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Adding in more powers/AT/content is always good in my book
Ahh...another thread where no matter what, leads a heated debate about farming issues. Guess it has ruined the forums now too. Time to nerf the forums
Great powers require greater responsibiliy. If played correctly, it can be an advantage to ur team, especially for mitigation. Otherwise it can really piss ppl off
Beggers can't be choosers. It is difficult enough to create a team these days. If you dont have a full team in like 5 mins, ppl will start quitting. Once a person quits, it usually causes a chain reaction and you start from scratch again. In my experience, the faster the team forms, the better chance it has to stay together. Since I love to team, blind invites cant come soon enough.
As many has mentioned, Aid Self is a must bc I mostly need to fire it off in the sticky agro situations and reducing interupt time means a matter of life or death. Also, adding it in snipe is not bad bc the AI in mobs sometimes notice your about to snipe and try to hit you to stop it. But in any case it is an optional enhancement and most can get along just fine without it.
If ur like me, the only skilz you need is to be able to play while intoxicated
Probablly just as bad as trying to list a selling price but acutally typing it in the bidding price box. I still make that mistake sometimes as well as typing extra digits
it happened with someone that took the inf and ran on a trade for a lotg +rech a few months ago while there was still the trade bug that kept saying inventory full even though it wasn't; there was a thread about it.
[/ QUOTE ]Exploiting a bug to steal inf is entirely different from stealing inf through social engineering. No GM is going to take action on you for accepting an inf trade.
[/ QUOTE ]
I said "if the GM is feeling charitable"; it is a similar situation (chat discussion logged for a trade/barter agreed to where one side pays and is not provided recompense) if they decide to look at it from that perspective. If they're not feeling charitable they'll treat it how the do inf transfers where the person just pockets it and runs off while you're switching, say "don't give inf to people you don't know/trust", and close the ticket.
Personally I'd bet on the latter, but it's just not worth the hassle on the off chance that the GM decides to be nice.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wouldnt this be like calling the cops to report that someone came into your backyard and stole all the marijuana plants? The Devs should not even care bc it shouldnt be happening. -
I have a Elec/Elec/Elec 50. Not the greatest aoe potential but makes up for it in your pbaoe potential. You will be fighting close to melee range most of the time to maximize your powers and endurance will never be a problem once your high lvl. Combine ranged and close attacks along with all the endurance drains means eazy breezy for your team. But dont forget that you will get one shotted if you get caugh slippn while you pbaoe.
I have also seen many times whole group of mobs just appear and disappear when in MA. Dunno if its all the lag causing it but really annoying nevertheless.
I hate to imagine double xp in MA with its aready accelerated lvling speed. It would make evey mish meow like in terms of rewards. I personally wouldnt mind if it only applied outside of AE. It would bring the much needed spark back into the regular content.
If your lvl 20+, get off ur lazy a$$ and help fight. Stamina is there for a reason. Leechers that PL is whats ruining this game, not the farmers. At least farmers learn how to use thier skills.
To the OP,
My views were exactly the same when I first started on trial, except it was on Villians side. What really sold me on this game was when you team up with 7 other players and run missions. Very entertaining. So entertaining in fact that I brought the game in just about 6-7 days because it was so much fun I had to get past lvl 14 to try new powers. Thats just me though, you can always start another character if you reach the trial cap. My advice is to have fun and team up whenever you can if solo is not your thing. Welcome and hope you stick around. -
Im a Blaster guy myself, have three 50s and bunch of alts. It has more clickable powers in both primary and secondary power sets. Just takes longer for me to get bored. But dont get me wrong, just started to give Scrappers a try and i must say that they are a force to be reckoned with. They are solo dps machines and can drop a boss in no time w/o even worrying about health.
It seems to me that the term "Farming" is the same as a Rorschach test. People will see it thier way no matter what others think. Some might see farming as the devil while others see a way of obtaining thier goals. Either way it will exist. That said, farmers are not the problem, its the ppl that keep complaing about the issue who are
There is a auto sk 20 sewer map called Sewersteam. Its like 3 or 4 mish arc. Its perfect for thoes that find themselves missing the sewers on redside.
If u fake DC in MA, wont the group see you come back on the team window?
I have seen many disconnects during mishes and always wondered how thy pull it off. Sometimes if you crash, the toon will freeze and see a timer count down to disconnect. I have also seen toons just disappear without a trace. Do they just quit the game to desktop or unplug the internet. Is there a way to tell a fake dc froma legit one?
Yea, Cap is kinda like Atlas where you have toons from all lvls lfts. I would still work my way there since most ppl are 20+
Arch/ MM, my current project, if speced and enhanced right, very fun and powerful. A tru farm mobs nightmare
If PVP was as fun as those other games, it would definetly extend the life of my 50s, although one can only dream so much.
Usually my rule of thumb is if you go into a mish, especially if its MA, visit the inspiration vendor and make some wakies. If for some odd reason you cant rez urself, ask your teammates for help to make one. If you die while a fight is ongoing, then waiting it out is sometimes fine, but if everyone dies or the fight is over and no one can help, the pls hosp it. Nothing worse than a dead toon who wont hosp and leech xp until they lvl rez.
Dang, that can get pretty expensive compared to all the possible combinations of alts you can make. I guess ill have to delete some lowbie toons that are just trying to get alcolades
Since I have been playing this game for almost 6 months, I am having an issue most ppl have at this stage, needing more slots. My question is that I have filled up my slots on a server, but there is a redeem slots button below. When I click it it asks me that this will be permanent and all that stuff but is it free? It says I have 2 slots available but I dont want to click it and be charged any $. Noobish question I know, but can anyone help?