444 -
Quote:I believe Son/Psy is one of the highest DPS'ers due to -regen and -res (+def)Does anyone else find it sad that almost nowhere in this thread is a blaster brought forth as being the best DPS (except for I think Combat's post). I mean since that's pretty much all they have to offer.
Admittedly the thread's not terribly big yet, but it's kind of sad that when someone asks for best DPS the first thought isn't, "Ohhh a blaster."
They've soloed GM's AV's and Pylons with proof. The reason they're such a rarity is probable the difficulty of getting them survivable enough to test the DPS numbers, A blaster not built for defense is likely putting out loads of DPS, it just cant calculate correctly without someone else stealing aggro, being forced to waste time mezzing the target, or running in and out of range. -
Double post, sorry.
Gravitic Flawless Radial Interface obtained.
Honestly, I MIGHT have noticed a very minor difference. It's probably doing something. The recharge was slightly noticeable, the -recovery negligible, the -secondary might be very noticeable on healer type enemies, but not in average gameplay. Especially in the midst of all the shenanigans going on at incarnate levels.
The recovery bit, problem is, I tend to drain things with attacks, then keep them COMPLETELY shutdown with shortcircuit or tesla, the tiny numbers on the interface go practically unnoticed.
Sorry for breaking any dreams, it's simply not reactive or diagmagnetic. -
Take the cheap way out, get barrier. at t4 it's 2min duration/2min rech (perma) enough to soft cap you at its weakest.
Quote:Agreed that judgment is only good, this statement however does not perfectly apply.I'd worry less about everyone having the latest GodModePower and focus more on what your character is doing for the other 89 seconds that Judgement is recharging. To me THAT is the most important part of what a character brings to the team.
What I do when MY Judgment recharges is watch the next guy use judgement, and then when that's recharging I watch the next guy use judgement, and when that's recharging, etc...
Usually when I join a mission team (not a trial where most people have them) we have on average 4 with the basic judgment now. That means 90/4, about every 22.5 seconds someone on your team has a chance to wreck a spawn (or 2!) with judgment. This is a GOOD thing, but it also means nobodies gonna go WOW anymore when you break a spawn with your t9 and crash, they'll probably just think you used judgment.
This means a shift towards people who can put out ST DPS is rising, since much of the time only bosses/lt's stand. This is also in many ways a good thing because it inspires change in an old AoE is King game. However, it also upsets people who specialize purely in AoE to define them.
Overall, the generalization allowing EVERYONE power, makes the game far better for concept characters as you can achieve power without being limited to AoE powerhouse sets. -
I've been trying to figure out the best character to leverage the incarnate system, and so far what I've come down to is spines/regen.
Alpha: Spiritual
Every spines power has a slow component, Throw Spines loves recharge. Most regen powers are clicks, both benefiting from the heal and the recharge component greatly.
Interface: Diagmagnetic
Spines is the only powerset with a damage aura in the offensive set. This allows them to leverage a constant high tohit buff to all enemies surrounding, lowering necessary defense levels.
Judgement: Not pyronic
Void for -damage, Ion for range alpha smasher/hold, cryonic for -rech and holds, it's all about slowing incoming damage.
Destiny: Barrier Core T4
A constant defense and resistance buff, along with MoG, the fighting pool and or shadowmeld, you will always have plenty of defense.
Lore: Warworks
A spines problem is singletarget damage, the warworks Victoria puts out ridiculous ST Damage itself, thus allowing even a spines to do things like AV/Pylon soloing.
If you have an AT combo you think benefits from the incarnate system more, please share.
Quote:There is one problem with this comment.If you really want to go there, Ageless makes kin's useless, especially at t4 boosts, where its perma, Rebirth makes healers useless (especially the +regen one), Barrier makes all +res and +def shields useless (again, at higher tiers once its perma) and clarity makes any mez protection useless (even toggles!)
Destiny is varied, sure each one could step on another buff classes toes pushing them over the cap, however, not everyone has a specific buff, or every buff. What I mean is, while ageless steps on a kins toes (though not as far as damage is concerned) 1/4th the amount of people have it due to each tree being a worthy pick, and 1/2 the people even have destiny because it's a step up the incarnate ladder.
On the other hand you have judgment, which ALWAYS does huge AoE damage, in every tree. It is often the first slot anyone opens due to the popularity of the B.A.F. and it does comparably or better than most blasters set defining power (the nuke) does for what you use it for.
