No new calendars/double xp status
There used to be calendars (I realize they're still there, just that they're dated now) for all the events being held and all the developers birthdays and such. When are we going to see some new calendar to let us know what friday/weekend to take off of work so we can get us some double xp
Or is double xp a thing of the past?
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You'd have to ask the Devs. They don't post here though.
I hate to imagine double xp in MA with its aready accelerated lvling speed. It would make evey mish meow like in terms of rewards. I personally wouldnt mind if it only applied outside of AE. It would bring the much needed spark back into the regular content.
I have resorted to making my own calendars, but there are no events on them. lol
I use them as my desktop image, and also print them out to write down events on my server.
May 2009 CoH Calendar
June 2009 CoH Calendar
I still have to make July's. I'll be doing it either tomorrow, or this weekend at the latest.
x2 XP is probably gone
I doubt that double XP is dead. But I suspect that announcing them a year in advance probably caused them all kinds of scheduling conflicts when things got pushed back/moved forward, but DXP and other events were already set in stone on the calendars.
Expect them to be mystery events announced a week or two in advance, just like they used to be.
I liked the early announcements too. It's too bad that there's too many pitfalls involved in the early announcement.
x2 XP is probably gone
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Issue 14: Architect is one really long 2XP weekend.
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I have resorted to making my own calendars, but there are no events on them. lol
I use them as my desktop image, and also print them out to write down events on my server.
May 2009 CoH Calendar
June 2009 CoH Calendar
I still have to make July's. I'll be doing it either tomorrow, or this weekend at the latest.
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they really need to put a portal or something to that room....
I have resorted to making my own calendars, but there are no events on them. lol
I use them as my desktop image, and also print them out to write down events on my server.
May 2009 CoH Calendar
June 2009 CoH Calendar
I still have to make July's. I'll be doing it either tomorrow, or this weekend at the latest.
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they really need to put a portal or something to that room....
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I really think they should just open up access to the "Matrix Room" via the Arena, as it was meant to be in the first place. The functionality is already there. All they have to do is turn it on.
I have resorted to making my own calendars, but there are no events on them. lol
I use them as my desktop image, and also print them out to write down events on my server.
May 2009 CoH Calendar
June 2009 CoH Calendar
I still have to make July's. I'll be doing it either tomorrow, or this weekend at the latest.
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they really need to put a portal or something to that room....
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I really think they should just open up access to the "Matrix Room" via the Arena, as it was meant to be in the first place. The functionality is already there. All they have to do is turn it on.
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Wow I've never seen that, that looks pretty cool!
x2 XP is probably gone
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I think so too.
I have resorted to making my own calendars, but there are no events on them. lol
I use them as my desktop image, and also print them out to write down events on my server.
May 2009 CoH Calendar
June 2009 CoH Calendar
I still have to make July's. I'll be doing it either tomorrow, or this weekend at the latest.
[/ QUOTE ] I don't mean to resurrect this topic because there have been many other 2xp threads recently...
I just wanted to update that July was getting too close, so I decided to finally throw together a new calendar real quick. I hope you like it:
July 2009 CoV Calendar
(By the way, the resolution of my calendars are all 1280x960, which is intended to fit a standard sheet of paper when printed out. As a desktop display, I recommend using the "Position: Center" option, and using dark red or dark blue as the background desktop color. This prevents any stretching or distortion, and gives it a nice "framed" appearance.)
And just another quick bump for a super-early edition for next month:
August 2009 CoV Calendar
(Also, I didn't realize photobucket was resizing my images smaller, so I finally upgraded and fixed the resolution to it's intended size and quality. I fixed July also.)
And to keep this on topic.. Double XP is back! lol
x2 XP is probably gone
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I think so too.
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From the front page of the website:
Double XP Save The Date
Save The Date - Next Double XP Weekend July 31st- August 2nd!
We know you've been waiting to hear so that you can meticulously craft your plan of attack! So go ahead - take off work, ignore all of your other responsibilities and stock up on easily grab-able snacks and beverages - we won't tell anyone! Just make sure to save the date because the next City of Heroes® Double XP weekend will begin Friday, July 31st 2009, at 8:59am PST (11:59am EST) and concludes Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 8:59pm PST (11:59pm EST). Don't miss out!
[/ QUOTE ]
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Well, double XP is finally almost here, and so is another one of my monthly Calendars. lol
I have the next 2 months completed and included the links to them in my Sig as well.
August 2009 CoV Calendar
August displays the Leviathan's Tomb that you encounter during Mako's Story Arc.
September 2009 CoH Calendar
September's calendar features "Hero 1's Time Capsule" from the [u]Return of the Reichsman Task Force[u], complete with plaque text.
There used to be calendars (I realize they're still there, just that they're dated now) for all the events being held and all the developers birthdays and such. When are we going to see some new calendar to let us know what friday/weekend to take off of work so we can get us some double xp
Or is double xp a thing of the past?
Pinnacle Heroes: Ilconke lvl 50 En/En Blast, Pane lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank, Kimil'Lee Draco lvl 50 Ill/Kin Troller, Blackest Blackness lvl 38 DA/DM Tank, il lvl 35 PB
Pinnacle Villains: X lvl 50 Claw/Nin Stalker, Knumbskull lvl 42 Elec/Elec Brute, Metal Master lvl 35 Bot/Bub MM, X'ile lvl 32 Mind/Psi Dom