What aura is this?
Uuuhhhh. Do you have anything in your status icons list that isn't normally there? A temp power, etc? I don't think that's a Secondary Mutation power aura, I haven't seen that before.
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Nope. Just fitness and holiday spirit. I definitely colored it myself, I remember thinking the purple looked awesome lol.
It's a conspiracy! The man wants you to believe the aura isn't real!
In the first pic it looks like the Tendrils aura, but the second one doesn't look right for that.
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Well, I've come to the conclusion that it no longer exists. I believe it was an older version of Omega, as I made her after GR came out. It'd explain why it's no longer in the tailor and doesn't look like any current auras. Makes me sad, it's my favorite aura and I only have it on one toon. =\
If you bought the origins pack it looks like Toxic Vapor. However Omega if those are all you have would be my second.
Toxic Vapor gives that effect. Bioplasma is sort of close but too firey.
Edit. That definately looks like Toxic Vapor. It might have been used for Omega and then changed back, but my Widow uses it in white for her look, and Toxic vapor is what that looks like for sure. I got it from the Origins pack.
I don't have the origins pack but I did have someone who did test it for me and the animation was off. It does look very similar though but not quite.
Are you sure it isn't a power of some kind?
I'm guess that you are, but i have have powers that leave a trailing effect. when my shield/DM scrapper flies I turn off his "underworld" shield beacuse the streaming makes it harder to see.
It looks like the aura the PI mayhem mission inflicts on you.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Do me a favor. If the character still has the aura, go into the game, go into your base, and do the following:
/demorecord IchigoAura
Hit Enter, count to ten, then type:
Go into C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\client_demos, find the file IchigoAura.cohdemo. Open it in Notepad, then copy the results and paste them into a PM to me.
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Okay, got the demo file from Ichigo. Here's a bit about demorecord info for everyone...
This is Ichigo in a demorecord file:
0 205 Player 0 205 NEW .Ichigo 0 205 COSTUME 1 ffffff -6.399701 -0.657100 0.000000 -0.164300 0.300570 -0.240000 -0.335100 -0.044872 0.000000 0.180000 -0.290000 0.000000 0.040000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 205 PARTSNAME Tight !Widow_Shader_Hips_04 none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME Tight !Widow_Shader_Chest_04 none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME V_FEM_Head.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Widow !Widow_Shader_Helm none 00f17ebc 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME Smooth !Widow_Shader_Glove_04 none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME Hi_Heels !Widow_Shader_Boot_04 none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME V_FEM_BELT.GEO/GEO_Belt_Widow !Widow_Shader_Emblem none 00f17ebc 00f17ebc 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME V_FEM_EMBLEM.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Widow !Widow_Shader_Emblem none 00f17ebc 00f17ebc 0 205 PARTSNAME V_FEM_SPADR.GEO/GEO_SpadR_Widow !Widow_Shader_Emblem none 00f17ebc 00f17ebc 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 000000aa 00000000 000000aa 00000000 WEAPONS/Custom_Claws/Fem_ClawsRight_WidowBlades01.fx 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME Widow_01 !Widow_Shader_CapeHarness_01 none 00000000 00000000 00f17ebc 00000000 capes/CapeWidowFem01.fx 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00660044 00000000 000000aa 00000000 auras/male/preorder/evil.fx 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 000000aa 00000000 000000aa 00000000 WEAPONS/Custom_Claws/Fem_ClawsLeft_WidowBlades01.fx 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00000000 00000000 0 205 MOV READY 0 0 205 FX Maintained 121765 POWERS/SUPERSPEED/SPRINT.FX 0 0 205 FXSCALE 10.000000 10 0 205 ORIGIN ENT 0 0 0 205 TARGET ENT 205 0 0 205 POS -239.062347 0 -789.873291 0 205 PYR 0 1.556801 0 |
Auras that are always part of your character and are part/parcel of the character creator (whether enabled only in combat or not) are found here:
0 205 PARTSNAME none none none 00660044 00000000 000000aa 00000000 auras/male/preorder/evil.fx
Whereas auras that appear as the result of a power being on (or off), or you being targeted by another power, are indicated as:
0 205 FX Maintained 121765 POWERS/SUPERSPEED/SPRINT.FX 0
0 205 FXSCALE 10.000000 10
0 205 ORIGIN ENT 0 0
0 205 TARGET ENT 205 0
Now we know that Sprint isn't customizable, and nothing else in the demofile showed you as the target of a power, so whatever that aura is, it has to be part of your character. Depending on WHEN you added that aura, you may still be using the original version of an aura type that was later modified. I'll need to check some of my other demo files to see if any have that same aura code.
I *suspect* that you're using the original variant of Alpha/Omega before they were modified, but then why you wouldn't be able to REMOVE it is beyond me. I may have you email me a copy of the character's Costume file (the ones you can save at the Tailor's) for further investigation.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Oh, I can remove it. The tailor automatically does anytime I try to edit the costume, though I don't think I will since it looks to be unobtainable now d:
The current Omega aura is hard-attached to the character model: when you move, it moves.
Some Auras are location based: they start where your model is, but if you move, they either stay where they are, or they move to catch up to you.
E.g., in the first iteration of the Tarot aura, the cards were hard-attached to the body. And so, when you ran, the cards immediately moved and bounced along with you, which looked horrible. It was changed so that when you moved, the Tarot cards floated behind and moved toward you... much more aesthetically pleasing.
So, I'm guessing the first iteration of the Omega aura was the floaty-behind type and got attached to the OP's model. Then, when the new version was made, which is of the hard-attached variety, the character lost the ability to select the old Omega aura and it's 'permanently' stuck on her.
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I made a widow a while ago and can't remember how I ended up with this aura. She's level 27. When I go to edit the costume it says there is no aura. For toons under 30 I only have Alpha, Combat Aura, Wisps, and Omega and it's none of them. I don't have any toggles on, not that you can color widows powers anyway.
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