I don't agree that it makes blasters useless, after all, you get judgment too and I LOVE judgment. However, it does go a long way toward destroying the specific roll of a blaster on a team, huge AoE damage. However, the mobs are dead. Really incarnates blur the lines with their extreme power, no one NEEDS anything anymore, and nothing matters when you have no one alive to fight, so I guess it's bad in the best possible away. -
Back to the OP here though, just to keep things focused.
Has anyone actually tested gravitic with electric blast?
It seems most of this thread is talk about when you can slot something, not the actual -recovery proc in the gravitic radial tree.
I have not, I've also never seen anyone with gravitic yet.
*Since reactive DoT proc does not trigger on caltrops, I'll be going gravitic on my elec/dev. If no one else gets back I should have an answer by tonight 4/16*
*Still haven't scored the rare I need yet for the other branch to get my t4, I hope it's worth it -
Aye, he doesn't seem to have trouble knowing when his AoE would be good to use, but his single punch and his single range he seems to get stuck on, often he'll just fire bolt after bolt after bolt even in melee range, which is bad when he just waits between recharges. Shame, his punches are so strong it'd be cool to see him work better.
Quote:No, bots are just as bad, those stupid bot minions cant get themselves to stay out of melee where they die instantly and dont optimize their narrow full auto type cone.I think you got lucky there, my Mercs on the first trial was a plain disaster. I flag them out of the melee range of the punches, they attack for 10 sec without issues.. whoomp, 3 run in without a reason, before i could flag them 'passive' they were gone.
I just wonder, Robots are base ranged too, but they suffer way less from this 'OMG I WAN MELEE!' problems that mercs have.
ALL pets are affected by stupid AI, my blasters damn gun drone which used to be practically invincible (because its quite tough and only has one ranged attack, burst) now rushes to point blank range on every enemy. Not only does it look stupid, but it gets crushed in melee, does little damage, and takes 39end and several minutes to resummon. Voltaic sentinel which only has lightning bolts does this too, but it cant be targeted, so it only suffers from the looking lame issue.
Honestly, if they fixed one thing first this issue I'd like it to be that. Just because demons work perfectly doesn't mean every other pet in the game should fail so hard. Looking STUPID takes a lot out of the games reality for me. And as for MM's, you can't dare have that issue on the new content, because the only way to combat difficulty with an MM is not brute force, it's better tactics. -
Quote:I always did think this game could stand to be more like Demon's souls. Nothing like an evil player busting into YOUR game and ruining your day for no reason.No, Virtue.
And the funny thing is, this isn't a novel bug. It's just very old. Back when Newspaper missions first showed up, you could occasionally zone in to find yourself in someone else's mission...And if they were of the opposite alignment, you could both be flagged for PvP. -
hahah, it take a little while to warm up, and not sure if you can stack it 4 times with 1 damage aura, but supplemented by some AoE on mobs that arent dead under 4 taps and yea. Well... actually healing flames of course, but still.
Quote:Yes, it's 4 total from any source. I think they did this to try and make people vary it up a bit.Ah, I missed that. That IS going to be very interesting. At the very least, the debuff is going to be a lot more reliable even with the 25% one. And since I don't have much in the way of AoE, it sounds like the Interface in my aura IS my AoE, really.
Is there a cap on fire DoTs from DIFFERENT people? Sorry I don't know anything - I don't tend to pay attention until things go live.
As for me, I have both diagmagnetic (-tohit/-regen) and reactive.
Because of the constant proc rate, I use diagmagnetic on my spines/fire (who farms at 21% defense, cause it was always possible too with super high damage). The -20% tohit on the enemies around me is like walking around with my own forcefield, I can finally do 54x8 instead of 53, the -regen is just gravy when fighting AV's on teams. -
So, at T4 (25% -res, 75%DoT) You're looking at a straight lets say 6.25% increase (from a low -res proc rate times roughly a 130% of your old damage? (about 10% total damage per tier).
Yea, that's not bad. -
Luckily not the case. I've tested this using the power analyzer on an all Dual Pistols team, using toxic ammo we were easily going all the way to -90% damage on AV's and GM's alike.
Quote:Just going to add one bit to void hereHow are you determining this.
These are the numbers:
Cryonic, Ionic, Void: 428.36 + 20% chance of 160.63 (target caps: 32, 40, 24 respectively)
Pyronic: 428.36 + 6 ticks of 80% chance of 21.42 damage (target cap: 24)
I suppose Pyronic may out-pace Ionic and Cryonic if there aren't more than 24 enemies targeted.
