedium and at times can be quite confusing is a little harsh don't you think? Or maybe sympathy was never something you picked up in grade school.
Telling the OP to "deal with it" on a forum which allows us, the customer, to state quality of life issues which we feel can be improved upon, complete with our thoughts on an actual solution is pretty futile when you think about it. Then again it sounds like you never gave it much thought when your fingers did the typing. -
I'm in total agreement with the OP and love the idea of having a chat window while I respec. Don't know why Forbin_Project is being absolutely inflexible on the subject but am very thankful it's not his call.
Well, it looks like I'm back in. The online store is down, but other than that, business as usual.
Pinnacle's down? Was there a notice? Freedom's down too! I just started a timed mish. I blame Funk.
I've not done a raid in quite some time and would love to help get this together in any way I can. I live on the west coast and have a crazy schedule so I may not be able to attend but I'd be more than happy to help get the word out. -
Quote:Thank you. I clicked the link and followed the instructions and as it turns out CoH was still in my PC. So while I don't need to repatch, I wouldn't have found the game if not for your help.Assuming you're using a PC client for North American servers, you can download the setup program here:
You can use your regular login information once it's done downloading and installing, but it'll be a while because you'll have to download the whole game with all of the most recent patches. -
I moved recently and due to a bad virus I got I had to reset my PC to factory settings. I lost my start-up disc (CoV) and I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations or can tell me what my options are. I'm really not trying to spend another 50 bucks to re-install. Thanks in advance.