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  1. Aye, I'm not going in to the arguments springin up either, my opinion, if anyone wants to use it?

    Invuln: A ton of synergistic potential, you have the common damage types covered, you have a good (long rech) self heal and defense and offensively, some +tohit. If you add ANYTHING (another self heal, exotic resist, recharge, a single purple, a couple defense IO's, parry, KD etc...) it becomes very strong. Psychics hurt

    Willpower: It's very difficult to enhance this properly, it is very strong on it's own, probably strong enough to do anything you need it to (against any damage type). Givin a bit of mitigation from the primary or a single purple you become very tough. However, there is a point it plateaus out, and fighting single strong enemies (for lack of strong self heal) is not it's forte. Also It's boring as hell. Click and Go If you like not doing anything, this is the set to choose, effortlessly glide to 50 and rot in the monontony of encounters.

    Regen: Incredibly dynamic, Recharge is your friend, intelligent use of MoG and timing of heals are dire. Either you're a god and you're at full health or you're dead. Of all these regen can seem ultimately the weakest (eating dirt isn't fun) but on a team setting (all the damage isn't going towards you) or fighting a fewer number of enemies (hard attacks aren't hitting as fast) and you are nigh unkillable. (If you heal faster than the opponent can damage you automatically, than they simply can't kill you) Look up point of invincibilty. Loves insps. Probably the most fun. Probably dies the most.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I'm sorry, where is this "competition" you allude to? Does the Incarnate System even work in PvP?
    I am not saying it competes, I'm saying it's an alternative way to shore up a characters weaknesses, without forcing you into heavily wentsworthizing.

    However, you CAN do both and make an ultrapowerful character.

    As for PvP... C'mon? (looks around) am I right? PvP is borked beyond all recognition, if you understand how it works, Kudos, I'm done trying to figure out new pvp, let alone plan IO builds for it.
  3. I am really coming to love the new Alpha Slot system.

    They are completely revitalizing characters that sit at 50 untouched simply because they had one or two glaring faults.

    My Fire/Cold Corruptor for example, awesome fun powers (and dual storms) but runs out of endurance constantly outside of heat loss (which will get me as often as not). This had made me do terrible things, like choosing either attack only or shield/debuff only, due to endurance issues on a fast team.

    Suddenly, cardiac. I can use artic fog, I can use leadership, AND attack/buff/debuff. I'm no more survivable but I am not constantly limited anymore.

    Best thing is F. U. IO System. You are finally able to become competitive by PLAYING THE GAME instead of sitting in a market and running back and forth between there, the crafting table, and farms. If I really want to invest in a character, IO's, sure. But finally the simply okay 'just for fun' characters can start doing any 50 content they want to and not rot away.

    Thanks for getting it right devs. Thank you.
  4. Hahah, time bomb, definitely time bomb. Two ways to get robbed and both hurt so much.

    You can either do it in the current or next spawn before team gets there and hope it goes off in time. Or you can do the only true option to make it work on a decent team. Go 3! spawns ahead and set it. Sometimes you do that and you get robbed because your team moves a little too slow and the distance causes it to not detonate or detonate wrong. And often the only time you get it right means assured death from the now angry spawn (how do you damage buff something enough to actually kill when it takes 6 hours and perfect stealth to set up?)
  5. Why would you softcap the ONLY thing you have not only reasonable, but capped resistance too?

    That is the reason it probably has not been done.


    I don't have any trouble running fire cyborg (if that's why you want this) on a sack of purple insps, mines mainly an oblit build (recharge/melee defense) The damage going out is high enough to constantly bring enough new insps to survive easily.
  6. Just a question, are you including the alpha slot in this mix? Alpha Slot = Do anything you damn well please ability. Cardiac if you need the end.

    Also, get the atlas medallion accolade. +10 endurance makes an enormous difference on your recovery since it's percent based, it's easy to pick up and I notice you do not have it (or portal jockey) activated on mids.

    Those things will get you through anything if you're afraid of it not working in the meta.
    Also, one of the bank missions gives +5 endurance for 3 days gameplay also, 72 hours gameplay is a LONG time.
  7. Great post OP, I am not a major PvPer, but pre-i13 I played regularly in sirens. Certain toons tended to fair better than others, (spines/regen for example) but all of them had a use, a trick, or a chance at winning now and then, and ALL of them performed how I would expect them to.

