What should i begin with
Try an Energy Blaster, you get to see stuff fly!

I'd agree. Try a blaster. My first characters were a Fire/Fire and Elec/Elec. Energy Blast is a very good choice for starters. Knockback's fun, it looks cool and you get some good single target powers by level 6.
Blasters peak pretty early on, and give you a fast fun playstyle with good visual fx. Scrappers take longer to get into their groove somewhere in the 20s, which can be a long time for a first character.
Plus, you'll appreciate the extra surviviability if you make a scrapper second after playing a blaster.
Let me ask, though - what did you find boring about the claws scrapper? Was it a lack of flashy powers? Claws does get some pretty acrobatic and neat special effects, but those come later on.
If you want flash and bang early, though...yeah, I agree. Try a blaster. You get to throw energy, fire, electricity, whatever around.
Just to clarify - 'knockback' means to send enemies flying through the air. This game has ragdoll mechanics, so you get to see bad guys spin, flail and go WHEEEEEE over the horizon when hit.
Energy Blast does a lot of knockback - if you go with the Energy secondary also, that's a lot of knockback.
It can be very dramatic and cool.
Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix
well, i'm trying dual blades scrapper now, does those dual blades also get some nice looking powers?
"Nice looking" is incredibly subjective. Afterall, someone had to have thought that the original look of Sonic was nice looking. I keed... Dual blades is very cool looking in my opinion. It is not, however, flashy in the sense of bright colors and explosions. That said, I like watching the set in action, YMMV.
Dual Blades is a very stylish set, but it's also the most complicated melee set, since it has combos, so it might not be best for beginners. Granted, it's still not very complicated, but it is the closest that attack sets get to complicated.
And welcome to Paragon.

As Thirty7 said, 'nice-looking' depends on your tastes.
But Dual Blades is a newer powerset with fancier animations than most. You've already seen the first couple powers by now - that's a good indicator of what to expect. A Dual Blade user dances, spins, twirls, and swings pointy objects a lot.
Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix
I find energy melee to be a lot of fun but scrappers don't have access to it. Fiery melee is splashy though.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Fire/fire blaster.
Energy/ blasters are fun, but until you learn a little bit about knockback and how to "use" it, you might upset quite a few teammates who don't appreciate you knocking targets out of their attack range. If you're planning to mostly solo though, then go for it.
On the other hand, the best way to learn is by doing, so as long as you don't mind getting some grief from teammates until you learn to optimize the use of knockback, go for the Energy blaster and blow those bad guys away!
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
If you want flashy and "OOooooo" "Ahhhhhhh" effects then ditch your scrapper and roll up a blaster!
Most of the scrapper sets are more about 'arresting' quickly and not so much about the visuals...
I'm afraid if you found claws to be boring that early, none of the scrapper sets will keep your interest.
Don't read so much into the 'Very weak' description of blasters, once you know what your doing they can be very survivable.
Also.... Paragonwiki.com is your friend.
Learn it.
Love it.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I too always suggest blasters for new players, especially in Trial accounts where I know they won't top 14th level.
But... but my claws scrapper has some pretty nifty moves. I love the twirling Get Them All! attack (I forget the name off the top of my head). Then again my very artsy katana scrapper is even cooler... she rocks and Lotus Drops is very neat.
Im a Blaster guy myself, have three 50s and bunch of alts. It has more clickable powers in both primary and secondary power sets. Just takes longer for me to get bored. But dont get me wrong, just started to give Scrappers a try and i must say that they are a force to be reckoned with. They are solo dps machines and can drop a boss in no time w/o even worrying about health.
I also love playing blasters. Especially on a good team they're extremely satisfying to play and have some great-looking powers. However, if you like to solo, a scrapper hass a much easier time of it.
Villain-side, Corruptors are pretty awesome. They have blaster primaries and defender secondaries. So for example, a Fire/Dark corruptor does great damage and has a pretty amazing bag of tricks for either soloing or being on a team. If i15 (the next game update) releases soon, you might also try a Dominator. They have a cool mix of control and damage.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
If you want a flashy scrapper set, go with martial arts. Trust me on this one. Make sure to take willpower or regen as your secondary as they are the easiest starter sets.
Blasters are definitely the other good starting hero archetype. Don't go with controllers or defenders as your first character.
hi guys,
I am looking for a good starting character to get a good impression of the game with.
I tried scrapper with claws, but that started getting boring pretty fast. Now i am looking for a fun combination to begin with. Help me out here please.
Thanks already