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  1. Edit - nice idea for a thread!

    I actually prefer what my wife could put together with her 5 lvl 50's.

    Dark/Electric Brute
    Sonic/Sonic Defender (A3)
    Ice/EM Tank (A1)
    Grav/Kin Controller (A2)
    Earth/Rad Controller (A -hmm, not sure)

    The tank is amazing at aggro control. The Earth controller can handle spawns herself, wit the grav and sing as backup control. The Sonic will cap the Brute to most stuff.

    I initially thought the group was low on damage, but nope. The Brute will be in heaven with sonic buffs, Fulcrum shift, AM and Speed Boost. Tack on a resist debuff toggle....

    Mmmmm - very nice. Only real complaint is AOE damage.

    I've got 7 lvl 50's.

    Bots/Dark MM
    Fire/Shield Scrapper (A3)
    Fire/EM Tank (A3)
    BS/WP Scrapper (A3)
    Bane Spider
    MA/Regen Scrapper (A2)
    Ice/Energy Blaster

    Well, I don't have to worry much about damage! Fortunately, I build my scrappers to be self-sufficient, so the SOA buffs and dark should be able to handle things. The Ice blaster is a nice single target controller. The big thing is between the Fire Tank, the Fire scrapper and the BS scrapper, spawns would melt.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Farmer View Post
    I know how to make the enemies, but im having issues getting the map setup. Anyone out there that can help me i'd really appreciate it.
    I would have thought Abandoned Tech, but none seem to fit.
  3. Glad to see that it's coming out soon.
  4. Jetpack

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    Because, it's been a week since the beta server even got a patch, and the last patch it got looks like it only added language localization.

    It's been four months since i19 launched and i20's been languishing in a quasi-clopen-limited beta for a while now. Honestly, it feels past due, so if tomorrow's downtime isn't for i20, there better a major unknown-to-the-players-show-stopping-bug because otherwise it looks to me like the devs are just sitting on it and holding it back for some arbitrary reason like 'marketing timing'.

    Heck, I don't even like i20, but I want it out because I'm already sick of it and want to move forward.

    This post is right on.

    Just release it already. Call it an early anniversary present, if you have to justify doing so.
  5. I think a Carnie pack would be one of the most popular ever.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    As an alternative, my recommendation for a group bane would be to take advantage of the second build and make that one a huntsman for grouping and use the mace based bane purely for solo - thats what I did and it works very well. The huntsman is an awesome group support character who focuses on AoE damage and group buffs. A huntsman can also sofcap ranged damage fairly easily, which means they can put any extra +def towards AoE and leave melee def at the base values, since you are a ranged expert. When solo you can switch to the mace build and focus that build on high single target damage and melee def.
    This I would agree with.
  7. Venom grenade is skippable.

    You can do quite well without it.
  8. I hope the OP comes back to this thread. I'd like to know his results.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    One of the last few remaining movie stars.

    Yup, very sad day.
  10. Looking better and better - loved Howard Stark checking Cap out.
  11. I don't think there was ever much Hero/Villain conflict.

    Most of us play both sides, depending on the mood at the time.
  12. Jetpack

    Future of CoX..

    Originally Posted by slainsteel View Post
    The way the game is going, if things remain with the 'same' focus, I give it 2 years, at most. People 'will' get tired of running the same content over and over again and getting tons of characters to 50 and Alpha'ed out.
    No offense, but we have heard that crap since release about the same content.

    Game is going on 7 years now and all they have done is add more and more options and content.
  13. As this is such an odd thread, I'd really like to see screenshots also.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Baarogue View Post
    There's no secret. They're just bad players. Some out of ignorance, others out of laziness, still others out of some selfish, false-prideful refusal to do what they perceive as "conforming", which is really just ignorance in another skin. Playing badly doesn't make anyone a unique snowflake, and nobody's proving anything by doing end-game content with a trash build.

    When you're leader of the team, and it's a non-trivial task you're trying to organize, exercise your authority to pick and choose your teammates. If they get turned down from enough stuff they want to do because of their lack of skill, maybe they'll change. More likely though, they'll just slither into another team and leach off them instead.

    Because after all, remember their war-cry, "it's my $15 and I'll play how I want!!1" ... without a care in the world that they're worsening everyone ELSE's paid-for playtime.
  15. Not a fan of the outfit.

    Looks like a cosplay outfit.
  16. They revised the warehouse maps, recently. That revision added the lag room of death.

    I would love it if they went away, but that won't happen.

    All we can do is hope they dial it back at some point.
  17. So I pulled out a Praetorian (originally) Brute in Talos and got a scanner mission. Stop a bank robbery.

    Cool, love those. Short mission, love the bank robbery theme.

    It takes me to AE.

    It was a normal mission. No ticket drops. But it used the AE mission door.

    Anyone else have this happen?
  18. If you like doing damage, you will love your Fire/Shield scrapper. Did an ITF with mine a couple nights ago to get my notice, and she did quite well.
  19. Sticking jetpacks in Vet rewards would be terrible.

    Give out all the costumes parts.
  20. I'd pay for extra costume slots if they were an account unlock, not per character.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    I agree with you, he's the most sympathetic of the bunch. Possibly because I can identify with his frustration at how shiny-chasers with ADD are rewarded while people who want things done right are ignored....
    I know it's why I like Anti-Matter.
  22. While hopeful of a new Conan movie, I'll need to see it to have a real opinion.

    though 3D isn't encouraging.
  23. Hmm, I hope they don't change the female walk animation. Looks nice.

    Unfortunately, CO is doing a street clothes pack. May ensure we don't get one.
  24. I blame all of you.

    Now I'm hungry.

    Mmm crackers....
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    (probably because my other toons are undercutting me.)
    I found this far more funny, than I probably should have.