All these numbers, however, have very little effect on my response to the OP:
Pick whichever one looks coolest to you, they will all slaughter enemies.
The version without extra damage is 428.36 with a target cap of 32. It will apply -50% damage to all of those enemies (not a proc). Because of this it is the best debuffer to those that survive, as currently there is no way to resist -damage.
So if slaughtering your enemies is NOT the only thing you're interested in... -
Firstly, to get this one off the table. Ion chains differently than chain lightning. Enemies just need to be alive when it initially contacts, and it chains in multiple directions from each enemy, so chances are you WILL hit all your targets, since one enemy dying cant break the chain.
Well, compare the other differences then.
Pyronic Pros:
TAoE means you can use around corners
Side effect is more damage
End also can cause disorient
Visually VERY obvious
Pyronic cons:
Lower max target cap
No debuff secondary
Ion Pros:
Easy to aim, if you hit something alive you hit everything.
Higher Max target cap
Can drain significant endurance from enemies (possible detoggling)
End can cause a hold
Ion cons:
Lower damage
Not so visibly obvious in a fire fight.
Can fail if your target dies before the power connects.
Usually the target cap is a non issue, but when it is I'm sure it'd be cool to have the highest. However, 32 is still quite high.
So the real questions are "more damage or more targets" "T(location)AoE or RAAoE (Ranged attack AoE)", and lastly, and ultimately most importantly. Do you like the huge explosion or the lightning bolt more?. -
Quote:After playing lamda with a group of folks where maybe half had judgement, I'm going to say it's likely they actually put some thought into balancing around that. Dealing with the battledrone uprising just seems so right with judgement. These are the new trials after all, they had to make them tough, the possibility of completing them much easier after you get the powers makes it seem less like its verging on unfair.Which is great, if you have the new incarnate powers, which I don't (yet).
As for the BAF 9CU's, they only spawn from one door, every successful team I was on last night had a designated reinforcement killing team (spawn team) that would kill them before they could reach siege. By having a group stand there you can have them on their backs, under control, or dead before they cause trouble.
IMO, 9CU's are what overseers SHOULD have been, an enemy that is very tough to defend against that requires control to lockdown (thus making controllers and KD/KB powers have purpose in 50 content again). Overseers were messed up because they are bosses AND could fly, thus making KD useless. -
Quote:I've not had too much trouble on either of these trials, I keep a single purple popped (to take me to the new soft cap) if my team doesn't get me there and am almost always fine. As for the ball of death, NO ONE survives the ball of death, the strategy to defeating him is destroying the reinforcement portals, then destroying reinforcements as they come in (before they pile up). If reinforcements that summon those battle drones gather too greatly you're screwed if they get you first. That's why you judgement everything, they have hardly any health, and are almost guaranteed to get destroyed.The new trials are definitely hard on defense-based toons. Normal groups are (semi)-manageable, but big nasty groups like marauder's giant ball of IDF make my softcapped /SR scrapper pretty much useless, which isn't fun at all. I get that the devs are trying to make things tougher on defense-based characters, since it seems like everyone and their brother is softcapped these days, but they need to remember that there are some powersets that don't bring much except defense to the table.
Do that and you're in the gravy train again, the only thing the trials have done is require everyone use a little strategy and liberal use of the new incarnate powers. I certainly don't feel weaker, it just feels like the enemies have gotten tougher and so have you (as it should) you both have the ability to kill or get killed more quickly when the situation presents it self. -
**Edit** I had thought the WTF/WST's were going offline because they were out this week,
this thread still shows the outrageous price, but I see they resume next week, sorry for the drama**
50 Million influence
40 Incarnate Shards
1 of EACH Uncommon Incar salvage
All told that's 88 shards.
Favor of the well is two of these.
I had thought, with all these generalized powers I could make my year one character fun and powerful again (claws/sr). So I got excited enough to want to level shift it.
Guess I won't be. Thanks. I hope this is a joke. -
Quote:ah, I had thought RoF and Ice storm more even than that. If anything I suppose it leaves fire at the top even more then if it's got the superior rain strength as well.Blizzard's recharge is too long to be practical and Ice Storm deals less than half the damage of Rain of Fire (MIDs is incorrect on the RoF number, each tick deals 3.34 damage not 1.668). Ice Blast's cone deals 80% of the damage of Fire's cone in the same animation and Ice Blast does not have an equivalent to Fireball.
Maybe with Soul or Mu Mastery you could get enough viable AoEs though.
Guess I'll just leave it at the thought "blizzard would be cool to use on an ambush" and not push it far beyond that. -
Quote:I'm gonna just toss out a some reasoning to asking you those questions so you know what you may need to change.Looks like a good build but I'd like to ask a couple questions to edumacate myself:
Why only one slot in your passives?
Why two slots in Practiced Brawler in a perma-Hasten build?
You don't actually use Boxing, do you? The HO in there makes me think you do?
I like your build and was just curious about these things.
Practiced Brawler, except in rare occasions needs not be stacked, this means in a high recharge build, where you're leaving PB on auto (unless you're attentive enough NOT to) that it is actually eating both your DPS and your endurance recovery by firing way too often. Also, simple recharge IO's actually enhance recharge more, unless there's some HO mystery in that power I don't know.
You could probably save a slot here and there (such as, out of char and your travels) by slotting two IO's in each passive, you actually lose nothing doing that as you're already maxed at runspeed thanks to quickness/swift in SS, you can then replace those into either attacks (procs, the KD purple proc in fireball is quite noticeable) and various tier 6 IO sets in attacks, also slotting LoTG and serendip are great ways to build HP and regen, which is awesome on an SR.
other than that, it looks good, certainly it's still top notch and I can understand the HO in boxing for dreamings sake, but hell, why not throw in one of the absolute amazement set, it looks even prettier, funny if the proc goes off too. -
Quote:Yea, that link is totally different.(Edit: Oh, and those comments are on the previous iteration. Links don't work for me.)
How build A became build B is beyond me, but the second one (link) looks pretty much flawless while the first was definitely making me scratch my head. -
Is it possible, that in todays age of AE ambush Farming, an Ice/MM could be the highest AoE damage you could attain (rather than ice/fire, since a blaster farmer depends heavily on drain psyche to survive ambush farms)
Sure previously, Archery and fire reigned king, but that was moving spawn to 16 mob spawn. Now you are WAY over the target caps, which is one of ice's specialties with ice storm and blizzard. Also, with DP running at max capacity all the time, nuke crash is a thing of the past, and psy wail would serve decently in the down time amongst other damage.
So just how fast can a crash nuke recharge in a reasonable build, ice storm? Or would something like Arch/ Fire/ Still be faster due to inability to get recharge low enough on ice's AoE damage?
I know with a certainty Fire/MM can farm at 54, and far more quickly than the best SS/Fire brutes I've seen, but the people with those builds are incredibly rare.
(guy I ran with had softcapped S/L 54% S/L Res, and DP recharging fast enough to be constant)
It probably isn't the 'best' but I'm always a fan of unorthodox builds claiming a little niche of greatness. And at least it's a certainty it could bring bosses down fast at the end too.
*I know Build Up and Aim don't benefit storm powers as well, but you can load up on red insps before you enter, you could probably kill three spawns with a single cast. -
Quote:Considering there are many types of this nuke I am highly interested in enemy resistances, it would be quite different if the powers needed to defeat enemies came from a variety of sets (where they would be practically immune to some and vulnerable to others). That would be more in line with player armors. This would be oppose to the usual "armored against smashing lethal, sometime armored against everything else" which would give many more of a psychic type feeling (Which is pretty unique) "sometimes totally vulnerable, but plenty often practically worthless"I just want to point out that we are making assumptions on how quickly the enemy spawns will go down from these powers! We keep saying 8 ppl rotating them will all one shot the spawn and make everyone useless, but who is to say the spawns we will be fighting will actually take that much damage? I am thinking the content is going to be much more difficult, not only in level, but perhaps the enemies stats (more resistance, heals etc...) or maybe in new ways we haven't seen! Hopefully the nukes will just be a boost to teams killing speed in maps of spawns that would normally take forever without them?
Obitus -
Quote:So, if I wanted to take a powerset that would be impossible to kill, what should I take?45+% S/L/N/E/F/C DEF, 45.2% Psionic DEF
90% S/L RES, mid-30s% RES to E/N/F/C/Toxic, 9% Psi RES
~53 HP/sec regeneration, capped HP, ~52% global recharge (but no Hasten)
Obitus: Invulnerability
Me: Invulnerability? What's it have to offer in the high end others don't?
Obitus: You're invulnerable.
Me: To...?
Obitus: You are invulnerable.