gravitic radial tree?
Something I think a lot of different players are getting hung up on is the idea that they can only have one incarnate power from a single tree.
The developers have stated that their intent is that players should be able to gain several different incarnate powers, and thus be able to change up powers depending on the requirements at hand.
So yes, you can go ahead and make multiple Powers and just change those powers out depending on the situation that you are in.
I was split between Gravitic and Diamagnetic on my Elec^3 Blaster (the latter fits the concept better, the former fits game mechanics better), ended up picking Gravitic for my tier 1. Can't give much feedback so far but we'll see.
je_saist makes a good point that you can craft multiple powers, but unless and until we are given the ability to break down already-crafted powers (even if it's not a 1:1 breakdown), that will represent extra time which to some players may be prohibitive.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I'm not on an Elec/ Blaster, but I am on an Elec/Elec Dom. I'm totally going for the Gravitic. That extra -Recov proc will prove to be quite handy, especially since I've got the -END covered pretty well.
Plus a bit of -Special and -Rech never hurt.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

also, reactive has such a small debuff value attached to it, it seems to me purposely so due to -resist being the most attractive shiny. they also max out at 4 applications total (regardless of which player applies the debuff), so maybe it will be good for you to use gravitic as you'll actually get some use out of that effect while so many others take reactive.
50: Ill/Kin(A+,R,J)-1047 badges RE/Dark(A) Fire/Elec Warshade BS/Regen Necro/Poison Ice/Fiery(A+) Son/Son Bane(A) FM/DA(A) DM/Nin Grav/Icy
lvling: Inv/EM DM/Sheild Arch/MM Bane NW Elec/Earth Grav/Elec Elec/FA Rad/Ice
Paragon Elite/Rogue Elite Joined Oct 2004
also, reactive has such a small debuff value attached to it, it seems to me purposely so due to -resist being the most attractive shiny. they also max out at 4 applications total (regardless of which player applies the debuff), so maybe it will be good for you to use gravitic as you'll actually get some use out of that effect while so many others take reactive.

Originally Posted by je_saist
Something I think a lot of different players are getting hung up on is the idea that they can only have one incarnate power from a single tree.
So, I'm just going to focus on a few characters, only one of which I will bother to make multiple interfaces on.
Back to the thread topic: Has anyone actually tested the gravitic radial branch of the Interface slot? Especially paired with elec/ - is the -recov noticeable? the -special might be more useful (thematically/debuffing) on a defender, so I may go that route too.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
Also, I'm quite aware that you can make multiples... I would have to be daft to be ignorant of that point. I just have no desire to do so for 30 separate incarnates. Heck, I'll be lucky to get singles on most of them.
So, I'm just going to focus on a few characters, only one of which I will bother to make multiple interfaces on. |
Back to the thread topic: Has anyone actually tested the gravitic radial branch of the Interface slot? Especially paired with elec/ - is the -recov noticeable? the -special might be more useful (thematically/debuffing) on a defender, so I may go that route too. |
I suspect that the endurance drain would be noticeable even on an attack that doesn't natively drain endurance.
Now, as for the secondary debuff... my suspicion is that unless you have a large number of AOE attacks on hand, it won't be as noticable since many NPC's rely on stacking secondary debuffs (e.g. Arachnos, Cimerorans, Rularuu) through large mobs. Debuffing a single Cimeroran's abiltity to debuff defense won't matter when you have 15 others also debuffing defense on a single target.
The Bacon Compels You.
If you plan on changing your incarnate powers mid-mission, keep in mind there is a very large cooldown timer after you fight stuff. I have no idea how long it is, but it's so long that I've never been able to successfully switch while in a mission. It's _that_ long. I always had to exit the mission and switch outside.
Outside of a mission there is a 5 minute timer between changing out slots.
Now, that being said, I have been able to de-slot, upgrade, and re-slot while in the hospital during a Lambda Trial.
Hmm, someone really needs to change the error text if that's the case. Every time I try to switch mid-mission, it says I need to wait, not that I can't switch at all ...
The Bacon Compels You.
Hmm, someone really needs to change the error text if that's the case. Every time I try to switch mid-mission, it says I need to wait, not that I can't switch at all ...
as far as I understand the underlying system the developers decided to pursue the least bandwidth intensive solution to tracking the state of a player's ability to re-slot Incarnate Powers. As I understand the system it is a binary state:
- State A: The player can slot an Incarnate Enhancement
- State B: The player cannot slot an Incarnate Enhancement
Adding explicit text to indicate that the player cannot re-slot while inside of a mission would (likely) require setting a third state:
- State C: The player is inside of a mission
Now, my own personal opinion is that an additional state would be a nice quality of life upgrade. However, Since I'm not sure what kind of work would be required for all of the other systems that leverage the (possible) existing binary state to expand and include a Ternary state, much less whether or not the re-slot flagging is indeed based on a binary state system, I'm not entirely sure if the cost in development resources to make those changes is really going to be worth the expenditure.
That is because you can't switch in a mission.
Outside of a mission there is a 5 minute timer between changing out slots. Now, that being said, I have been able to de-slot, upgrade, and re-slot while in the hospital during a Lambda Trial. |
I crafted & changed T2->T3 Lore the other night after Marauder's cutscene in the Lambda trial.
So, there may be funky things like the trial hospitals and cutscenes (things that reset some kind of "in combat" flag, perhaps) which will allow it.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
I've slotted in mission at least once.
