Thunderclap is lower magnitude than stalagmites, but where it pays off well is in a build with another stun (like your earthie) so you can stack stuns for lts and bosses.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Thunderclap should be pretty easy for you to use. Just lay down Quicksand first to lower enemy defense in order to offset its lower accuracy. You could also use it right after Stalagmites to stack the stuns on top of each other to mez enemies that have resistance to stun. I get bosses that way all the time.
Too many alts to list.
It's a crime such a cool looking/sounding power is so full of suck.
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Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I've used it on both my Ice / Storm and Plant / Storm. I respec'ed out both times. My Earth / Storm uses it all the time. I'll lay down Quicksand then hit Thunder Clap and then hit Stalagmites. By then, I've stunned everyone in the area. Then I just pick them off. It's a good power, but you have to really work with it to make it worth the power pick.
Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper
Stalagmites is a mag 3 stun, able to catch Minions and Lieutenants. Thunderclap is only Mag 2, so it can only catch Minions on its own. However, fire off Stalagmites, then run in and use Thunderclap -- and you have stacked the two for a Mag 5 stun, able to get bosses.
I have it on my Earth/Storm and my Grav/Storm, which are both builds that can take advantage of stacking stuns. It is mostly not worth taking on controllers who don't have another Stun to stack.
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Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I wish they'd just bite the bullet and up Thunderclap to Mag 3. The power looks and sounds so amazing.
I used TC + Dark Pit all the time on my Storm/Dark defender. It worked fairly well on LTs, but the duration wasn't long enough. It wouldn't last an entire fight... even less on bosses. It was pretty effective on minions. However, when I only needed to worry about minions, I used Dark Pit, because it's a ranged power. When I got my epic pool, I took the hold in Psy for the LTs. That replaced TC's usefulness, for me. Still, I LOVE the look and sound of the power. If it were a mag 3 power, it would definitely be pretty sweet.
I recommend 2 acc and 2-3 disorient duration enhancements. If you use this frequently, 1-2 recharges.
I have it on my Earth/Storm and my Grav/Storm, which are both builds that can take advantage of stacking stuns. It is mostly not worth taking on controllers who don't have another Stun to stack.
It is trivial to perma too, so as long as you can get in close among your foes, you can keep all of the minions out of the fight forever. I love this and rely on it often.
But, maybe that's just me.
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"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
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"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
I am playing an Earth/Storm who has just hit 32. It's been a pretty quick and easy ride however, I am eying my lvl50 final build. Currently, I have Stalagtites and Thunderclap. I realized that Thunderclap isn't quite as good. However, I rarely notice anything when it goes off, while stalagtites almost always produces.
Any real love/hate on this power? So far I am underwhemed, but perhaps 3 slots is not enough for it. On a separate note, has anyone 4 procced freezing rain and did you like it? |
Minions do the majority of damage in many, if not most lower level to mid game mobs vs the Bosses and Lts.Mainly because they have a higher recharge rate on there 1-2 powers and do minor to moderate damage every hit.If youv ever watched a Brawler Minion fighting with a Gunner or Buckshot Lt in the Hollows.7 out of 10 times that Brawler is going to win agenst the Lt.
Minions are leveraged to do what seems to be less damage but it adds up rather quickly.They have a lack of Hit Points to off set there damage capacity.In later parts of the game the Minions and Lts most often become a bigger threat then before.Bosses are usually handled last vs being first to be nailed in late game vs early game because the Minions are alot stronger.
Thunderclap takes them out of the game long enough to either take them out, or stop them from beating down the squishies that get some agro.Namely your self if you do alot of AoE, which my Defender does.
I wouldnt bother with this power if it didnt work the way I wanted it to.
I think some of your problem with Thunderclap does indeed stem from only investing 3 slots in it, unless you've got a lot of Accuracy in those slots. Using it on Quicksand-ed mobs should mitigate some of that concern, though.
By itself, Thunderclap is less than impressive, but on an Earth/Storm, it's a key ingredient to being able to effectively lock down entire spawns (probably every other spawn, given Stalagmites' recharge).
I find it extremely useful even on its own, as long as you don't expect to be able to alpha-strike the majority of the spawn. If you've got any other method of surviving other than "I have to stun everyone with my opener or else I'm dead" then its a great power. My Illusion/Storm uses it all the time, because I've got other tools in my kit. Hurricane and Spectral Terror both allow me the leeway to then stun all the minions. Taking a bunch of minions out of the fight is golden, especially at higher levels where minions get some pretty nasty powers. My Ice/Storm uses it to great effect too. Ice slick and Arctic Air and freezing rain and other powers really let you get in and leverage the power.
It is trivial to perma too, so as long as you can get in close among your foes, you can keep all of the minions out of the fight forever. I love this and rely on it often. But, maybe that's just me. |
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Just throwing it out there once more (been said many times)
thunderclap alone = suck
thunderclap + -def = another good area control power
thunderclap + another stun + -def = stunned everything including bosses.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
I am playing an Earth/Storm who has just hit 32. It's been a pretty quick and easy ride however, I am eying my lvl50 final build. Currently, I have Stalagtites and Thunderclap. I realized that Thunderclap isn't quite as good. However, I rarely notice anything when it goes off, while stalagtites almost always produces.
Any real love/hate on this power? So far I am underwhemed, but perhaps 3 slots is not enough for it.
On a separate note, has anyone 4 procced freezing rain and did you like it?