    At this point there are no tricks, I usually can't compete well because I simply don't understand how it all works. None of my characters powers make any sense, the resistance/defense numbers are all different so I don't know how to defend myself and my attacks either miss more or less often then I expect and never do the damage I'd think they would. Heals go away? DR Seems to decrease each time I die?

    Bottom Line
    pre-i13: I played, it wasn't always even, but I knew what I brought to the table.
    Post-i13: I only come to grab temp powers, I have no idea how my character will perform, this last to the point that even a character that might be good will be played badly enough to lose.
  8. Katten


    Energy blast, for no other reason than NOVA. You may feel unnoticed some of the time, but everyone takes notice when you go nova, and you'd better slot atleast one KB enhance in there so those resistant level 54's get blasted to seven seas just like everyone else.

    Also, power push can knock over almost any boss giving you a hard day, and as a bonus, when you're level 50, can actually knock enemies beyond the rendering distance. Second in fun only to maximizing KB in lift.
  9. (Just based on the power picks) I'm in the process of updating my spines/fire too, doubt you'd be all that interested in the build because it doesn't achieve s/l soft cap by anymeans.

    However, one thing I can say, Fire epic pool, fire blast and fireball (and to a lesser extent, ring of fire)

    After playing with fire blast a while I realized it quickly outstripped lunge in my attack chain for recharge/damage/animation and it's ranged, and I'm sure as you're aware the people left alive when you're fighting tend not to be the ones near you.

    Also, Fireball is amazing, fire ball (since it's a TAoE) can easily hit the entire spawn, is quick to activate, takes Firey embrace bonuses, and fits perfectly in with throw spines (or centered on a guy near you, spine burst). I also went ahead and stuck the ragnarok chance for knockdown in there, which is a high enough chance of knockdown as to safely mitigate at least some of the alpha on an 8 man spawn easily. (use this to cover my slightly higher vulnerability).

    So, I'm not sure what you'd like to do with the extra spots (Probably just slot mule it up) I took leadership simply so I could have vengeance, because on avenging my own death isn't enough (RoTP) I figured I ought to fit others in there as well.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
    I might have one. I know I did have a level 10 or so one, but may have used it. I will have to check my characters to see if someone is still holding it.

    How is /fire on the not dying part? What about endurance?
    Fire can seem end hungry, but after stamina and consume are slotted you'll almost always be able to finish a fight without slowing down.

    Not dying? Well the resistances almost feel like they aren't there, Healing flames is awesome though, so stack on the recharge.

    Oh yea, actually /fire, you have recharge already right? RISE OF THE PHOENIX, once you get to level 50, you will come to welcome death Sometimes I simply charge head on into AV/Strong EB fights simply so I can face them after death, once I've become invulnerable and have blown all their minions into the dusts (or stunned them for the rest of their short lives).
  11. Hey all, just freshly back in after about a year and looking to roll my first KM, just need a solid secondary now.

    Only thing I don't want to look at is /shields (animations just don't work for me, shame about that).

    So right now I'm wondering how /elec performs, I would think the damage aura would stack well with PS, the recharge would set up some extra primary damage, and the +res would work with -dam...

    However, I've never really used /elec for scrappers, actually I've never used the resistance based sets at all for scrappers (save /fire, which worked out great after IO's)

    So, does /fire or /dark beat out /elec soundly (no one talks about it on the forums much for some reason it seems like)

    Or does KM Have enough damage that things like invuln or regen or somn still feel good?

    So far, leaning towards /elec, thoughts?
  12. You have melt armor in there, I would highly, highly suggest taking fire blast rather than that.

    On my spines/fire/fire the usual chain seems to go Build Up / Firey Embrace Burst+Fireball. After that almost everything is dead, fire blast can almost replace impale (It's such a fast animation, and great damage) but both will allow you to make short work of any runners (usually an Lt. or a Boss or two). It's part of the very limited single target attack chain as well, honestly it's probably the best single target attack spines has to offer . Along with ripper.

    Melt armor now, that does like -9 res/def every 5 or so minutes? no. Not worth it in the slightest except for the cool visual.
  13. Shield Charge

    Decent Recharge, spawn shattering Telenuke, in a defense secondary, with knockdown, no crash, and in a set where you will definitely have build up, AND one of the strongest, most consistant scaling damage buffs (AAO) in the game.

    On melee toons to bat.

    Also, New Moment of Glory.

    Finally we have an I win button, even if it's only an I win for 15 seconds.
  14. Katten

    Dual Pistols

    Originally Posted by 1VB_FIST View Post
    Anyone that honestly thinks FA and RoA are overpowered has not played the set. \
    Are you out of your mind? FA, no, not necessarily over powered. But holy cow yes, RoA is overpowered, Shield Charge is Overpowered, and Lightning Rod is over powered.

    What's in common with all of these? They're all new.

    I think the dev's wouldn't allow themselves to add another ridiculously overpowered attack in to the game, as bad as that makes it look when there are now better choices.

    I consider this about equal with full auto, PBAoE is more worthwhile than FA's cone in my mind when teaming. Being centered in the spawn is not very dangerous due to teammates presence, and the greater target cap makes up for the rest of the difference.

    Yes, I've personally used every crashless nuke extensively, it's not just heresay.
    However, that said, it should probably have at least FA's recharge, and the other problems still need addressing.
  15. Katten

    Phase Question

    If you phase shift an illusionist, and they phase shift, do they come back or are they double phased out?
  16. Katten


    Just throwing it out there once more (been said many times)
    thunderclap alone = suck
    thunderclap + -def = another good area control power
    thunderclap + another stun + -def = stunned everything including bosses.
  17. (Laughs at the mention of Rularuu) yea, they can be tough on tanks.

    "Alright guys, I'm going in" (runs in to mob, but is phase shifted moments before reaching it) .... (team follows shortly after seeing enemies attack...).
  18. Keeping the advice simple - just see what lives longest on your team through a couple of spawns and start using that.

    Some teams really focus fire on bosses, this means a lieutenant is a good choice.

    Some teams have incredibly heavy AoE and/or Knockback, this means bosses are the best choice.

    Some enemies need to be taken out of the fight quickly, in those cases anchor them first.
  19. Traps/Ice, ice storm+Blizzard, who cares about endurance when all my gadgets are doing the work for me.
  20. You guys, are awesome.


    Thanks for the answers and the sweet build advice .

    I seriously thought I'd be waiting longer, but it seems there are more trappers lurking about than I'd previously imagined.
  21. I'm looking for high recharge traps builds.

    Also, two questions.

    1.) What is the recharge cap
    2.) Do acid mortars stack

    (knowing 1 will give me the answers to the main questions about how much triage overlap I can get and how many acid mortars can be out).
  22. One thing not thought of often also, ninja run + Inertial Reduction = Highest Jump CONTROL, ninja run + IR + Fly + Siphon Speed = Top speed fly, with no drifting when you turn (reacts like hover).

    I'd assume you would have the best ability to do sled runs in the game
  23. I let my traps tank for me, does that count?

    Seekers can eat the alpha better than any player, then poison gas bomb does all the rest of the work Having non IO'd 24%Def and mez protect is also useful
  24. Teleport: Agreed, Dark Astoria. Not seeing where you're going is really a pain.
    Super Speed: Terra Volta and the Shard
    Fly: Mission maps - Eats endurance in battle, travel suppression (not supported by sprint) leaves you hanging so long that it's difficult to catch up with the team, also pretty easy to drift in to upper level and side hall spawn aggro.
    Super Jump: Independence port, not because it's bad, but because it's not useful. You can't set it to auto across the entire length of the map and there's no large height changes to deal with. (I love it in the shard, because gravity geysers are fun, but air control allows you to guide yourself when they misfire you)
  25. Any powerset with buffs that need constantly renewed over the entire team (such as speed boost, and all the various shield ally sets). It doesn't matter how much I like the rest of the set, ally shields completely ruin gameplay for me, and make it so I can't even enjoy the rest of the awesome sets. I don't want to play my 50 Fire/Cold Cor just because I know I'll stress out overshielding people... and I LOVE dual rain powers.