I crafted & changed T2->T3 Lore the other night after Marauder's cutscene in the Lambda trial. So, there may be funky things like the trial hospitals and cutscenes (things that reset some kind of "in combat" flag, perhaps) which will allow it. |
My suspicion is that reslotting is "allowed" by a flag reset after cut-scenes or death in the trial to give players a chance to swap to an Incarnate Power that might be more useful. Case in point is the B.A.F. The Gravitic Core side of the tree offers a movement speed debuff, a power effect that would be incredibly useful in the Prisoner Escape fight.
Back to the OP here though, just to keep things focused.
Has anyone actually tested gravitic with electric blast?
It seems most of this thread is talk about when you can slot something, not the actual -recovery proc in the gravitic radial tree.
I have not, I've also never seen anyone with gravitic yet.
*Since reactive DoT proc does not trigger on caltrops, I'll be going gravitic on my elec/dev. If no one else gets back I should have an answer by tonight 4/16*
*Still haven't scored the rare I need yet for the other branch to get my t4, I hope it's worth it
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Double post, sorry.
Gravitic Flawless Radial Interface obtained.
Honestly, I MIGHT have noticed a very minor difference. It's probably doing something. The recharge was slightly noticeable, the -recovery negligible, the -secondary might be very noticeable on healer type enemies, but not in average gameplay. Especially in the midst of all the shenanigans going on at incarnate levels.
The recovery bit, problem is, I tend to drain things with attacks, then keep them COMPLETELY shutdown with shortcircuit or tesla, the tiny numbers on the interface go practically unnoticed.
Sorry for breaking any dreams, it's simply not reactive or diagmagnetic.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Double post, sorry.
Gravitic Flawless Radial Interface obtained. Honestly, I MIGHT have noticed a very minor difference. It's probably doing something. The recharge was slightly noticeable, the -recovery negligible, the -secondary might be very noticeable on healer type enemies, but not in average gameplay. Especially in the midst of all the shenanigans going on at incarnate levels. The recovery bit, problem is, I tend to drain things with attacks, then keep them COMPLETELY shutdown with shortcircuit or tesla, the tiny numbers on the interface go practically unnoticed. Sorry for breaking any dreams, it's simply not reactive or diagmagnetic. |
I got it the other night as well, just forgot to post. I went with the -50% speed, -50% rech branch, t3. I'll probably get my t4 made in a day or two, as I've slowed down doing trials on that alt (my crab) now. I'm going for t4 just because I'm stubborn. Reactive would benefit me more in just about every situation, and Diamagnetic would probably help at keeping my pets alive.
BUT. The first thought I can recall myself having when I heard about the idea behind the incarnate powers was "I want a proccing -spd on my crab!" (Perhaps a little weird, but hey, it is what it is).
The -special might be useful against AVs with heavy control or debuff? It's a fairly rare debuff to have access to (Weakness & Benumb are the other major access points - both at -74.5% (def/mm), IIRC), so is somewhat useful from that angle. If it gives you at least -10%, then you would reliably be able to contribute half a Weakness or Benumb to AV fights - that's pretty sizeable.
Running the power analyzer temp on some DE & Freak bosses showed that it tends to cut their run speed from 14mph down to 12ish. The -rech shows too, and stacks with my pets web grenades, but is probably not doing a whole lot for me. Who knows, maybe it helps out a little on team AV fights.
One thing is for certain: The gravitic debuff is visually very noticeable on enemies - so even if it's not having any kind of useful effect, it *looks* like I'm doing something.
Please devs, bump this up to at least -15-20% speed per stack?
I just did some checking, and the maximum -rech for enemies is -75%, and this causes their powers to take 4x as long to recharge, which is pretty significant. Of course it doesn't stop that first swing BUT there may be cases where a -40% debuff (~1.6x as long to recharge. -50%=2x, -67%=3x, -75%=4x) may be significant.
STILL. I want more -spd!]
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
That's the thing about gravitic, They obviously wanted small numbers for interface as to not break the game, but these are debuffs that are generically VERY high in order to have an effect.
-recovery and -regen are extraordinarily high% debuffs in this game, due to the only really noticeable effect of them on your average mob (non AV) being when that attribute is reduced to 0%. The problem is, while these numbers might be on the 'low enough to only come into play vs AV's' scale (that they might be aiming for) AV's largely resist debuffs and have extraordinarily high regen and recovery. This means that the old numbers still make sense, unless they are unresistable debuffs.
So the question then is, are interface debuffs unresistable. The answer I've seen is no. I might be wrong there.
As for the movement speed debuff? That's actually decent IF you can stack it 4 times, the thing is, the powers that stack super quickly tend to be pseudopets (caltrops, rains, patches etc) those already can be slotted to cap -movement rates. Damage aura's are good at this too, but no one with a damage aura is going to prefer this when they could be instead doing more damage (reactive) or Debuffing tohit(Diagmag). The only exception I can think of is an ice tanker, because they could stack -rech, -movement speed, and -rec on top of chilling embrace and EA.
And for all these comments about benumb and -secondary effects being great. That's not why people love benumb, though it's definitely a bonus when it applies (rarely), but people love benumb because of the ENORMOUS -damage/-tohit/-regen it gives. Basically, it's an AV neutralizer in a single power.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Has anyone tried this, especially on an elec/* blaster?
I'm looking for an alt that could get some mileage out of this particular tree, and it seems like the -special would be handy in teams vs. avs, and the -recov is kinda helpful to an elec.
I suspect I'll wind up going reactive, but I thought I'd check.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata